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JEFFERSON’S PRESIDENCY American Pageant- Chapter 11.

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1 JEFFERSON’S PRESIDENCY American Pageant- Chapter 11

2 The Beginning of Mudslinging  Election of 1800  Adams vs. Jefferson- Part 2

3 Allegations? (p225)  Adultery  Fathered mulatto children- with his slave (Sally Hemings)  Liberal religious views = atheism  Military build-up but no war  Large national debt  Taxes Democratic- Republicans (Jefferson) Federalists (Adams)

4 You Decide….. Was the Revolution of 1800 aptly named? Do you think it was really a revolution? Why or why not? Write your answer on a sheet of paper to turn in.

5 Bloodless Revolution  First exchange of power in the US  Bloodless exchange- no rebellion, no revolution, quiet exchange from one President to another  Changeover from Federalist to Dem-Republican  Showcased their democratic spirit and the true difference between America and European nations  As a result of the election, the Federalist Party practically disappeared

6 COMPARE….. …….. the inaugurations of the Federalist Presidents to that of Jefferson.

7 Legislative Changes  Sedition Acts expired in 1801  Alien Act was replaced by the Naturalization Act of 1802. Residency requirement reduced to 5 years (from 14).  Excise tax was repealed- strained the agrarian society of the South and West too much.  Government lost $$ annually.

8 Military  Reduced the size of the navy  Nearly eliminated the army  No need for a standing army in peacetime  Navy only to defend ships along US coastline

9 Barbary Pirates  Bribes paid to them to allow unrestricted shipping in the Mediterranean Sea.  Barbary Coast of Africa- Northern Africa  Jefferson refused to pay them  Fighting between US ships and Barbary states until a treaty was made.

10 Judiciary Act of 1801  Signed by John Adams at the “last hour” of his Presidency  Created 16 new federal judgeships  “Packing the Courts” with Federalist judges  Known as the “midnight judges”  Led to the famous case Marbury v. Madison  Marshall Court

11 Chief Justice John Marshall Read the document provided on Marbury v Madison. Answer questions 1,2,5

12 European Interactions  France and Spain = cession of trans-Mississippi Louisiana and New Orleans to France  Pinckney’s Treaty become invalid- loss of navigation and warehousing rights- affects western farmers most.  Jefferson concerned about fighting Napoleon to regain access.

13 Louisiana Purchase  Robert Livingston and James Monroe  1803  Intended to purchase New Orleans and any surrounding land they could for up to $10 million  Napoleon sold the entire Louisiana Territory for $15 million. WHY?

14 Napoleon  Lost Haiti during a rebellion led by Toussaint L’Ouverture = no need for Louisiana’s food supplies  Wanted/Needed $$$ to defeat British  Feared a British and American alliance if he didn’t negotiate a deal.  Louisiana Purchase = 1803= doubled the size of the United States

15 Conflict of Conscience  Jefferson = strict constructionist  Purchase of land was not a Presidential “duty” listed in the Constitution  Jefferson wanted to expand farmable land  Lead to his dream of an agrarian society


17 Corps of Discovery  Lewis and Clark  Translator Sacajawea  1804  Explored land in the West, all the way to the Pacific coast  Notebooks containing maps, flora and fauna, Indian tribes  Helped the East to have a better understanding of the West

18 Meriwether Lewis William Clark

19 Notebooks of Meriwether Lewis

20 Corps of Discovery Map

21 Treason??  Aaron Burr  2 attempts to lead a section of the US to break away from the nation  New York  West  Plots were discovered BOTH times  Scheme in the West led to him being tried for TREASON- not guilty  Spent rest of life in Europe

22 Death of Hamilton

23 British- France War  Impact on the US???  Trade  Impressment

24 Loss of neutral trading rights  Orders in Council- Britain closed European ports (under French control) to all imports and exports  Caveat- ships let through if they went to Britain first  Napoleon retaliated  Seizure of all ships entering British ports BritishFrance US has no way to trade- hurts economy

25 Impressment  British impressment of American sailors  Chesapeake incident  Off the coast of VA  Fighting ensued between Chesapeake and British ship  Injury and death of American sailors

26 The Chesapeake Affair

27 Jefferson Responds  Embargo Act (1807)  Hated!!!  Jefferson forbade all trade with England and France (included ports outside of these nations)  Goal: hurt the economy of both nations causing them to leave us alone  Avoid war with both nations

28 Impact on the US  Hurt New England- shipbuilding, port trade, merchants  Hurt South- nowhere to export foodstuff (agricultural products)  Dambargo  Mobrage  Go Bar ‘Em  O Grab Me


30 Changing Tactics  Repeal of the Embargo Act in 1809  Replacement by the Non-Importation Act  Reopened trade with everyone EXCEPT England and France

31 End of Jefferson’s President  At the conclusion of his 2 nd term, Jefferson chose to follow Washington’s precedent of only two terms.  Endorsed James Madison for the election of 1808

32 ASSIGNMENT 1. Read “Case Study- The Embargo Act of 1807..”

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