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Motor Vehicle Accidents

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1 Motor Vehicle Accidents

2 MVA Motor Vehicle Accidents are by & large the most common causes of personal injury, and the leading non-natural killer in the world today. Estimation: 115 deaths every day 10 accidents every second 100,000 serious collisions occur on US highways every year 40,000+ die from auto accidents every year. Many more are seriously injured or permanently disabled

3 Auto injuries account for nearly 25% of the 5 million people who die from injuries each year.
Three times more men than women die as a result of road traffic collisions. 59% of all driving fatalities, the person was not wearing a seatbelt. Most accidents occur within 25 miles of home.

4 MVA’s kill & injure more than all other accidents combined.
Weapons Water/Air Transport Poisoning Drowning Accidental Falls Fire

5 Vehicle Impact 5 types of vehicle impact: Frontal (32%) Lateral (15%)
Rotational (38%) Rear-end (9%) Rollover (6%)

6 Events of Impact Each type of vehicle impact progresses through a series of 5 events: Vehicle collision – auto hits object Body collision – occupant’s body hits vehicle’s interior Organ collision – body hits vehicle’s interior, slows down & stops. Tissues behind contacting surface collide, on into another, as body comes to a halt Secondary collision – occupant is impacted by objects traveling within the auto Addition impact – vehicle receives second impact

7 Improper Driving - Car Accidents -
61.6% of fatalities Speeding Right of way Driving left of center Improper turn Improper passing Following too closely

8 Most drivers engage in one or more activities while driving:
Eating Talk on cell phone Reading Grooming Movies Radio

9 - Motorcycle Accidents -
More motorcyclist fatalities occur on rural roads Half of the fatalities are related to negotiating a curve prior to the crash Almost two thirds of the fatalities are associated with speeding Almost 60% of motorcyclist fatalities occur at night Braking and steering maneuvers contribute for almost 25% of fatalities

10 Motorcycle Accidents 3 types of motorcycle crashes
Initial bike/object collision Rider/object collision Rider/ground collision

11 - Semi-Truck Accidents -
Every 16 minutes, a person is killed or sustains injuries in accidents involving 18-wheelers, tractor-trailers, or semi-trucks About 700 heavy truck drivers & passengers in truck cabs die each year. Almost 3,700 people in cars & other passenger vehicles die annually in collisions with heavy trucks

12 Never Drink & Drive A person is killed in an alcohol-related tragedy every 20 minutes 17,000 drunk driving related deaths occur every year in the US Hundreds of thousands of lives are affected by the deaths of drunk driving victims.

13 -Drunk Driving Victims-
Christopher Oseguera, 18 Killed by a drunk driver January 15, 2000 Burned alive inside his jeep that caught on fire immediately after the collision

14 -Drunk Driving Victims-
Sean Adkins, 17 Killed by drunk driver March 31, 1995 Impaired driver hit Sean’s car at 63 mph. Sean flew 106’ to his death.

15 Denise Wagoner 15 extensive surgeries Seven on face alone
Disfigured, blind Permanent brain damage Denise was the impaired driver

16 Denise Wagoner

17 Denise Wagoner

18 Jacqui Saburido 9/19/99 20 yrs old 2 passengers killed instantly
Hands, Hair, ears, nose, left eyelid, most of her vision 40 operations Reggie Stephey convicted of 2 counts of manslaughter, 7 years in prison, $20,000

19 Jacqui Saburido

20 Jacqui Saburido

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