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AP biology review for AP exam first 6 quiz topics.

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1 AP biology review for AP exam first 6 quiz topics

2 1. Chemistry 1. Describe the 3 subatomic particles of an atom. 2. List 3 types of chemical bonds, how they form and their relative strengths. We have not discussed Van der Waals bonds-they are the weakest. 3. Draw 2 water molecules and identify the hydrogen bond and the covalent bonds.

3 Chemistry 4. How is hydrogen bonding important to the unique properties of water? How is “polarity” of water important? 5. Interpret a pH scale. 6. How can changes in pH alter biological molecules? Biological systems? 7. Why are buffers important to biological systems? Ecosystems? Name a buffer or two.

4 2.Biological molecules 1. Distinguish between dehydration synthesis and hydrolysis. What is the importance? 2. List the 4 organic molecule groups and the elements contained in each. What functional groups or formulas could be used to recognize each group?

5 Biological molecules 3. How are each of the 4 organic groups utilized by cells? In other words, what are some of their functions? 4. Describe the 4 levels of protein structure. What sorts of changes can alter structure? 5. How does a protein reach its final folding?

6 Biological molecules: Carbon 6. What are the properties of carbon that make it so important to biological systems? 7. Describe how carbon cycles through the ecosystem and biological systems.

7 3. The biosphere & population ecology 1. Describe the abiotic factors determining biomes. 2. How are biomes similar? 3. What changes are occurring that could alter biomes and their ecosystems within?

8 the biosphere &Population ecology 4. Describe these terms related to populations: density, dispersion, demographics 5. Distinguish b/n exponential and logistic growth models. 6. Explain the difference b/n density dependent and density independent factors controlling populations.

9 4.Community ecology 1. Distinguish b/n fundamental and realized niche. 2. What is competitive exclusion principle? Provide an example. 3. Know examples of : mutualism, parasitism and commensalism (symbiotic relationships) 4. What is a keystone species? Provide an example. 5. Distinguish b/n primary & secondary succession.

10 5.Ecosystems 1. Describe how energy flows through an ecosystem in food chains and food webs as compared to matter through an ecosystem. 2. Distinguish b/n gross primary productivity and net primary productivity. 3. Describe the carbon cycle and the nitrogen cycle in detail. What is their importance to life?

11 6. Global change 1. Define & Describe the importance of biodiversity. Compare a specific “diverse” ecosystem to one that would be considered “not diverse”. 2. Identify several human activities that are threatening biodiversity. Provide specific examples. – so to say “pollution” is too vague, or to say “cutting down trees” is too vague…

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