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Organisation Structure How & who the structure of the business organisation works and its effects.

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Presentation on theme: "Organisation Structure How & who the structure of the business organisation works and its effects."— Presentation transcript:

1 Organisation Structure How & who the structure of the business organisation works and its effects

2 What is the organisation structure? The shape of the organisation Demonstrates the layout of the various functions/departments within the organisation Helps to make the organisation more efficient Indicates the hierarchy –Chain of command of the business Demonstrates the lines of communication

3 Organisation Charts Used to illustrate the structure of: – The business – Function/department – Produced in a basic form- boxed format or captions – Indicates the relationship between individuals and the line of communication Vertical lines – different tiers/ levels Horizontal lines – positions at the same level within the function or department


5 Data and information flow within the organisation structure The structure effects the accounting system determining the role of the accounting & payroll function (departments) – How and whom the information is collected – How the information is sent down the chain of command and across the different boundaries – How the information is processed and presented – How the information meets the various needs within the organisation

6 Reporting lines The job description sets out the reporting procedure for the job role – What tasks you are required to complete – Whom you complete work for – To whom you are accountable to – Who you should refer questions to Reporting lines may differ dependent on the size of the organisation – Small business – only report to the owner – Large business – complex structure involving more than one site or department

7 Identifying reporting lines Day-to day basis - a designated supervisor /line manager Line manager could be head of department Has direct authority over personnel or activities in the line of command In accounts department likely to be: – Accountant – Financial controller – General office / admin manager

8 Continuation Working on a particular project – report to project manager – Checking supplier invoices for specific project One off occasions – report to the requester (agreed with line manager) – Sales manager requesting breakdown of sales over specific timescale Organisational policies & procedures – report to the policies manager – Identify health and safety issues in the work place

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