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Annotations in the ALA Lessons Learned So Far Donald Hobern TDWG Conference Symposium Annotations: No longer just a slip of paper…

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Presentation on theme: "Annotations in the ALA Lessons Learned So Far Donald Hobern TDWG Conference Symposium Annotations: No longer just a slip of paper…"— Presentation transcript:

1 Annotations in the ALA Lessons Learned So Far Donald Hobern TDWG Conference Symposium Annotations: No longer just a slip of paper… New Orleans, 18 October 2011, 12.00 midday The Atlas is funded by the Australian Government under the National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy and further supported by the Super Science Initiative of the Education Investment Fund

2 Sharing biodiversity knowledge to shape our future Annotations Enhancement to original data record –Correction –Additional information Associated with record by stable identifier Potentially provided by a range of agents –Distributed users –Machine processing Minimal to significant structure Discoverable and interpretable by other users

3 Sharing biodiversity knowledge to shape our future Centralised annotation service Collection Database Item 1 Item 2 Collection Database Item 3 Aggregated Cache Item 1 Item 2 Item 3 Image Database Image A Image B Species Profiles Profile X Access Item 1 via interface to Aggregated Cache and provide annotation Annotation Store 1’2’’2’ 3’B’A’ X’X’’’X’’ Access Item 2 via interface to Collection Database and provide annotation

4 Sharing biodiversity knowledge to shape our future Application-specific annotations Collection Database Item 1 Item 2 Collection Database Item 3 Aggregated Cache Item 1 Item 2 Item 3 Image Database Image A Image B Species Profiles ’’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ X’ Profile X X’’’X’’ Access Item 1 via interface to Aggregated Cache and provide annotation

5 Sharing biodiversity knowledge to shape our future Occurrence data

6 Sharing biodiversity knowledge to shape our future Images

7 Sharing biodiversity knowledge to shape our future Names

8 Sharing biodiversity knowledge to shape our future Volunteer involvement

9 Sharing biodiversity knowledge to shape our future Literature

10 The Atlas is funded by the Australian Government under the National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy and further supported by the Super Science Initiative of the Education Investment Fund The Atlas of Living Australia Participants The Council of Heads of Australian Faunal Collections (CHAFC) The Council of Heads of Australian Entomological Collections (CHAEC) The Council of Heads of Australasian Collections of Microorganisms (CHACM) The Council of Australasian Museum Directors (CAMD)

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