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AB209 Small Business Management Unit 1 - Introduction: Entrepreneurship, Integrity, and Ethics.

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Presentation on theme: "AB209 Small Business Management Unit 1 - Introduction: Entrepreneurship, Integrity, and Ethics."— Presentation transcript:

1 AB209 Small Business Management Unit 1 - Introduction: Entrepreneurship, Integrity, and Ethics

2 Outline of Our Course Our small business management course will utilize a small business plan development activity as a structure through which to examine several critical managerial skills required by a small business. While all businesses, large or small, require these skills, it is particularly significant for new small businesses because the entrepreneur/founder must personally ensure that these resources are provided by the founder personally, by the venture’s management team, by outside resources, or some combination of these. Identifying and understanding these requirements is a necessary first step in this process. This is what we seek to do in this study.

3 Outline of Our Course (Continued) Unit 1 - Introduction: Entrepreneurship, Integrity, and Ethics Unit 2 - Getting Started: From Idea to Business Venture Unit 3 - Planning the Business and Its Products or Services Unit 4 - Marketing the Business Unit 5 - The Business as a Global Entity Unit 6 - Operating the Business Unit 7 - Managing and Organizing the Business Unit 8 - Financing and Capitalizing the Business Unit 9 - Managing Business Risk Unit 10 - Reflecting on Small Business Management

4 The Parallel Business Plan Development Business Description, Vision Statement, and Mission Statement. (Unit 2) Description of Products or Services (Unit 3) Marketing Plan (Unit 4) No Plan Assignment (Globalization Unit 5) Operational Plan (Unit 6) Management and Organization Plan (Unit 7) Financial Plan and Capitalization Plan (Unit 8) Executive Summary (Unit 9)

5 The Parallel Business Plan Development (Continued) Each Unit, you will complete the assigned section(s) of the plan on the Plan Template. You will submit the completed template for grading and instructor feedback in each unit (except Unit 5). Feedback will be provided and the template returned to you for the next assignments. Finally, in Unit 9, you will submit the template containing your incorporation of any instructor feedback plus the Executive Summary section of the plan as your final project.

6 The Parallel Business Plan Development (Continued) Your Venture Idea! You are strongly encouraged to use a business idea of your own for this plan activity! This may be something you have been dreaming about, something you already know something about, or even something you have already started. It could even be a hobby that you believe could become a business opportunity! Use your imagination! In the unlikely event you cannot select a proposed venture opportunity, you may choose from one of the two business scenarios located in your Doc Sharing area.

7 How to Be Successful in This Study Check class email each day Always check for Class Announcements Always complete all assigned readings each unit week before attempting other work Always complete all assignments and work on each unit’s To Do List Always ensure that all assigned work is completed by the close of each unit Always reach out to your instructor for any help you feel you need without delay Kaplan Unit Weeks begin on Wednesday mornings and extend through the following Tuesday night at midnight. All class work is designed for you to have each unit’s work submitted during this times.

8 Know Your Syllabus! Your course syllabus is your “roadmap” or “GPS” for the course. You should have received a copy prior to class, a copy is contained within the course room and a copy is in your Doc Sharing area. It contains the requirements and expectations for this course. It is your responsibility to read this carefully and to thoroughly understand everything in it. It is a good idea to print a copy for your reference.

9 Key Syllabus Points: The Kaplan School of Business Late Policies Kaplan School of Business Late Policies are designed to help you in the event of life-changing events such as serious illness, death, military duty, etc. It is not designed to assist with computer-related problems, time management issues, etc. In the event you experience an extenuating circumstance, the key is to notify your instructor immediately for help. In the absence of any extenuating circumstances, the following late penalties apply: Up to one week (1-7 calendar days) late 20% deduction in points. After one week (8-14 calendar days) late 30% deduction in points. No work will be accepted more than two (2) weeks after the due date. Late work must be submitted prior to the last day of the course. Final projects will not be accepted after the due date established in the course.

10 Key Syllabus Points: Grades GradePointsPercentage Grade Point A930 – 100093-100%4.0 A-900 – 92990-92%3.7 B+870 – 89987-89%3.3 B830 – 86983-86%3.0 B-800 – 82980-82%2.7 C+770 – 79977-79%2.3 C730 – 76973-76%2.0 C-700 – 72970-72%1.7 D+670 – 69967-69%1.3 D600 – 66960-66%1.0 F0 – 5990-59%0.0 W WithdrawalN/A AU AuditN/A EC Experiential Credit N/A I Incomplete0.0 P PassN/A S SatisfactoryN/A U UnsatisfactoryN/A TC Transfer Credit N/A R RepeatN/A No Grade

11 The Online Environment Just as you would be required to have certain supplies and equipment for traditional college study, there are several requirements for successful online study at Kaplan University and this class: Your computer – This is a critical tool for your online education. It must be correctly configured with the necessary software components to function correctly within the Kaplan learning environment. It is your responsibility to ensure that you have a reliable Internet service provider (ISP) and the necessary software and hardware. Kaplan Technical Support has provided an online computer check and can assist you with any technical issues. They may be reached at: 866-348-1196 (toll free). Microsoft Word – This class requires that all assignments be submitted using MS Word in.doc or.docx format. It is your responsibility to ensure that you have this on your computer.

12 The Online Environment (Continued) Microsoft PowerPoint – This class will utilize MS Power Point and you will need this product. Text book – This class utilizes an e-Text version of the Lonegenecker, Petty, Palich, and Moore (2011) text Small Business Management (15 th ed.). You will find these chapters in your Doc Sharing area. Adobe Acrobat Reader – This software is required to read some of the content in your class room in pdf format. It can be downloaded for free at:

13 Key Features: The Business Plan will form a progressive assignment on a continuous template throughout the course. Each week in Units 2-9 (except 5) you will complete a section or sections of the mini- business plan in a descriptive format. This will be the same as a regular plan except that it will contain detailed explanations of the pro forma elements instead of numbers. Each week, the particular section will be graded as a Dropbox assignment and instructor feedback provided. In Week 9, the Executive Summary will be completed and previous feedback incorporation into previous sections will comprise the Final Project.

14 Let’s Examine Each Weekly Activity in Detail

15 Class Discussions Discussion Boards: Each week we will have a Class Discussion. It begins on Wednesday mornings. Please note the following: You are required to post your initial post of no less than 100 words adequately addressing the topic by Saturday midnight Eastern Time. You are required to post to the discussion board at least 3 days of the unit. Your posts are expected to be substantial, always be topic related, and contribute to the professional quality of our academic discussion. I will read every post and provide you feedback on your posts. Your discussions will be graded on: content, participation, clarity, organization, and professionalism. Each is worth 25 points. Discussion Boards: Each week we will have a Class Discussion. It begins on Wednesday mornings. Please note the following: You are required to post your initial post of no less than 100 words adequately addressing the topic by Saturday midnight Eastern Time. You are required to post to the discussion board at least 3 days of the unit. Your posts are expected to be substantial, always be topic related, and contribute to the professional quality of our academic discussion. I will read every post and provide you feedback on your posts. Your discussions will be graded on: content, participation, clarity, organization, and professionalism. Each is worth 25 points.

16 Assignments We will have Assignments related to the business plan in Units 1,2,3, 4, 6, 7, and 8. These Assignments will be completed on the AB209 Project Template and using the AB209 Project Instructions. Each assignment will be graded, feedback provided, and the template returned to you. Each Assignment is worth 40 points We will have Assignments related to the business plan in Units 1,2,3, 4, 6, 7, and 8. These Assignments will be completed on the AB209 Project Template and using the AB209 Project Instructions. Each assignment will be graded, feedback provided, and the template returned to you. Each Assignment is worth 40 points

17 Review Quizzes We will have Reviews in Units 2,4,5,6,7,and 9. These Reviews may be taken as often as you wish within the particular unit. After the particular unit closes, these will not be available for completion. To ensure your credit for these Reviews, they should be attempted before the last day of the unit to allow for any possible technical issues. Although you may take these multiple times, it will always be the last submission that is counted. You will be able to view your scores on the Review Quizzes in your Grade book one week after the particular unit has closed. Each Review is worth 20 points We will have Reviews in Units 2,4,5,6,7,and 9. These Reviews may be taken as often as you wish within the particular unit. After the particular unit closes, these will not be available for completion. To ensure your credit for these Reviews, they should be attempted before the last day of the unit to allow for any possible technical issues. Although you may take these multiple times, it will always be the last submission that is counted. You will be able to view your scores on the Review Quizzes in your Grade book one week after the particular unit has closed. Each Review is worth 20 points

18 Seminars We will have class seminars in all Units 1-9. These class seminars will be in audio and are listed in your course syllabus. In addition, the instructor may schedule additional seminars, if needed. Each seminar represents 15 points. In the event you are unable to attend one of these seminars, you may complete the alternative seminar assignment outlined in each unit for grading. Please note that Kaplan late policies also apply to alternative seminar assignments. We will have class seminars in all Units 1-9. These class seminars will be in audio and are listed in your course syllabus. In addition, the instructor may schedule additional seminars, if needed. Each seminar represents 15 points. In the event you are unable to attend one of these seminars, you may complete the alternative seminar assignment outlined in each unit for grading. Please note that Kaplan late policies also apply to alternative seminar assignments.

19 Final Project In Unit 9, your Final Project will consist of your completion of the Executive Summary section of your business plan plus the incorporation of any instructor feedback recommended in previously graded plan sections. This Final Project represents 50 points and is due by the end of Unit 9. In Unit 9, your Final Project will consist of your completion of the Executive Summary section of your business plan plus the incorporation of any instructor feedback recommended in previously graded plan sections. This Final Project represents 50 points and is due by the end of Unit 9.

20 Special Unit 8 Activity In Unit 8, you will have a written assignment addressing negotiation skills in business. This will be submitted to the Unit 8 Dropbox on a template provided in your Doc Sharing area. This negotiation activity represents 40 points. In Unit 8, you will have a written assignment addressing negotiation skills in business. This will be submitted to the Unit 8 Dropbox on a template provided in your Doc Sharing area. This negotiation activity represents 40 points.

21 Writing Assignment In Unit 10, your final assignment will be a short writing reflective exercise consisting of a two-page paper in response to the following questions: 1. Reflect and describe which skills you have learned in this course that you can list on your resume from the Potential Career Skills list below. 2. Discuss how these skills will be useful to you when applying for jobs.1. This assignment represents 40 possible points and is due by the close of Unit 10. In Unit 10, your final assignment will be a short writing reflective exercise consisting of a two-page paper in response to the following questions: 1. Reflect and describe which skills you have learned in this course that you can list on your resume from the Potential Career Skills list below. 2. Discuss how these skills will be useful to you when applying for jobs.1. This assignment represents 40 possible points and is due by the close of Unit 10.

22 Any questions?

23 What is Entrepreneurship? First, entrepreneurship requires an entrepreneurial opportunity! This may be thought of as some possibility of a new profitable business venture brought about by change. Second, it involves a careful evaluation of this opportunity before the “window of opportunity” closes or another entrepreneur is alerted to it to determine if it is, in fact, a feasible and profitable venture opportunity. Third, it requires the entrepreneur to take specific steps to enact the opportunity in the form of a new business.

24 Entrepreneurship versus Management While specific entrepreneurial skills are required to identify, evaluate, and exploit or enact an entrepreneurial opportunity, a somewhat different set of managerial skills are required to sustain and grow the new business venture. This often poses a challenge for entrepreneurs. Let’s begin by listing common traits you think of when you hear the word “entrepreneur.”  Take a moment and list some for me now

25 Entrepreneurship versus Management Now, I want you to think about those skills and traits you associate with managing a business! Do these reflect discipline, narrow focus, specific repetitive things that must be done on a regular basis?  Take a moment and list some for me now

26 Entrepreneurship versus Management As you can quickly see, most of us think of the entrepreneur as a fearless risk taker, creative, taking a broad view of the environment around him or her. We often think of the entrepreneur as “larger than life,” self-assured, independent thinker, etc. Conversely, we often view a business manager as narrowly focused on the needs of the business, its customers, and employees. We would perhaps agree that a good manager must trust others to make necessary contributions to the success of the business. A good business leader/manager, we might all agree, possesses the abilities to trust and lead others while paying close attention to the immediate needs of the business.  How do these two skills sets differ?

27 Key Managerial Skills Areas Business Description, Vision Statement, and Mission Statement – Defining the future of the business and articulating the mission, goals, and purpose of the business. “What the business will be” (Unit 2) Description of Products or Services – Defining specifically the products or services the new business seeks to provide its customers. “What the business will do” (Unit 3) Marketing Plan – Defining the target markets and customers for the proposed business and approaches to be used to successfully create value for its customers and how the business will fit into the existing market. “Where the business will do it” (Unit 4)

28 Key Managerial Skills Areas Continued Operational Plan - Specific details about how products or services will be developed, and produced. “How the business will do it”(Unit 6) Management and Organization Plan – Details about who will form the key management team, their skills and qualifications; and the form of organizational structure. “Who will do it?” (Unit 7) Financial Plan and Capitalization Plan – Details the estimates of startup costs, projected revenue and expenses (Financial Plan) and the sources and amounts of the startup capital (Capitalization Plan). “How much will it cost and how will it be funded?” (Unit 8) Executive Summary – The two-page summary of the entire business plan designed to present the reader with an interesting and compelling rationale for your business venture. “The sales pitch for your business.” (Unit 9)

29 Integrity and Entrepreneurship What Is Integrity? -An uncompromising adherence to doing what is right and proper -Honesty, reliability, and fairness in business practices -An essential element of successful business relationships -It is as much about what to do as it is who to be. Doing the Right Thing -Ethical issues—questions of right and wrong -Legal and ethical considerations- are they the same? -Conflicts of self-interest

30 Any questions?

31 Unit 2 Getting Started From Idea to Business Venture

32 Idea + Vision + Planning = Venture In Unit 2, we will explore the initial steps in the formation of the new venture and how these work to shape the future of the business. It begins with the entrepreneur asking “why” the new business? We will examine the critical role of the entrepreneur’s vision as a precursor to the planning process and the significance of the mission statement to the new business.

33 Unit 2 Outcomes Discuss the role of vision as a precursor to the planning process. Identify different entry options. Identify how the entrepreneur’s interpersonal factors influence the new business. Discuss the role of the mission statement. Describe the potential of small firms as global enterprises.

34 Unit 2 Class Discussion Unit 2 Discussion: After reviewing the descriptions and mission statements for some of the Fortune 500 businesses you are familiar with listed on at: Discuss the following for one of the businesses: Does the mission statement accurately represent this business? Why or why not? Does the description of the business adequately define this business? Why or why not? Why are mission statements so important for businesses?

35 Unit 2: Owning a Business There are 4 basic ways to start one’s ownership of a business: 1.Start a new venture as a sole proprietorship, partnership, or corporation from scratch 2.Purchase a franchise 3.Purchase an existing business (buyout) 4.Assume control and management of one’s family business Each of these approaches has its own unique advantages and disadvantages!

36 Starting A Business Using Your Own Ideas Opportunity Recognition Identification of potential new products or services that may lead to promising businesses Entrepreneurial Alertness Readiness to act on existing, but unnoticed, business opportunities Good Investment Qualities Products that serve clear and important needs Products that customers know about Products that customers can afford A good idea is not the same as a good opportunity.

37 Sources of Venture Ideas Source: Data developed and provided by the National Federation of Independent Business and sponsored by the American Express Travel Related Services Company, Inc. © 2010 South-Western, Cengage Learning, Inc. All rights reserved.

38 Advantages to Starting Your Own Venture Personal satisfaction in seeing the success of one’s own good ideas and hard work Potential to reap financial rewards of venture’s success Satisfaction of being one’s own boss  Question: Can you think of other advantages?

39 Disadvantages to Starting Your Own Venture Lack of sufficient start-up capital Increased financial liability Hard work and long hours required Lack of specific required managerial skills to successfully operate the business  Question: Can you think of other disadvantages?

40 Franchising Basics Franchising -A marketing system involving a legal agreement, whereby the franchisee conducts business according to the terms specified by the franchisor. Franchisor -Party in franchise contract that specifies methods to be followed and terms to be met by the other party. Franchisee -An entrepreneur whose power is limited by a contractual agreement with a franchisor.

41 Advantages to Franchises An Operational Plan (Road Map) provided: Training Financial assistance Operating Support -Location site selection -Co op Advertising A proven idea and business model  Question: Can you list other advantages?

42 Disadvantages to Franchises Franchise costs -Initial franchise fee -Investment costs -Royalty payments -Advertising costs Less Control -Franchisor often has strict guidelines  Question: Can you list other disadvantages?

43 Buying An Existing Business Advantages: -Initial start-up work already done -Established customer base -Established performance record to see  Question: Can you list other advantages? Disadvantages: - Business culture already formed - Business may not be worth asking price  Question: Can you list other disadvantages?

44 Any questions?

45 Cover Page The plan Cover Page should contain: Business Plan Name Student Name Kaplan University AB209: Small Business Management Instructor Name Month Date, Year Use This Form for Our Class Project

46 Cover Page (Continued) An actual Business Plan Cover Page would contain: The word “Business Plan” centered on the cover page The names of the founders listed under a heading “Owners” The Business Name Address City, State, ZIP Code Telephone Fax Email

47 Business Description What business will the new venture engage in? What will the business do? Briefly, to whom will the new business market its products or services? (This will be more fully developed in the Marketing Plan section.) Briefly, describe the industry it will seek to enter. Describe the most important core competencies you believe the new business will possess.

48 Vision Statement Vision must go before goals-setting and planning! Vision is the future possibility you see for the new business based on present realities! Many new businesses are limited by the lack of vision of their founders! The Vision Statement can be described as what you, as founder, visualize the new business to be at some point in the future. Remember, as founder, you cannot realize that which you cannot visualize!

49 Personal Motivation Although not normally a part of a business plan, this section asks you to articulate your motivation for seeking entrepreneurship and business ownership. There are no prescribed answers here! The reasons for entrepreneurship are as varied as those who pursue it! What are your reasons for wanting to own your own business? Entrepreneurship and business ownership are hard and stressful work! It is important that those who seek this are sufficiently motivated to be successful.

50 Any questions?

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