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The Other Pilgrims. Yeoman Forester or outdoorsman Attendant in a royal household Transportation – horse Dresses in green Sturdy build Wears a St. Christopher’s.

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Presentation on theme: "The Other Pilgrims. Yeoman Forester or outdoorsman Attendant in a royal household Transportation – horse Dresses in green Sturdy build Wears a St. Christopher’s."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Other Pilgrims

2 Yeoman Forester or outdoorsman Attendant in a royal household Transportation – horse Dresses in green Sturdy build Wears a St. Christopher’s Medal Concerned with his appearance too much An expert woodsman Servant to the Knight and Squire Loyal Excellent shot with bow and arrow Forester or outdoorsman Attendant in a royal household Transportation – horse Dresses in green Sturdy build Wears a St. Christopher’s Medal Concerned with his appearance too much An expert woodsman Servant to the Knight and Squire Loyal Excellent shot with bow and arrow

3 Nun Also called a Prioress Transportation – horse Very delicate and refined Neat and well kept Overly dramatic Speaks French Courteous and friendly Also called a Prioress Transportation – horse Very delicate and refined Neat and well kept Overly dramatic Speaks French Courteous and friendly

4 The Monk Owns many fine horses Transportation – brown palfrey saddle horse Big, sparkly eyes Fat and bald Very fine clothes (some even trimmed with fur) Expensive riding boots Would rather be out hunting than secluded in doors He breaks the rule of poverty Personable Owns many fine horses Transportation – brown palfrey saddle horse Big, sparkly eyes Fat and bald Very fine clothes (some even trimmed with fur) Expensive riding boots Would rather be out hunting than secluded in doors He breaks the rule of poverty Personable

5 The Friar He is limited to the area where he can beg Transportation – horse Dresses like a doctor or the pope Cunning Evil Money hungry Good at what he does He is limited to the area where he can beg Transportation – horse Dresses like a doctor or the pope Cunning Evil Money hungry Good at what he does

6 Oxford Cleric A student Transportation – thin horse Hollow, sober look Very thin Poor as seen in his appearance Only loves books Very studious and educated Spends all his money on education Man of few words A student Transportation – thin horse Hollow, sober look Very thin Poor as seen in his appearance Only loves books Very studious and educated Spends all his money on education Man of few words

7 The Parson He practiced what he preached Transportation – horse Very poor Does not dress fancy He is the ideal parish priest Well educated Humble Hardworking He practiced what he preached Transportation – horse Very poor Does not dress fancy He is the ideal parish priest Well educated Humble Hardworking

8 The Summoner Job is to sum sinners to church court trials Transportation – horse Narrow Eyes Red face Wears a garland around his head Children are afraid of him Easily bribed Knows many secrets and uses blackmail Loves to drink and carouse Job is to sum sinners to church court trials Transportation – horse Narrow Eyes Red face Wears a garland around his head Children are afraid of him Easily bribed Knows many secrets and uses blackmail Loves to drink and carouse

9 The Pardoner Sells pardons Transportation – horse Yellow long greasy hair, hangs to his shoulders Carries a pillowcase of relics Most corrupt and despicable of the pilgrims Sells fake relics and takes advantage of the poor Sells pardons Transportation – horse Yellow long greasy hair, hangs to his shoulders Carries a pillowcase of relics Most corrupt and despicable of the pilgrims Sells fake relics and takes advantage of the poor

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