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Welcome to HS100: Introduction to Health Science Gary Johannes, Ed.S. Ice Breaker: While we wait for class to start at the top of the hour, please share.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to HS100: Introduction to Health Science Gary Johannes, Ed.S. Ice Breaker: While we wait for class to start at the top of the hour, please share."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to HS100: Introduction to Health Science Gary Johannes, Ed.S. Ice Breaker: While we wait for class to start at the top of the hour, please share at least one healthy practice that you think others can benefit from.

2 Student Technical Support If experiencing any technical difficulties, please call Technical Support at: 1-866-522-7747

3 Instructor Information Gary Johannes, Ed.S HS Online Adjunct Professor School of Health Sciences Kaplan University

4 Poll Time! Throughout seminar, I may do a poll. A poll window will pop up on your screen, with a question, and below you will have choices to select. The purpose of polls is to reinforce key information that I feel is important for you to know. Please do not type your answer in the class activity box for everyone to see. The polls are completely anonymous, no one knows who votes how (including me), so don’t worry if you don’t get one right…it’s ok

5 Syllabus Highlights INSTRUCTOR’S GRADING CRITERIA/TIMETABLE All course projects submitted on time will be graded within five days of their due date (the Sunday of the following unit). Late work will be graded within five days of the submission date. Seminar Option 1 and 2 grades and Discussion board grades will be updated each week no later than Sunday of the week following the Unit’s completion

6 LATE POLICY Late work will not be accepted unless there are clear and compelling extenuating circumstances. If you have extenuating circumstances that prevent you from completing course assignments/exams you must contact your instructor immediately— prior to the assignment/exam/quiz due-date unless prevented from doing so by emergency circumstances. Examples of extenuating circumstances are serious personal and/or family illness/hospitalization, death in the family, weather-related evacuation/emergencies, work emergencies, and issues related to active military assignment. Personal computer/software/internet connectivity issues and course blocks are not considered extenuating circumstances. Granting of late-work submission due to extenuating circumstances is at the discretion of the instructor and will require documentation for verification of extenuating circumstances. If late work submission is granted, the instructor will establish new due-dates and requirements without loss of course points.

7 HOW TO LABEL YOUR WORK Projects: Please label your projects: username-project- unit#.doc. For example, a student named Tina Allen would name her file TAllen-Introduction to HS-Unit 3.doc. Seminar Option 2: Please label your seminars: username-seminar-unit#.doc (for example, TAllen-Seminar-Unit 3.doc) Email Subject Lines: Please start your subject lines in email correspondence with Course & section username: SUBJECT_OF_MESSAGE (for example, HS-100-3-TAllen: Question regarding project)

8 Course Week Courses are presented in weekly units. The weekly attendance period begins Wednesday at 12:00 am ET and ends on Tuesday at 11:59 pm ET.

9 PLAGIARISM POLICY Kaplan University considers academic honesty to be one of its highest values. Students are expected to be the sole authors of their work. Use of another person’s work or ideas must be accompanied by specific citations and references.

10 NETIQUETTE The word "netiquette" is short for "Internet etiquette.” Be appropriate Be positive Respect everyone Be professional in your posts

11 Discussion Board Participation Rubric Students are expected to post: A Minimum of three posts per unit discussion thread. ◦one post in response to the instructor’s question by EOD Saturday ◦two posts in response to two classmates by EOD Tuesday, end of unit Use rubrics as guidelines while completing your work

12 TUTORING Tutoring and many other resources are available in the Kaplan University Writing Center. You can learn APA citation, review grammar, see sample essays, and this is just scratching the surface! In addition, you can also chat with a live tutor during live tutoring hours (listed in the Writing Center) who can help you locate material within the Writing Center, understand a particular assignment, and explore the Kaplan library. Finally, you can submit a paper and receive comments specific to that paper within 48-72 hours.

13 Tips for Class Success Be actively involved with professor and students Spell Check and Grammar Use time management skills to ensure no late work submissions Have quality postings Have fun and ask questions Use your resources: students, professor, internet

14 “Like” SHS on Facebook



17 Class Interaction Please type in the Class Activity Box, what is your: PLAN A: PLAN B: PLAN C:




21 Course Outcomes By the end of this course, you should be able to: HS100-1: Identify current issues in health science and how they relate to chosen health science professions. HS100-2: Define the required education, certification, and credentials needed at the national and state level for a given health care profession. HS100-3: Create a portfolio that outlines relevant career resources and support materials for a health science profession. HS100-4: Discuss the roles and responsibilities of selected health science professionals. HS100-5: Define the professional traits and skills needed to be successful in the field of health science. General Education Outcomes: In addition, the following General Education outcomes are assessed during this course: GEL-1.1: Demonstrate college-level communication through the composition of original materials in Standard American English.

22 Syllabus: Page 3



25 Syllabus: Page 9

26 Syllabus: Page 10




30 Are there any questions so far?






36 Watch Two Videos/Movies Overview (1) Introductions (1)

37 Reading (there is no textbook)

38 Discussion Board (DB)

39 Seminar (Option 1 or 2)



42 MA, HIT, & MOM Students This is a very important reminder for those students who are in the MA, HIT, & MOM programs. Please make sure you complete your background check as soon as possible. Go to Doc sharing for more information. Contact your advisor for any questions.

43 Student Nutrition Association of Kaplan (SNAK) Membership is open to all students enrolled in the BSNS (Nutrition Science) or BSHW (Health & Wellness) programs. Membership dues are $25/year, which includes many member benefits such as meetings (2 nd Monday of each month at 9:00 PM EST) with special guest speakers. For more information, please contact Faculty Advisor, Brooke Benton, MS, RD, LDN, CDE at

44 Questions? Comments?

45 Final Reminders: It is your responsibility to manage your time and submit your work by all due dates. Follow the rubrics. It is not the instructors responsibility to send out reminders about due dates. Use professional grammar/spelling by using Spell Check on everything. Late work will not be accepted

46 Looking ahead to Unit 2

47 Have a wonderful first week of class !

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