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 GENERAL RULE “Employees shall protect and conserve Federal property and shall not use it for other than authorized purposes.” 5 CFR 2635.101(b)(9)

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3  GENERAL RULE “Employees shall protect and conserve Federal property and shall not use it for other than authorized purposes.” 5 CFR 2635.101(b)(9)

4  Crimes (theft, child porn, wire fraud)  Commercial Activities  Establishment of Religion  Political Activities  Interference with Mission  Activity reflects adversely on DoD (EEO violations, extremist org, sexist activity) THIS IS YOUR NOTICE … NO EXCUSES!!!

5  Activity must not detract from performance of official duties  Activity must be REASONABLE in duration and frequency  Activity must use personal time  No significant cost to DoD

6  Mission Essential, or  Formal Recognition (by regulation or statute), or  Necessary for the performance of agency programs, policies or operations.

7  Genuine personal emergency  When approved during extended deployments to contact family

8  Limited personal communication No adverse impact on official duties Reasonable duration Does not adversely affect office Does not overburden communication systems

9  Any official or personal communication may be monitored Email notes Internet searches Telephone conversations

10  Nothing requires a person to accept a gift - you may ALWAYS decline!

11  Why is gift being offered?  What is a gift?  Who or what is a prohibited source?  Is acceptance of any offer from a prohibited source improper?  What do I do now?

12  Official position or personal capacity sometimes the line becomes blurred  Official position gift rules apply  Personal capacity exercise caution appearance concern

13  Gift any item of monetary value  “non-gifts” little intrinsic value intended solely for presentation coffee and donuts discounts or offers made to class/group

14  Does business with Army  Seeks to do business with Army  Conducts activities that Army regulates  Interests may be substantially affected

15  Professional associations  Non-profit organizations  Educational institutions  State and Local governments/agencies  Defense contractors ◦ contractor personnel

16  Contractor Employees are Prohibited Sources General rule – no gifts solicited or accepted No solicitation for retirement or other gift for Government employee or Soldier

17  Market value < $20  < $50 per source per calendar year  Gift to group or class of employees or Soldiers based on other than official position/rank  Award for service achievement established program  Permitted by statute gifts from foreign governments

18  Decline! Remember the #1 Rule  If situation is such that are unable to decline: gift to agency consumable goods pay market value to donor return gift

19 Common Sense Think about Appearances When in Doubt, Ask


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