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Grade:03 Class:5 Name:Si Yingying. Revision Act out the dialogue assigned in the last period.

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Presentation on theme: "Grade:03 Class:5 Name:Si Yingying. Revision Act out the dialogue assigned in the last period."— Presentation transcript:

1 Grade:03 Class:5 Name:Si Yingying

2 Revision Act out the dialogue assigned in the last period.

3 Pre-reading Choose any one in which you are interested from the four following questions and discuss it with your partner Which sports event ( s ) do you like to watch most ? Why ? Is it important to win in a sports match? Why or why not? Are the Olympic Games important to our society? Why or why not? Why do athletes from so many countries want to take part in the Olympic Games ?

4 Unit 8 Sports The Second Period The Olympic Games

5 Did the old Olympic Games and the modern Olympic Games happen in the same country ? 1986 年第一届现代奥运会 776BC 第一届古代奥运会 ( 假设 )

6 Task Ⅰ Skimming Answer the following questions : Did the old Olympic Games and the modern Olympic Games happen in the same country ? What is the competition which is not for a medal ?

7 Did the old Olympic Games and the modern Olympic Games happen in the same country ? 1986 年第一届现代奥运会 776BC 第一届古代奥运会 ( 假设 ) Athens in Greece

8 2001 年 7 月 13 日, 莫斯科当地时间 18 时 15 分(北京时间 22 时 15 分),国 际奥委会主席萨马兰奇在世界贸易 中心会场庄重宣布: 2008 年奥运会 主办城市 -- 北京。

9 Task Ⅱ Scanning  Write the letter “T” if the sentence is right. Write “F” if it is wrong, then correct the error and give the right information. ( )⒈ In the early Olympic Games, only men were allowed to compete and watch the games. ( )⒉ The motto of the Olympic Games is “Swifter, Higher, Further. ” ( )⒊ Carl Lewis won three gold medals in the 1984 Olympics. ( )⒋ The 27th Olympic Games were held in Los Angeles.. ( )⒌ The 28th Olympic Games will be held in Beijing. ( )⒍ The Winter Olympic Games are held every three years.

10 Task Ⅱ Scanning Write the letter “T” if the sentence is right. Write “F” if it is wrong, then correct the error and give the right information. ( )⒈ In the early Olympic Games, only men were allowed to compete and watch the games. ( )⒉ The motto of the Olympic Games is “Swifter, Higher, Further. ” ( )⒊ Carl Lewis won three gold medals in the 1984 Olympics. ( )⒋ The 27th Olympic Games were held in Los Angeles. ( )⒌ The 28th Olympic Games will be held in Beijing. ( )⒍ The Winter Olympic Games are held every three years. T F F F F F ( Stronger ) ( four ) ( Sydney ) ( 29th ) ( four )

11 Task Ⅲ Language Points

12 adj. 与数词连用, 表示 “ 每 ······ ,每隔 ······” ,表 示时间和空间的间隔。具体用法: ⅰ.every + 基数词 + 复数名词 ⅱ.every + 序数词 + 单数名词 eg: 每年 every year 每两年 / 每隔一年 every two years / every second year 每三年 / 每隔两年 every three years / every third year every

13 注: ①表示 “ 每隔一 ······” 还可用 every other + 单数名词。 eg: 每隔一年 every two years every second year every other year ②表示 “ 每隔几 ······” 须使用 every few + 复数名词。 eg: every few meters 每隔几米 Exercise These plants are watered____. A.each other day B.every other day C.each of two days D.every of two days [analysis] 每隔一天可以说: every second /other day 或 every two days. [answer]B

14 “ 参加 ”  join “ 参加 ” ,指加入党派、社团、团体 等并成为其中一员。 eg: He joined the Party in 1980. 他是 1980 年入党的。

15 join in 表示 “ 参加某种活 动 ” 。 eg: Eight million people joined in the battle against floods. 800 万人参加了抗 洪斗争。 take part in 指 “ 参加群众性 活动、会议 ” 等,多用于正式 场合,比 join 郑重。 eg: We should take part in this strike for our profits.

16 join sb in sth /doing sth 表示 “ 参加 某人所从事的活动 ” eg: Come and join us in the game. 来和我 们一起做游戏吧。

17 attend “ 参加 ” ,着重指 “ 到场、出席 (会议、典礼、仪式等) ” 。 eg: She is sure to attend the wedding. 她一定去参加婚礼。

18 ( vi. ) “ 竞争,竞赛 ” ① compete in··· “ 参加 ······ 比赛 ” ② compete with / against··· “ 与 ······ 竞赛(竞争) ” ③ compete for··· “ 角逐 ······” compete eg: He’ll compete in our school sports. 他将要参加我们的校运动会。 I don’t want to compete with you. 我不想和你竞争。 The two companies have to compete against each other for customers. 这两家公司不得不相互争取顾客。 John competed for a place at the school, but didn’t get it. 约翰想在学校争取一个名额,但没有成功。

19 competition (n.) “ 竞争,竞赛 ” competitor 竞争者,选 手 eg:Six competitors take part in this competition.

20 eg: in ancient/old times 在古代 in modern times 在现代 Times have changed, and we shouldn’t fall behind them. Times (n.) “ 时代 ”

21 形式: far—further—furthest far—farther—farthest 相同点:都是 far ( adj. )的比较级,都多指具体距离 的 “ 较远 ” 。 不同点: further 还可以指程度上 “ 进一步 ” 等抽象意义。 further & farther eg: I’m too tired, I can’t go any farther / further. 我太累了,再也走不动了。 He has been longing to go abroad for further study. 他一直渴望能出国深造。

22 2008 年北京奥运会 国家主体育场 “ 鸟巢 ” 2008 年北京奥运 会竞赛场游泳中心 “ 水立方 ” prepare ( vt. ) “ 准备 ” preparation ( n. ) in preparation for “ 为 ······ 做准备 ”

23 eg: Our country is preparing for the 29th Olympic Games. Our country is in preparations for the 29th Olympic Games.

24 Task Ⅳ Listening and Reading  Just listen  Listen and repeat  Read aloud and sum up every paragraph in one sentence

25 Summary of each paragraph  The 1st: The Olympics are held every four years.  The 2nd: Something about the old Olympic Games.  The 3rd: Something about the Olympics in modern times and the 27th Olympic Games.  The 4th: The Olympic motto and something about the Chinese team in Sydney Olympics.  The 5th: Beijing will host and is making preparations for the 29th Olympic Games.

26 Task Ⅴ P ost-reading Group work Discuss and finish the exercises of Post-reading Part2 and Part3 with the others in your group.

27 Suggested answers (Part 2) sports have been added, women are allowed to take part in the games, more competitors 2.a lot of money will be spent, new buildings and sports venues will be built, more and more people are learning English 3.shooting 3, gymnastics 2, weight lifting 6, badminton 4, judo 2, table tennis 4, parallel bars 1, dive 5, head-and-toe walking race 1

28 Suggested answers (Part 3) Good effects 1.People all over the world will learn about the city and its people. 2.Attracting investment and promote the economy. 3.Many sports fans will visit the city and will bring great benefits to the city. 4.Improve the friendship between the Chinese people and the people of the world Bad effects 1.It is very expensive to host the Olympics, maybe the money should be used for other things. 2.Too many visitors may do harm to the environment of the city. 3.The venues and buildings may be wasted after the Olympics Games.

29 Yes It proves that you are the best and gives you confidence. No It is important to do your best and to have fun while you are competing. “Is it important to win in a sports match ? Why or Why not ?” Debate

30 Read the passage again and again until you can retell it Do the exercises on Page 128 Write a short passage about the good effects and bad effects of hosting the Olympic Games in China Pre-view the next period Homework

31 Thank you for your attention Bye-bye

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