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Suicide Information Health Education Mr. Sheldon H4A.

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Presentation on theme: "Suicide Information Health Education Mr. Sheldon H4A."— Presentation transcript:

1 Suicide Information Health Education Mr. Sheldon H4A

2 Health Journal Make a list of reasons someone would have to commit suicide. What do these have in common? Make a list of reasons for someone NOT to commit suicide who might be considering it? What do these have in common?

3 Scope of the Problem Third leading cause of Death 15-24 year olds Third leading cause of Death 15-24 year olds 1) Accidents38% 1) Accidents38% 2) Homicides13% 2) Homicides13% 3) Suicides10% 3) Suicides10% 12 per day 12 per day 11 th leading cause of death for all ages combined 11 th leading cause of death for all ages combined

4 Suicide Vocabulary Ideation Ideation Thinking about killing oneself. Threat Threat Verbalizing an ideation. Attempt Having conscious intent to die but not dying. Completion Death from a Suicide attempt. Idealization Unrealistic glamorization of suicide and death.

5 Sub-intentional Suicide Purposefully engaging in lethal behaviors or situations Purposefully engaging in lethal behaviors or situations Ex: drug & alcohol abuse, DUI & Reckless Driving, Bridge walking, gang activity, “chicken” games, “Suicide by cop” Ex: drug & alcohol abuse, DUI & Reckless Driving, Bridge walking, gang activity, “chicken” games, “Suicide by cop” Some estimates have 50% of all suicides disguised as accidents Some estimates have 50% of all suicides disguised as accidents

6 Males at Risk 73% of all suicides 73% of all suicides 80% of all Firearm suicides 80% of all Firearm suicides Age 10-14: Male to female ratio 4:1 Age 10-14: Male to female ratio 4:1 Age 15-19: 5:1 Age 15-19: 5:1 Age 20-24: 7:1 Age 20-24: 7:1 Attempts: 3:1 by Females Attempts: 3:1 by Females

7 Motivations for Suicide Escape from intolerable situation Escape from intolerable situation Wanting to gain attention Wanting to gain attention Wanting to manipulate others Wanting to manipulate others Wanting to punish survivors Wanting to punish survivors Wishing to be punished Wishing to be punished Wishing to avoid punishment Wishing to avoid punishment


9 Tools of Suicide Males 1. Firearms 2. Car Crashes 3. Hanging 4. Jumps 5. Alcohol/Drugs Females 1. Alcohol/Drugs 2. Automobile Exhaust 3. Jumps 4. Wrist Slashing 5. Firearms (increasing quickly)

10 Warning Signs Prior Suicide Attempts Prior Suicide Attempts Major Risk Factor!! Significant Loss Significant Loss Love, Status, Career Family History of Suicide Family History of Suicide

11 Warning Signs Prolonged Depression Prolonged Depression 1. Loss of interests & hobbies 2. Withdrawal 3. Excessive sleep or insomnia 4. Appetite drop 5. Drug or alcohol increase

12 RED FLAGS!! 1. Previous attempts or gestures 2. Specific plan? 3. Lethal and available plan 4. Family history of suicide If yes to ANY, then activate all available resources IMMEDIATELY!

13 Suicide Myths Most suicides are caused by 1 particular trigger event Most suicides are caused by 1 particular trigger event Most suicides occur with little or no warning Most suicides occur with little or no warning It is best to avoid the topic of suicide It is best to avoid the topic of suicide A suicidal person clearly wants to die A suicidal person clearly wants to die

14 Helping a Friend Do’s and Don’ts DO: 1. Take them seriously 2. Allow them to express feelings and emotions 3. Focus on positives 4. Make CONCRETE plans for professional help DO NOT: 1. Be judgmental 2. Leave the Person alone 3. Tell them they do not mean it 4. Promise to hold suicide plans a secret

15 Ways to Help CONTACT Teacher, Councilor, Administrator Teacher, Councilor, Administrator Police/Fire Department – 911 Police/Fire Department – 911 Suicide Helpline: 211 from land lines Suicide Helpline: 211 from land lines 1-800-400-1572 from cell phones 24 hours a day, 7 days a week REMOVE Any tools that can be used for an attempt Any tools that can be used for an attempt

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