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Providing an Appropriate Environment Created by: Irene Eliza Lopez.

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Presentation on theme: "Providing an Appropriate Environment Created by: Irene Eliza Lopez."— Presentation transcript:

1 Providing an Appropriate Environment Created by: Irene Eliza Lopez

2 RST1_2003 Chapter Vocabulary Cubby Custodial needs Isolation room Learning centers

3 RST1_2003 Chapter Vocabulary Nontoxic Sanitized Toxic Traffic pattern

4 RST1_2003 Planning the Environment Program goals Needs of all the children Staff’s needs Parental involvement

5 RST1_2003 Meeting Program Goals Independence Strong Self-Esteem Social Skills Problem-solving Ability

6 RST1_2003 More Goals Language Skills Large Muscle Development Small Muscle Coordination

7 RST1_2003 Planning for Development Social Development Physical Development Emotional Development Intellectual Development

8 RST1_2003 Meeting the Needs of Children Custodial Care Toileting Hand washing Eating Napping/Resting

9 RST1_2003 Needs of Children Meals Cot space Isolation Room Storage

10 RST1_2003 Children With Special Needs Wider classroom pathways Ramps Proper eating and restroom areas

11 RST1_2003 Meeting Staff Needs Directors Private office Storage space Teachers need Storage space Quiet location

12 RST1_2003 Meeting the Needs of Parents and Visitors Inviting and convenient entrance Sign in and out sheet area Bulletin board

13 RST1_2003 The Classroom Learning Centers Direct children Allow children to learn Provide opportunities Distribute children evenly

14 RST1_2003 Arranging Learning Centers Distinguished Visible Well supervised Well marked Three boundaries

15 RST1_2003 Outdoor Play Outdoor play may include Climbers Low slides Soft-seated swings Gardening activities

16 RST1_2003 Outdoor Play cont. Accessories Balls Hoops Tricycles Wagons Fence

17 RST1_2003 Choosing toys and Materials Safety Non toxic Blunt Durability Sanitization

18 RST1_2003 Toys and Materials cont. Versatility Interest the child Reinforce curriculum

19 RST1_2003 Toys and Material cont. The age and abilities of children Variety Cultures Quantity

20 RST1_2003 Irene’s Quiz website & password Website: zes24/irene28/Ch9Vocabulary.h tml zes24/irene28/Ch9Vocabulary.h tml Password: dork

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