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Catholic Social Teaching “Our faith is profoundly social. We cannot be called truly “catholic” unless we hear and heed the Church’s call to serve those.

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Presentation on theme: "Catholic Social Teaching “Our faith is profoundly social. We cannot be called truly “catholic” unless we hear and heed the Church’s call to serve those."— Presentation transcript:

1 Catholic Social Teaching “Our faith is profoundly social. We cannot be called truly “catholic” unless we hear and heed the Church’s call to serve those in need and work for justice and peace” Communities of Salt and Light, US Bishops 1993

2 Handout Catholic Social Teaching An Overview – Read and Discuss What is Catholic Social Teaching? Living faith, loving action, transformative, promotes human flourishing, makes visible God’s kingdom Where does Catholic Social Teaching come from? Bible, Moral resources, Church documents What is the method of Catholic Social Teaching? Starts with God Reads “sign of the time” Person in society Christian Community GO AND MAKE A DIFFERENCE- do something take action

3 Wheel of Justice 7 major principles to reflect on and implement CST

4 Notes: 1998 US Bishops write CST document : Sharing CST: Challenges and directions (The Principles on the wheel are derived from that document)

5 Notes Purpose: Alert Catholics regarding their moral responsibility to spread the good news of the Gospel “Far too many Catholics are not familiar with the basic content of Catholic social teaching. More fundamentally, many Catholics do not adequately understand that the social teaching of the Church is an essential part of Catholic faith. This poses a serious challenge for all Catholics, since it weakens our capacity to be a Church that is true to the demands of the Gospel.”

6 Notes Ultimate Goal- Build God’s kingdom here and now (on earth) as commanded by Jesus WWJD regarding social issues such as child labor, abortion, genocide, unfair wages, starvation, homelessness, sex trafficking, unjust wars, excess greed and wealth, treatment of sick and disabled francis-message-on-human-trafficking-mea francis-message-on-human-trafficking-mea

7 1. Life and Dignity of the Human Person Starting point/foundational/essential Inherent worth of all Life is sacred (sanctity) Made in Gods image All laws must protect life (conception till natural death) Respect all- oppose all forms and prejudice Be consistent

8 2. Call to Family, Community, and Participation Family critical/base of society Laws should support and promote marriage and family You have a right and duty to participate in society (Local) Promote common good (not individualism)

9 3. Rights and Responsibilities Rights- fundamental to human decency (access to food, shelter, basic health care, education) Duties- take care of yourself, use skills and talents to contribute to the good of society

10 4. Option for the poor and vulnerable Be educated on root causes of poverty Advocate for policies/law that empower and protect the weakest in society Implement charity and justice Jesus taught to put the needs of “the least” first – especially the powerless (children, elderly, homeless, unemployed, refugee, sick….)

11 5. The Dignity of Work/Rights of Workers God created us to work and work should have dignity (We spend most of our lives working) Economy serve the people (not the other way around) Rights include fair wages, decent working conditions

12 6. Global Solidarity One human family/common bond Interdependent- connected – ALL Promote peace and mutual respect with all cultures and people Commit to the common good of humanity We are sister’s and brothers- (we should strive to find those connections and bonds that unite us)

13 7.Stewardship Showing respect for God includes respect for his creation Dominion requires cultivation and care (not senseless disregard for the earth and nature) We discover God’s presence in the world/universe Respect and preserve God’s creation which sustains life

14 Ticket Out Give three reasons why CST is important to study. Answer in three complete sentences.

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