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Topic: Naming the Wind. ----- Why does the land heat up more during the day than the water? -

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Presentation on theme: "Topic: Naming the Wind. ----- Why does the land heat up more during the day than the water? -"— Presentation transcript:

1 Topic: Naming the Wind

2 ----- Why does the land heat up more during the day than the water? -

3 ----- Why does the land cool down more during the night than the water? -

4 -----


6 Winds are named based on -----

7 How do we measure wind direction? -----

8 Name? N E S W -----





13 Wind Symbols: Speed -----

14 Now You Try It -----

15 Planetary Winds ESRT pg 14


17 Unequal Heating of the Earth’s Surface Hot Cold L H This wind system is too simple for Earth because it rotates.

18 What is the Coriolis Effect 1)Earth’s rotation causes winds to deflect. 2)Northern Hemisphere they deflect to the ___________. 3)Southern Hemisphere they deflect to the _________. Right Left

19 L L L H H H H

20 Planetary Winds A)----- B)----- C)-----

21 What Wind Belt controls the movement of the weather in the US?

22 FQ1 What type of pressure system is at the 30°N? -----

23 FQ2: Hurricane Katrina’s max wind speed was: 150 knots from the Southeast Draw the wind speed & direction symbol By the way… that is 173 mph!!!

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