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Riding the Waves of Culture Fons Trompenaar CROSS-CULTURAL MANAGEMENT N.P.

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Presentation on theme: "Riding the Waves of Culture Fons Trompenaar CROSS-CULTURAL MANAGEMENT N.P."— Presentation transcript:

1 Riding the Waves of Culture Fons Trompenaar CROSS-CULTURAL MANAGEMENT N.P.

2 CROSS-CULTURAL MANAGEMENT Companies which want to be successful in foreign markets have to be aware of the local cultural characteristics, which will inevitably affect business. N.P.

3 CROSS-CULTURAL MANAGEMENT Basic cultural aspects devide: a)Countries of North America and north-west Europe, where management is largely based on: analysis, rationality, logic, systems b) Latin cultures of southern Europe and South America, where personal relations, intuition, emotion, sensitivity are of greater importance. N.P.

4 CROSS-CULTURAL MANAGEMENT Besides, Trompenaar adds that: 1)the largely Protestant cultures of the countries in group a) are individualist. In such cultures status has to be achieved through personal competence. (people are not respected just because thay have been in a company for 30 years). N.P.

5 CROSS-CULTURAL MANAGEMENT 2) In most Latin and Asian cultures, status is automatically accorded to the boss (who is likely to be in his/her fifties or sixties). N.P.

6 CROSS-CULTURAL MANAGEMENT In people’s relationships with their boss and colleagues, Trompenaar distinguishes between: universalists and particularists Universalists: believe that rules are extremely important; Particularists : believe that personal relationships and friendships should take precedence. N.P.

7 CROSS-CULTURAL MANAGEMENT Consequently, each group thinks that the other is corrupt: universalists say that particularists cannot be trusted because they will always help their friends; particularists say they cannot trust universalists because they would not even help a friend. N.P.

8 CROSS-CULTURAL MANAGEMENT Recognising the differences: Universalists 1)Focus is more on rules than relationships. 2)Legal contracts are readily drawn up. 3)A trustworthy person is the one who honours his/her word or contract. 4)There is only one truth or reality, that which has been agreed to. 5)A deal is a deal: the aim is to make a quick deal. N.P.

9 CROSS-CULTURAL MANAGEMENT Particularists 1)Focus is more on relationships than on rules. 2)Legal contracts are readily modified. 3)A trustworthy person is the one who honours changing mutualities (reciprocità). 4)There are several perspectives on reality, relative to each participant. 5)Relationships evolve: the aim is to build lasting relationships. N.P.

10 CROSS-CULTURAL MANAGEMENT Tips for doing business with universalists: 1)Be prepared for ‘rational’, ‘professional’ arguments; 2)Do not take impersonal ‘get down to business’ attitudes as rude; 3)Seek to integrate personality with authority within the group; 4)Prepare for quick decisions and sudden offers; 5)Carefully prepare the legal ground with a lawyer if in doubt. N.P.

11 CROSS-CULTURAL MANAGEMENT Tips for doing business with particularists: 1)Be prepared for personal ‘irrelevancies’ that do not seem to be going anywhere; 2)Do not take personal ‘get to know you’ attitudes as small talk; 3)Try to adjust individual needs to organisational needs; 4)Show patience for time taken to consult; 5)Carefully consider the personal implications of your legal ‘safeguard’. N.P.

12 Discussion: you and your culture Which do you think have been the most important influences on you? -nature: DNA -family environment in early life -friends and social life -primary/secondary school -higher education -job experiences -typical characteristics of the people in your geographical region/country How much do/will they affect your attitude in work? Assignment: imagine a group of people from Northern Europe (Britain, Netherlands, Germany) and Southern Europe (Italy, Spain, Greece) working together to reach a negotiation. Which problems will come out ? What solutions can you work out? Decide about the topic of discussion and participants’ positions. N.P.

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