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WHAT IS ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION? Environmental education refers to organized efforts to teach about how natural environments function and, particularly,

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3 WHAT IS ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION? Environmental education refers to organized efforts to teach about how natural environments function and, particularly, how human beings can manage their behaviour and ecosystems in order to live sustainably. Environmental education refers to organized efforts to teach about how natural environments function and, particularly, how human beings can manage their behaviour and ecosystems in order to live sustainably.ecosystemslive sustainablyecosystemslive sustainably

4 WHY ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION? Man’s greed for power, prosperity and prestige has done untold damage to the environment. Man’s greed for power, prosperity and prestige has done untold damage to the environment. He has used development as a means to exploit nature to its maximum not caring a bit for the damage it has done and is doing to humanity. He has used development as a means to exploit nature to its maximum not caring a bit for the damage it has done and is doing to humanity.

5 Though it’s a delayed realisation man feels that progress in science and technology should keep pace with sustainable development with minimum consumption of our natural resources in view. Though it’s a delayed realisation man feels that progress in science and technology should keep pace with sustainable development with minimum consumption of our natural resources in view. The result- A healthy and a joyful life for our future generations. The result- A healthy and a joyful life for our future generations. FOR THIS…………… FOR THIS……………

6 It is our duty and also the need of the hour to expose the younger generation to the concept of environmental education. It is our duty and also the need of the hour to expose the younger generation to the concept of environmental education. We owe this responsibility of safeguarding our nature to the future generation. We owe this responsibility of safeguarding our nature to the future generation. WHERE AND WHO BETTER TO WHERE AND WHO BETTER TO START WITH THAN THE START WITH THAN THE SCHOOL AND ITS STUDENTS!!!!!! SCHOOL AND ITS STUDENTS!!!!!!

7 HOW TO INCLUDE ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION IN THE SCHOOL CURRICULUM? Make science classes relevant and exciting by introducing students to "state- of-the-art" equipment Introduce students to critical environmental public health issues Introduce students to critical environmental public health issues Show students how they can make a difference in environmental health issues by presenting a variety of career paths.

8 Strategies that teachers can adopt and assist students with…. Labeling and mounting specimens from nature Organizing collections Observing nature Doing experiments in nature Noticing changes in the environment Sorting articles from nature Categorizing objects Classifying information Nature hikes or field trips in nature Wildlife protection projects Participating in Symposiums

9 Self-learning activities that can be adopted by students Collecting data Collecting objects from the natural world Keeping notebooks Learning characteristics of the natural world Gardening Caring for pets

10 WHAT DO THEY LEARN? As the future custodians of the Earth: They sensitise environment and associated problems. They equip themselves with necessary knowledge and skills to solve the environmental problems through positive and sustainable ways. They inculcate in themselves environmental values and ethics like conservation of, caring for and sharing resources of environment.

11 They learn about the human component involved when you work together as a group to investigate environmental problems and solutions. They inherently understand the power that is harnessed when a group of people combine their gifts and energies towards a common focus.



14 Attitudes --to help social groups and individuals acquire a set of values and feelings of concern for the environment and motivation for actively participating in environmental improvement and protection.


16 Awareness --to help social groups and individuals acquire an awareness and sensitivity to the total environment and its allied problems.


18 Sensitivity- --to help social groups and individuals gain a variety of experiences in, and acquire a set of values and feelings of concern for the environment and its associated issues and problems.


20 Skills -- to help individuals acquire skills for identifying and solving environmental issues and problems.


22 Participation --to provide individuals with an opportunity to be actively involved at all levels in working towards resolution of environmental issues and problems

23 Environmentally literate students becoming citizens who are able to weigh various sides of an environmental issue and make responsible decisions as individuals and as members of their community. Environmentally literate students becoming citizens who are able to weigh various sides of an environmental issue and make responsible decisions as individuals and as members of their community. Prioritisation of Environmental Education results in the transformation of…

24 Voice of Concern Environmental Education is to be given due importance. It is a welcome change that Environmental Education has been made compulsory from classes I to XII from the academic session 2005-06. However the ‘doing’ component is still missing.

25 guidesin Earnestly Nurturing Various Invaluable Resources Of Nature Monitoring Exploitative Nefarious Temper


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