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Sharp Hybrid Adaptive Routing Protocol for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks

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1 Sharp Hybrid Adaptive Routing Protocol for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks
Venugopalan Ramasubramanian (Rama) Zygmunt Haas Emin Gün Sirer Cornell University

2 introduction proactive reactive
constant high overhead independent of data traffic proactive maintenance enables low delay and often low loss rate reactive on-demand routing enables overhead to scale with data traffic performance significantly affected by mobility one protocol may out perform the other in different network conditions change is the only constant in mobile ad hoc networks

3 sharp overview hybridization framework application specific goals
combine proactive and reactive routing application specific goals destination nodes independently choose adaptation goals minimal packet overhead, target loss rate, target delay jitter adaptability fine grain adaptation to changing network and traffic characteristics self-tuning and driven by analytical model efficiency low overhead localized mechanisms

4 sharp hybrid adaptive routing
destination source

5 sharp hybrid adaptive routing
destination source

6 sharp hybrid adaptive routing
destination source

7 sharp hybrid adaptive routing
AODV destination source SPR

8 sharp proactive routing (SPR)
destination rooted Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) multi-link routing DAG construction local broadcast (TTL = zone radius) periodic reconstructions DAG maintenance link orientation reversal (TORA) periodic update beacons

9 sharp proactive routing
expanding radius from r to s (r < s) reconstruct DAG with zone radius s and TTL s shrinking radius from r to s (r > s) reconstruct DAG with zone radius s and TTL r distributed coordination and reliable packet delivery not required multiple destinations apply SPR independently overlapping regions share overhead

10 overhead of sharp routing components
h-r h AODV SPR proactive routing independent of number of sources (S) largely independent of mobility (λ: mean link lifetime) depends on zone radius (r) depends on number of nodes in proactive zone (NDr) reactive routing dependent on number of active routes (sources and destinations) dependent on mobility depends on distance (h-r) depends on number of nodes in the search area (NSh-r)

11 sharp adaptation estimating mean link-lifetime and mean node degree
aggregated within proactive zone piggy-backed on update beacons estimating traffic characteristics number of sources, routing distance, loss rate, delay jitter measured at destination with information piggy-backed on data packets by the source periodically choose radius before reconstruction driven by analytical model hysteresis different low and high watermarks prevents oscillations

12 sharp protocols minimal packet overhead (SHARP-PO)
power and bandwidth constrained networks estimate overhead during each reconstruction interval and adjust radius targeted loss rate (SHARP-LR) loss sensitive applications (TCP) incur less overhead to achieve the target loss rate targeted delay jitter (SHARP-DJ) multi-media applications incur less overhead to achieve the target delay jitter each destination independently chooses adaptation strategy

13 evaluation GloMoSim simulator lower layers mobility scale traffic
MAC: IEEE b; range: 250m; data rate: 11Mbps mobility random waypoint, 0 to 20 m/s, 0 pause time mobility fraction: fraction of mobile nodes scale 600 nodes 3000m x 3000m, 2 pkts/sec 200 nodes 1700m x 1700m, 8 pkts/sec traffic single destination multiple destinations: 1, 4, 7, 10 sources respectively all nodes destination

14 packet overhead

15 SHARP-PO: minimal packet overhead

16 packet overhead

17 loss rate

18 SHARP-LR: target loss rate (5%)

19 SHARP-LR: packet overhead

20 loss rate

21 delay jitter

22 SHARP-DJ: target delay jitter (0.16)

23 SHARP-DJ: packet overhead

24 delay jitter

25 conclusions SHARP hybridization
explore the continuum between proactive and reactive routing strategies application specific performance metrics minimal packet overhead, target loss rate, target delay jitter nodes independently choose adaptation goals SHARP adaptability fine grain control of hybridization across wide range of network and traffic scenarios expensive mechanisms – clock synchronization, leader election, agreement – not required

26 SHARP vs ZRP SHARP supports application specific adaptation strategies (loss rate, delay jitter) in addition to packet overhead ZRP optimizes only for packet overhead SHARP constructs proactive zones only around destination-nodes proactive zones around all nodes in ZRP SHARP’s proactive routing has lower overhead – only maintains routes to the center node ZRP ‘s proactive routing is expensive – maintain multi-cast tree to the edge nodes SHARP expands proactive zone in response to link failures, whereas ZRP shrinks the proactive zone

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