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Terrorism – 21 st century risks. Terrorism What is terrorism? What do terrorists hope to achieve? Are all terrorist the same? How long has terrorism been.

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Presentation on theme: "Terrorism – 21 st century risks. Terrorism What is terrorism? What do terrorists hope to achieve? Are all terrorist the same? How long has terrorism been."— Presentation transcript:

1 Terrorism – 21 st century risks

2 Terrorism What is terrorism? What do terrorists hope to achieve? Are all terrorist the same? How long has terrorism been going on? How does a terrorist campaign end?

3 The emergence of Islamist Terrorism December 1979 former Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan in support of puppet regime. Armed struggle led to an influx of foreign fighters in defence of Islamic lands. Became known as “Afghan Arabs”.

4 Post Soviet withdrawal Many of the foreign fighters returned to their home countries. Others remained. They formed the core of what was to become known as Al Qaeda. AQ saw United States as the “Far Enemy” – two truck bomb attacks on their embassies in Dar-Es-Salaam, Tanzania and Nairobi, Kenya on 7 th August 1998. In the Nairobi blast 213 people were killed and over 4,000 injured, while 11 were killed in Dar es Salaam, with another 85 injured.

5 The Bosnian conflict Late 1980s – end of communist system in eastern Europe 1991 – Bosnia voted to leave Republic of Yugoslavia. Yugoslavian government invaded Bosnia to try and prevent this happening. Conflict continued until 1995. The war attracted support for the largely Muslim population from Muslim communities around the world.

6 The next AQ attack – October 2000 The USS Cole was attacked on 12 th October 2000 in the Yemeni port of Aden. 17 US sailors killed and 39 injured.

7 September 11 th 2001 These attacks marked the commencement of “The War On Terror” and all that has followed on.

8 20 th century terrorism in the UK 21 people were killed and 182 were injured in the IRA’s attack in Birmingham in November 1974. Bombs were planted in two pubs which exploded without warning. A third bomb did not detonate. This was the worst act of terrorism in the UK before 7/7. Most terrorist activity in the UK was due to the activity of the Irish Republican Army. Many bombing attacks followed over the next 25 years. There were smaller groups such as The Angry Brigade, Animal Liberation Front and Sons of Glyndwr – though their impact was minimal. Pub bombs led to first UK anti-terrorist legislation – Prevention of Terrorism Act 1974. It remained in law until the Terrorism Act 2000 enacted.

9 21 st century terrorism in the UK July 7 th 2005. Islamist extremists attacked London transport system. 52 people died and more than 800 people were injured. Government reacted with Prevention of Terrorism Act 2005. This act created Control Orders – allowing police to detain people without charge. Also led to development of CONTEST counter-terrorism strategy.

10 Where does this leave us now? Most immediate threat – AQ/ISIS inspired terrorism Threat of extreme right wing reaction Has the Irish threat disappeared completely? Any questions?

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