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New A and AS Levels Getting best outcomes for young people.

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Presentation on theme: "New A and AS Levels Getting best outcomes for young people."— Presentation transcript:

1 New A and AS Levels Getting best outcomes for young people

2 What we already know What Steve Evans told us Content and specifications now available for A Level and AS Level in 2015 subjects Co-teaching is at least a possibility (all or some subjects) CPD for will be necessary Cambridge Uni and others would like AS results for HE selection Schools and colleges are still unsure what to offer

3 What we are still thinking about How to mix ‘new’ and ‘old’ subjects so students have a coherent experience Whether to go for linear only or keep AS as end- of-Yr 1 assessment Will 4 x AS in Yr. 12 still be attractive/affordable If students take AS, will this impact on attainment at end of linear exam? How do we maintain quality of T&L ? How much will A Level + AS cost compared to now – is it affordable? What will the maths A/AS look like? Implications?

4 Options? Start all students on 4 A Levels and they decide in spring term which will be their AS only – entered for this exam and continue with 3 A levels Start all students on 4 A Levels and they choose by Y13 which 3 they want to continue with – they may or may not have an AS Level Start all students on 4 A Levels and enter them all for AS in every subject – they can use the AS results to help them decide which 3 to continue with Limit all students to 3 A Level courses in Y12 and do not offer any AS courses Ask students to choose 1 AS and 3 A Level courses at the beginning of Y12

5 Issues? Managing teaching of mixed groups – AS and A Level students in same class? Is our offer different to local schools? Funding implications? Impact on university entry?

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