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Heesun Woo Roderick Gager Leslie Melendez Rachel Rulioba.

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Presentation on theme: "Heesun Woo Roderick Gager Leslie Melendez Rachel Rulioba."— Presentation transcript:

1 Heesun Woo Roderick Gager Leslie Melendez Rachel Rulioba

2 introduction  Define Drink-driving  Will provide statistic on how many people get arrested for drink-driving.  Will provide what organizations are involved in the matter of drunk driving

3 Position Drunk Driving should be stopped

4 Opposing view  People still drink and drive, praying to not get caught.  Suggestion/Demand to lower drinking-age

5 transition  Provide Evidence to back up our position

6 Reason no 1 Alcohol affects person’s ability to drive.  It affects brain function to comprehend and judge normally.  It also interferes body function.

7 Reason no 2 Fatality of Drunk Driving  45.8% of fatal car accidents is alcohol-involved.  People die/get injured from drunk-driving Every 25 to 30 minutes, 1 person get killed Every 90 minutes, 1 person get injured

8 Advocacy  Education on fatality of drunk driving could prevent younger age groups from drinking and driving.  More restrictions such as lowering BAL and harsher punishments could prevent drunk driving.

9 Research  Research on effect of education on drunk- driving  Survey on people’s perception on drunk driving.  Interview with various groups involved or concerned in drunk-driving.

10 Conclusion  Rolling Credit to include Fair Use Statement.

11 FAIR USE STATEMENT  The purpose of this page is for the viewing of the assignments for my English 1312 course. All rights are reserved to (Heesun Woo, Roderick Gager, Leslie Melendez, Rachel Rulioba), and no copying is allowed without permission. The University requires all members of its community to follow copyright and fair use requirements. You are individually and solely responsible for violations of copyright and fair use laws. Violations of copyright laws could subject you to federal and state civil penalties and criminal liability, as well as disciplinary action under University policies.

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