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1. 2  Common areas are locations like cafeterias, hallways, restrooms, playgrounds etc. A. Know the procedures and expectations for each common area.

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Presentation on theme: "1. 2  Common areas are locations like cafeterias, hallways, restrooms, playgrounds etc. A. Know the procedures and expectations for each common area."— Presentation transcript:

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2 2  Common areas are locations like cafeterias, hallways, restrooms, playgrounds etc. A. Know the procedures and expectations for each common area you supervise. In these settings you:  Help set a positive climate.  Help ensure that students are safe from emotional and physical harm.  Help by building positive relationships with students. B.Know how to effectively supervise any common area for which you have a responsibility.

3 3  Know the procedures and expectations for each common area you supervise.  Know who your supervisor is for the setting.  Pay careful attention and ask lots of questions.  Get approval before making changes.

4 4  What tools are needed?  What paperwork should I have and do I know how to complete ?  What do I do in emergency situations?  Where and how do students enter the setting?  What do I do if two students start fighting? SOME OF THE BASICS HEY YOU!

5 5  What are the trouble spots?  What are the expectations for students?  What correction procedures are recommended for this setting? SOME OF THE BASIC  Have students been taught the expectations?  What predictable misbehaviors should I be prepared to correct?

6 6 1. BE ON TIME! 2. Establish a positive expectation from the moment students arrive.  Before students arrive in the setting.  Smile, greet students by name. Positively and intentionally connect with all students who have had problems in the setting.  Know how to effectively supervise any common area for which you have responsibility.

7  Scan 7 3. Actively monitor the setting.  Circulate  Anticipate 4. Model the behaviors you want to see.  Use proximity and monitor your body language.

8 8 5. Interact positively and reinforce responsible behavior. 6. Respond effectively to student misbehavior.  Recognize students who are being responsible.  Speak to a student who is misbehaving.  Don’t ‘square off’. Don’t have the student face the crowd. WHO ME?

9 9  If you don’t know who did it, label the behavior and monitor the group. 1. Use gentle reprimands. 2. Briefly delay the student. 4. Change the location.  Restate the expectations or have the student tell you the expected behavior.  Make the location of the behavior off limits.  “WALK WITH ME.” 3. Have the student spend time with you, the supervisor.

10 10 CAFETERIA  Create distance between the misbehaving person and others.  Practicing the desired behavior(s)  Encourage polite behavior.  Meet and greet students as they enter.  “STAND HERE.” Assign a seat.  “PLEASE”  “THANK YOU”  “EXCUSE ME” SPECIFIC TIPS:  If students are expected to clean up messes, make sure they do.

11 11  “Keep your hands to yourself.”  “Pick up your tray and walk with me. “  “Voice levels are too loud. Bring them down, please.”  “Stand (or sit) here. I will talk with you as soon as I can.”  Know where students go after they have finished.  Know what to do if some one is choking.  RAINY DAYS? CAFETERIA ONE-LINERS

12 12  Know the boundaries.  Know the rules for games and equipment.  Effectively respond to misbehavior, “Walk with me.”  Keep a game, activity or equipment ‘off limits.’  Monitor what students Are doing on the playground And how they are interacting With each other. PLAYGROUND

13 13  Acknowledge & Reinforce.  Have the student select what he/she will do before recess starts.  Give students suggestions and strategies for dealing with : bullying and aggressive acts  Monitor the Situation..  Make a game, activity or equipment ‘off limits.’ PLAYGROUND OR Hmm…great job over there!

14 14  “Tell me (or show me) the right way.”  “This game is off limits for the remainder of the week.”  “Take a time out and when I come back be ready to tell me what you need to do.”  “At this time, either play responsible or move to another game.” PLAY GROUND ONE LINERS  “ It looks like you are having fun, but you need to find something else to do.” NOTES


16 16  Be in the hall before, or as students enter.  Stand in the middle of the hall. Move closer to your next assignment, but continue monitoring.  Interact with students.  Intervene early at the sign of any misbehavior. Makes yourself visible and unpredictable in your movement. Skillfully monitor behavior  Check for hall passes. HALLWAYS

17 17  Know which restrooms are designated for which group of students.  Listen for inappropriate behavior when passing a restroom.  “Is anyone in there?”  “Hurry, it is time to be in class.”  Check with your supervisor for your role and responsibility. RESTROOMS  “You have 30 seconds.” ONE LINERS:

18 18  Learn and know all procedures required for the common area you are supervising  Have positive expectations and set up a positive tone in the common area  Know the specific behavioral expectations for each common area Summary  Actively supervise by scanning, moving about unpredictably and positively interacting with students as much as possible  Acknowledge appropriate behavior as much as possible  Use agreed upon techniques to consequence inappropriate behavior



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