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Hanna Ożogowska – was born on 20th of in July 1904 in Warsaw. She finished The Pedagogical University.

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2 Hanna Ożogowska – was born on 20th of in July 1904 in Warsaw. She finished The Pedagogical University.

3  Polish poet, translator R ussian literature.  She started in 1932 r. In magazine called ” Płomyk” as literature aut h or for children.

4 She wrote books for teens. The books are about teens and children. It’s easy to identify with a character s in a novel, bec a use they have ad ventures like we could have. All is writ t en in an easy language to understand.

5  She received the medal of Smile in 1974.  This medal is given by children.

6  She died on 27th of May in 1995 in Warsaw.

7  1959 – ”The secret of green seal”  1960 – ”Boy on retreat or from unlucky diary Jacek”  1961 – ”Girl and boy or on row of 14 burnes”  1964 – ”Herring’s ear”  1968 – ”With a head on transistors”  1972 – ”First love for a minute”



10  The TV miniserial was called „Girl and boy”.  Two years later was made a film with the same title.  The serial was translated into French and was broadcast on Canadian Television Radio Canada in late 80 ies.





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