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Jordan Ameerali 1 Countries of the World By: Jordan Ameerali.

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Presentation on theme: "Jordan Ameerali 1 Countries of the World By: Jordan Ameerali."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jordan Ameerali 1 Countries of the World By: Jordan Ameerali

2 Jordan Ameerali 2 Why these countries? I am doing Russia, France, Ecuador and Dominican Republic I chose them because they were countries I didn’t know anything about They were also the only ones available at the time

3 Jordan Ameerali 3 Russia Capital City: Moscow Location: Spreads across eastern Europe and northern Asia Languages: Russian Religion: Many types of Christianity e.g. Orthodox and Catholic President: Dmitry Medvedev Priminister: Vladimir Putin Population: 142,008,838

4 Jordan Ameerali 4 France Capital City: Paris Location: Western Europe Language: French Religion: Roman Catholic (majority) President: Nicolas Sarkozy Priminister: Francois Fillon Population: 64, 473, 140

5 5 Ecuador Capital City: Quito Location: Between Columbia and Peru ( Western South America) Language: Spanish Religion: Catholics & Protestants Population:13,755,680 Population:13,755,680 President: Rafael Correa Priminister: Lenín Moreno

6 Jordan Ameerali 6 Dominican Republic Population: 9,904,000 Capital: Santo Domingo de Guzman Capital: Santo Domingo de Guzman President: Leonel Fernandez Priminister: Rafael Alburquerque Language: Spanish Location: Between the Caribbean Sea and the North Atlantic Ocean, east of Haiti

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