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22 GRAMMAR RULES Mr. McCoy Topeka West High School Spring 2009.

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1 22 GRAMMAR RULES Mr. McCoy Topeka West High School Spring 2009

2 There/Their/They’re 1. Use there, their, and they’re appropriately.  There – position or place  You can go there tomorrow.  There – word used with non-action verb  There are many ways to solve this problem.  Their – possessive pronoun  Can you hand me their papers?  They’re – contraction of they and are  They’re going to be here tomorrow  (Do not use “they’re.” Write out the two words.)

3 Practice 1. Where are Mark and Sally? ______ over there. 2. They've forgotten ______ bags. 3. ______ is no soap in my bathroom. Could you send some up please? 4. ______ are several mistakes in this document. 5. I've met them before but I don't know ______ names. 6. I don't know who they are but I think ______ German. 7. Look at the smiles on ______ faces. 8. I don't think ______ coming. 9. I wonder if ______ going to come. 10. From the look on ______ faces, they're not very happy.

4 1. Practice (Continued) 11. The employees say that ______ not very happy about working over the Millenium. 12. Where are Fred and Steve? Over ______. 13. I like visiting London but I wouldn't want to live ______. 14. They cannot decide. They can't make up ______ minds. 15. Do you think ______ going to accept our offer? 16. ______ are two reasons why I am against this idea. 17. IBM have increased ______ profits by 20%. 18. I know ______ considering buying a new computer system. 19. ______ is no reason for me to stay. My job is finished. 20. The students are happy. They've finished ______ homework.

5 Your/You’re 2. Use your and you’re appropriately. Even though you're and your sound the same, they mean two very different things.  You're – contraction of "you are.” Remember to write out contractions.  "You're cute.”  Your – possessive adjective. It describes a noun by telling us to whom it belongs  "I love your new dress!" (The dress belongs to you.)

6 Bellwork #3 – Your/You’re 1. ________ right! This pizza is awesome. 2. _______ collar has come undone. 3. _______ the best friend in the whole wide world. 4. _______ dog needs to quit peeing on the carpet. 5. Why is my car parked in _____ garage? 6. Tomorrow, ______ going to find out. 7. My fears were calmed by ________ email yesterday. 8. The dessert was made by ______ mother? 9. _______ going to regret this someday. 10. Somebody better fess up soon or else _______ taking the blame.

7 Its or It’s 3. Use its and it’s appropriately.  Its is a possessive pronoun The dog bit its owner.  It’s is a contraction It’s a bit rainy outside today. Remember to write out contractions to avoid the problem. “It is a bit rainy today.”

8 Bellwork #4 - its vs. it’s 1. The dog would not let go of _____ bone. 2. Tomorrow _____ supposed to be sunny. 3. ______ a big game for the team. 4. The cup fell out of _____ holder. 5. _____ about time he grew up. 6. The car stopped having _____ problem. 7. The team finally shook ____ bad luck. 8. ____ time you went to bed. 9. ____ Monday not Sunday. 10. Pick up the paper, I know _____ yours.

9 Bellwork Quiz #1  Get out a blank sheet of paper and add the proper heading:  Name  Hour  “Bellwork Quiz #1”  4 September 2009

10 Bellwork Quiz #1 On a blank sheet of paper, give the following information: 1. Bellwork #1, Sentence 2 2. Bellwork #2, Sentence 15 3. Bellwork #3, Sentence 4 4. Bellwork #4, Sentence 5 5. Conflict Notes – List three different types of external conflict. 6. List the five parts of the plot line.

11 Bellwork #5 – Compare/Contrast  Compare - List three similarities between “Two Kinds” and “Marigolds”. 1. 2. 3.  Contrast - List three differences between “Two Kinds” and “Marigolds”. 1. 2. 3. Use a Venn Diagram if desired.

12 Writing Prompt #1  In a complete paragraph with a topic sentence and at least 5 supporting sentences, respond to one of the following prompts. Please double space your response.  Describe one event you have witnessed or action that you have taken that has changed your vision of the rest of your life. How has your life view changed?  “One cannot have innocence and compassion.” Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Explain.

13 Bellwork #6  Do not use the pronouns “you” or “your” when writing exposition or persuasion.  Correct the following sentences by replacing the pronoun with a specific noun. 1. You wouldn’t want to eat moldy bread. 2. Some believe you could go into hysterics. 3. You can not have innocence and compassion. 4. The lions in the forests can hurt you. 5. Lack of detail can make your writing poor.

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