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DAY 10: MICROSOFT EXCEL – 7,9 AND 12 Sravanthi Lakkimsetty Sept 21, 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "DAY 10: MICROSOFT EXCEL – 7,9 AND 12 Sravanthi Lakkimsetty Sept 21, 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 DAY 10: MICROSOFT EXCEL – 7,9 AND 12 Sravanthi Lakkimsetty Sept 21, 2015

2 REMINDER Homework # 3 is due on 9/25/2015 by 11.59pm.

3 NESTED IF FUNCTIONS Scenario: If a representative was hired before 1/1/2015, the rep receives 9% of his/her salary as bonus. If a representative was hired between 1/1/2005 and 1/1/2010, the rep earns 5% bonus. Anyone hired after 1/1/2010 receives a 3% bonus. How do we write a single formula to calculate the bonus?


5 NESTED IF FLOW CHART Salary*9% Salary*5% Salary*3% If hired before 1/1/2005 If hired on or before 1/1/2010 Value_if_false Value_if_true Value_if_false

6 NESTED IF FORMULA Now try building the nested IF condition in the formula as:

7 AND FUNCTION AND function accepts two or more logical tests and displays TRUE if all conditions are true and FALSE if any of the conditions is false. Syntax is =AND(logical1,logical2) Lets try the nested AND function in the example where students earn a bonus of 10 points if they have full attendance and have not missed any assignments

8 OR FUNCTION OR function accepts two or more conditions and returns TRUE if any of the conditions are true and returns FALSE if all the conditions are false. Syntax is =OR(logical1,logical2) Lets try the nested OR function in the example where students earn a bonus of 10 points if they have either full attendance or have not missed any assignments

9 NOT FUNCTION The NOT function reverses the truth value of its argument. Syntax is =NOT(logical)

10 CHAPTER - 9 10

11 WORKSHEET REFERENCE Pointer to a cell in another worksheet is called a 3-D Reference. Syntax : ‘Worksheet_name’!Range_Of_Cells 11

12 3D FORMULA Formula or function that refers to the same range in multiple worksheets. Select cell B2 in Yearly Totals sheet Type =SUM( Click first worksheet tab, Qtr1. Press and hold shift as you click the last worksheet tab for adjacent sheets. The formula becomes =SUM(Qtr1:Qtr4!B2) 12

13 INSERTING HYPERLINKS Hyperlink is an electronic marker to another location in a worksheet, workbook, file, web page or email. Select B1  Insert ribbon  Hyperlink in the Links group Type J4:J20 in the Type the cell reference box and click OK. 13

14 LINKING WORKBOOKS Linking is the process of creating external cell references from worksheets in one workbook to cells on a worksheet in another workbook Before creating links, identify the source and destination files. Source file is the one that contains the original data that you need elsewhere. The destination file is the file containing a pointer to receive data from the source file.

15 CREATE AN EXTERNAL REFERENCE Syntax is =[WorkbookName]WorksheetName!RangeOfCells (But this works only when source and destination are in the same folder and workbook,worksheet names do not contain spaces)

16 = ‘[WorkbookName]WorksheetName’!RangeOfCells (But this works only when source and destination are in the same folder and workbook,worksheet names contain spaces) =‘C:\.[path to the workbook]WorksheetName’!RangeOfCells (Source and destination are in different folders)

17 CHAPTER - 12 17

18 SELECTING A TEMPLATE Template is a special workbook file which is partially completed and is used as a model to create similarly structured workbooks File -> New Search for template Select one Preview of selected template 18

19 APPLYING THEMES AND BACKGROUNDS A theme is a collection of formats that include colors, fonts, and special effects to provide a stylish appearance. Page Layout ribbon Themes Select one A background is an image that appears behind the worksheet data onscreen Page Layout ribbon Background -> select desired file 19

20 APPLYING CELL STYLES A cell style is a set of formatting options applied to worksheet cells Home ribbon Styles -> Cell styles 20


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