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Mobility of Collections German EU Presidency 2007 Building up Trust and Networking and the role of NEMO NEMO Annual Meeting, 24 November 2006, Helsinki.

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Presentation on theme: "Mobility of Collections German EU Presidency 2007 Building up Trust and Networking and the role of NEMO NEMO Annual Meeting, 24 November 2006, Helsinki."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mobility of Collections German EU Presidency 2007 Building up Trust and Networking and the role of NEMO NEMO Annual Meeting, 24 November 2006, Helsinki






7 Activities during German Presidency in 2007 workshop in Munich in April 2007 organised by Bayerische Staatsgemäldesammlungen München and Staatliche Museen zu Berlin Long Term Loans and Loan Fees

8 Activities during German Presidency in 2007 workshop in Bremen in June 2007 organised by German Museums Association Building up Trust and Networking Trust and increasing contacts will help to enlarge the number of lenders and borrowers and promote the exchange of cultural objects.

9 increased contacts on a European level are necessary: NEMO ICOM Europe European Registrars European Museum Advisors EU Working Groups (…) Trust (between networks) link those networks invite chairpersons to establish continuous cooperation Role of NEMO:

10 Reciprocity as a guiding principle in dealing with partners: encourage professionals from member states to take part in networks participate in conferences realise that all partners are equal Trust (between professionals) expand networking among NEMO members organise joint conferences to encourage contacts between European museum professionals Role of NEMO:

11 exchange objects or collections develop joint programmes between museums of different countries exchange members of staff Long Term Partnerships develop mobility of people programmes Role of NEMO:

12 develop guidelines show best practice examples Common Standards develop NEMO Standard Loan Agreement support the EU Working Groups in developing further instruments (e.g. European facilities report, European long term loan agreement) promote best practice examples (through NEMO news and website) Role of NEMO:

13 encourage curatorial qualifications develop training material to ensure careful handling of objects Training collect and spread information on initiatives already existing select information relevant to the field of collection mobility support the development of qualification concerning collection mobility Role of NEMO:

14 encourage twinning of small and large museums encourage twinning of geographically distant museums encourage twinning of museums that have similar collections Twinning Museums disseminate information on programmes existing encourage cross border twinnings Role of NEMO:

15 German Presidency 2007: “Building up Trust and Networking” June 2007 in Bremen

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