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1234 5678 9101112 13141516 The Memory Game Plate Tectonics.

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Presentation on theme: "1234 5678 9101112 13141516 The Memory Game Plate Tectonics."— Presentation transcript:

1 1234 5678 9101112 13141516 The Memory Game Plate Tectonics

2 Tectonic Plates

3 Transform boundary

4 A break in the Earth’s crust along which blocks of the crust slide relative to one another; due to tectonic forces.

5 The process by which new oceanic crust forms at mid-ocean ridges as tectonic plates are pulled away from each other.

6 The boundary between two colliding tectonic plates.

7 Fault

8 Lithosphere

9 Divergent Boundary

10 The boundary between two tectonic plates that are sliding past each other horizontally.

11 Convergent Boundary

12 Huge pieces of the lithosphere that move around on top of the asthenosphere.

13 The partially molten layer of the upper mantle on which the tectonic plates of the lithosphere move.

14 The boundary between two tectonic plates that are moving away from each other.

15 Sea floor spreading

16 The outer most rigid layer of the Earth that consists of the crust and the rigid uppermost part of the mantle.

17 Asthenosphere

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