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Gautier Mignot, Antici Diplomat of the Permanent Representation of France in Brussels Preparing and managing the European Council; the role of the Presidency.

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Presentation on theme: "Gautier Mignot, Antici Diplomat of the Permanent Representation of France in Brussels Preparing and managing the European Council; the role of the Presidency."— Presentation transcript:

1 Gautier Mignot, Antici Diplomat of the Permanent Representation of France in Brussels Preparing and managing the European Council; the role of the Presidency in holding the European Council Budapest, 2 April, 2009

2 What is the European Council and how does it function? Historical and legal background Who participates? Organisation of the works Material organisation and financial implications

3 Advice for preparing and managing the EC Think twice before organising an informal summit in your country Preserve the confidentiality of the EC Keep discussions and conclusions short, focused and operational Use swift and reactive (Brussels-based) methods of preparation, involving few people Have a business-like conduct of the works Convey the right messages to the press and the EP

4 Changes introduced by the Lisbon Treaty and their impact EC to become an institution, with Rules of Proceedings EC to have a separate budget Foreign Ministers not systematically present any longer EC to have a permanent president, who will have to cooperate somehow with the rotating presidency

5 Merci de votre attention!

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