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Securing their future A strong, healthy and just society, living within environmental limits

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1 Securing their future A strong, healthy and just society, living within environmental limits

2 A thousand voices



5 What can schools do? Adopt the National Framework, fast! Run sustainability through the curriculum Get children learning outdoors Help them make sense of world issues (eg biofuels) Be an exemplar for the community Banish waste, save money Demand safer routes to school Challenge suppliers to do more Go Fair Trade... Work with your local authority to make sure you are properly supported

6 Good progress... 40% of schools doing some aspect of sustainable schools NCSL regards it as a leadership priority KS3 curriculum significant step forward DCSF carbon management strategy leading edge Voluntary schemes popular Evidence of what works improving (eg Sustrans Bike It) Wide range of guidance and tools

7 But... Not all teachers have the skills to contribute professionally Ofsted response positive but tentative to date. Primary review good, but sustainability insufficiently visible. School procurement skills weak and sustainability not considered, yet huge purchasing power of sector. We want children to walk and cycle, but parents rightly worried about safety. Whole life costing not always applied in capital spend. Waste management in schools poor or superficial: >70% food waste avoidable. Too few schools do tree-planting, wildlife gardening or food growing despite significant benefits (learning, health, shade).

8 Securing their future A strong, healthy and just society, living within environmental limits

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