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Local Economy Flintshire Business Week 2015 Colin Everett, Chief Executive.

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Presentation on theme: "Local Economy Flintshire Business Week 2015 Colin Everett, Chief Executive."— Presentation transcript:

1 Local Economy Flintshire Business Week 2015 Colin Everett, Chief Executive

2 A Global ‘Local’ Economy »International market and political conditions »Pan-UK economic policy reach and impacts »Welsh Government-UK Government mutuality »East-West connectivity »Mersey Dee Alliance as a sub-region »The Northern Powerhouse ‘pull-push’ effect

3 Local Strengths and Resilience »Diverse economic sectors business base »Anchor companies and supply chains »Procurement and supply chains »Geographical position and connectivity »Workforce and skills match »United public-private effort for common purpose

4 Economic Opportunities and Threats »Divergence in English and Welsh policy »Limits of infrastructure capital investment »English regional devolution and LEPs »Welsh DEZs with Deeside as the flagship »Southern Welsh City Regions »The EU membership referendum

5 UK Fiscal Policy: Truths and Myths »The public sector as a fiscal ‘drain’ »Wealth creation the domain of business sector »National debt the primary indicator »‘Austerity’ being a sustainable model »The taxation-public expenditure-welfare triangle

6 UK Fiscal Policy: Impacts »Reductions in education expenditure »Reductions in further education expenditure »Welfare and employment support »Infrastructure maintenance »Capital investment »Community and people services

7 Public Services: Social Value »Skills for life and for work »Welfare support »Social services »Housing »Community services »Community cohesion

8 Public Services: Economic Value »Economic strategy »Business support »Procurement »Infrastructure »Transport planning »Enabling regulatory functions

9 Future Thinking »‘City Region’ recognition »Greater regional and local devolution »Unified UK-Welsh economic policy »Capital investment in infrastructure »Skills planning and investment to meet need »Public-private parity of esteem in economic thinking and policy

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