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Project Learn English through our body! head Limps Body Other organs Today we are going to share with all of you the fun in learning English through.

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2 Project

3 Learn English through our body! head Limps Body Other organs Today we are going to share with all of you the fun in learning English through our body organs with easy English but a relax manner. First of all, Our body can be divided Into four main parts. They are :

4 Head - Temple Temple  A temple is a place for the worship of a god or gods.  But actually everyone has two temples. They are on the sides of the forehead. Temple of Heaven

5 Head - Eyes  We say “Mind you eye!” when reminding someone to be careful. Mind your eye !  A magic eye. It is an electronic device that controls something, like the automatic opening of a door. Automatic door

6 Head - Mouth  The main function of the mouth is twofold eating and speaking.But some idioms are unrelated to these functions. E.g.  “He is down in the mouth.” (He is in low spirits.)  “This horse is light in the mouth.” (This horse is easy to manage.) Eating and Speaking

7 Head - Lips  Don’t open your lips” means “don’t speak”.  he must keep secret ----“His lips are sealed.”  A secret is betrayed because it has escaped someone’s lips.Then it may become a piece of news that is on everybody’s lips. The ‘911’ Incident is on everybody’s lips

8 Head - Throat  You feel very uncomfortable when you have a sore throat. And it is very dangerous to get a fish bone stuck in your throat.  “Don’t force your ideas down other people’s throats.”---Don’t force others to accept your ideas. sore

9 Head - Neck  A stubborn fellow ----a stiff neck.  “He gets it in the neck.” means he is severely punished.  “He sticks his neck out.” means that he does or says something that makes himself suffer.  “a pain in the neck” means a difficult job. Searching for survivors is a pain in the neck He gets it in the neck

10 Head - Dimple  Dimples add to a girl ‘s beauty.We can say that “She dimples when she smiles.” .You can also use the word as a verb: “The breeze dimples the surface of the lake.”But in this sense “ripple” is more commonly used. She dimples when she smiles A ripple/dimple lake/pool

11 Body - Shoulder  Your father has a great responsibility for the family on his shoulder.  When faced with difficulty, the family shoulder to overcome it. Turn a cold shoulder mean treating others coldly. Family on shoulder Never show your cold shoulder to your family members/friends

12 Body - Belly  We have this saying: The belly is the truest clock.  What is a beer belly? It is the big belly caused by drinking too much beer.

13 Body - Heart  The heart usually stands for something important, for example, the heart of the matter or the heart of a mystery. . A lover can be called a sweet heart. The Purple Heart is a medal given as an honor to American soldiers wounded in battle.  If your friend is in trouble, you may encourage him by saying “Don’t lose heart”. Don’t lose heart, keep trying ! The Purple Heart medal

14 Body - Stomach  If you dislike heavy food, you have no stomach for it.  If you find something boring or vulgar, you have no stomach for it.  Bad food turns your stomach.  Stomach can also be a verb. ”How could you stomach such rude words?” Apparently, stomach here can be replaced by ‘tolerate” or “put up with” without any change in meaning. No stomachTurns stomach

15 Body - Elbow  You may use your elbows again when you want to go through a big crowd. Then you have to elbow your way through it.  To describe a poor man wearing shabby clothes, you can say that he looks out at elbow. Out at elbow

16 Body - Hand  Here are some examples of hand clause : a fresh hand, short of hands, hand in hand and wash one’s hands of something.  He lives from hand to mouth. (He has just enough money to live on.)  We gave them a big hand. (We gave them lots of applause.) A big hand Short of hand – needed help

17 Body - Fist . “He shook his fist at me.” shows he was very angry. .Give me your fist.” What the speaker wants is to shake hands with you and be your friend again.  hand over fist has both “hand” and “fist” in it. It means “fast and in large amounts”. Give me your fist He shook his fist at me

18 Body - Heel  Achilles’ heel is unusual because it refers to a person’s fatal weakness. So we can say, “Laziness is his Achilles’ heel.”  When someone shows a clean pair of heels, means he “escape in a hurry”.  “Keep to heel!” or “Come to heel!”, means calling dog to follow closely. Achilles – has a weakness at his heel He shows a clean pair of heels

19 Body - Skin  Human beings have skin. So have animals and plants. The skin can be thick or thin. This can be used figuratively to describe people’s personality.  A thin-skinned person, or a person who has a thin skin, is easily upset or offended while a thick-skinned person, or a person who has a thick skin, is one who never gets embarrassed. Animal skins

20 Body - Beard  A moustache grows on the upper lip while a beard grows on the cheeks and chin.. Laugh in his face  A man who wears a very thick beard may not speak clearly, as the thick “The man spoke in his beard.” means that…  if you want to say that his beard looks very funny? By no means. It is another way of saying “laugh in his face”.

21  The name of the film Jaws refers to the strong and enormous jaws of the shark.  We can say, “The lifeguard saved the child from the jaws of death.” Body - Jaws The film ‘Jaws’ Singular jaw refers to lower jaw  The singular jaw usually refers to the lower jaw.

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