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HF UPGRADE PROJECT Y. Onel PM July 9, 2012 1. OLD PMT vs NEW PMT 2 Old PMTs exhibit systematic gain loss vs Integrated Luminosity, rate of loss slowing.

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Presentation on theme: "HF UPGRADE PROJECT Y. Onel PM July 9, 2012 1. OLD PMT vs NEW PMT 2 Old PMTs exhibit systematic gain loss vs Integrated Luminosity, rate of loss slowing."— Presentation transcript:

1 HF UPGRADE PROJECT Y. Onel PM July 9, 2012 1

2 OLD PMT vs NEW PMT 2 Old PMTs exhibit systematic gain loss vs Integrated Luminosity, rate of loss slowing down. New PMTs (24 installed in Feb-2012) show no signs of gain changes so far (3mo, ~6fb-1) HCAL Operations report CMS Week June 2012 Pavel Bunin, JINR, Sudan Paramesvaran,

3 Recent Highlights and News-I The PMT deliveries are now completed. Testing is going well. We had a meeting with Hamamatsu regarding our reject tubes. We have shipped back about 20 PMT’s ( low gain, high dark current and black cover problems) to be tested by them. We will give a go ahead to Sergey Los soon for the Base Board Production. Working on the New HV testing system and forming a committee to evaluate the RFP responses. Bulgarian new module testing is completed as well as the CAEN system. Received a detailed Draft Report from German and Alexi. Both power supplies were tested and evaluated at CERN E-pool using professional equipment and high expertise level of pool technicians. The HV RFP and decision committee is now formed. Members are: Germain, Alexi, Ianos, S.Los, M.Miller, D.Winn from HF and Magnus and S. Lusin from CMS Coordination. HF Upgrade PM will write a charge to this committee– late this week. We have decided on the shield length- 54 mm (looks good !! the presentation by Ianos during HF meeting on May 14 th anf got confirmation by Pawel. Mike Fountain has started with the production. 3

4 Recent Highlights and News-II Gain Sorting Proposal by Ugur is now ready. -A uniform gain distribution for one HF is outlined from the first 900 PMT sample. Other than the fringes at the edge of the sample, we can get gain uniformity within2%. -EM and HAD, and 4 Quadrant separation would work if we can deliver different HV for each group (total 24 groups). -As the operation gain is decided, we can develop sorting and HV distributions for each group. - Base Board testing on the 11 Pre-production boards are done. We see no problems and requested to start for the production. We have shipped 6 boards to CERN last week. Different testing using the QIE readout was performed at CERN. Ferhat will report. -Life-time results for the first 200C is reported even if Iowa task is to verify the gain drop specs at 3000C. We have requested more info from Hamamatsu. - New cable specs for the request of quotes are ready ( Terry Shaw) -Connectors and cables for two new dark boxes are ordered. -First 864 PMT’s (900– spares) were delivered to CERN. 4

5 Recent Highlights and News-III There is an agreement for a new cable purchases– Thanks Chris Tully, Jeremy Mans and Pawel De Barbaro for this. There is also a strong support from Austin and Magnus on this. Decision is to purchase all ROBOX inside cables and 1/8 of 5m cables FEE and connector cables to the existing FEE and start installing these and purchase the remaining by Mid-2013 that we have all cables installed during LS1. This will enable us to go to the 2 channel readout option by LS1.5 or YETS (2014-15).This means that the HF FEE design and construction will go rather fast ( att. to our Turkish and Brazilian groups) HF new front end integration will be presented by Ianos. HF Electronics Packaging as well as the agreement within HCAL that we should pursue the Winchester Cables presented by Terry Shaw. Developing our “Project Org Chart” adding Brazilian Universities and ITU, Istanbul. Alberto Santoro and Gilvan-Augusto Alves are named as Co-L2’s for Brazil in our org chart. E.Gulmez BU-Istanbul is L2 for Turkey. 5

6 HF2012 Organization Chart 6

7 Milestones 2012 HF UPGRADE PROJECT MILESTONS PMT Testing 50% Complete 1/1/2012 Production Readiness Review 1/12/2012 New YETS 2012 ROBOX manufactured, tested and installed in CMS 2/17/2012 New cable purchase decision 2 or 4 channel 7/1/2012 Start of CMS 2012 Shutdown 12/5/12 (DELAY IS EXPECTED) Equip ROBOX test stands at SX5 11/23/12 Gather Miscellaneous Hardware/Equipment for in-situ HF Testing in Garages 11/23/12 Install Miscellaneous Hardware/Equipment for in-situ HF Testing in Garages 12/19/12 HF Plus Moved into Garages 12/21/12 HCAL INTERNAL MILESTONES New HV system purchase decision 8/15/2012 HF PMT characterization and testing 100% done 10/1/2012 HF PMT's are shipped to CERN 10/15/2012 HF PMT Boards QC testing 100% at Iowa 11/1/2012 Start of the HF ROBOXes shipping to CERN 11/1/2012 HF PMT's are shipped to CERN 10/15/2012 7

8 HF PMT UPGRADE SORTING This is only first 900 PMTs sorted for one HF module. The absolute gain values are defined as the ratio between cathode current and anode current. The gain values listed are for 800 V, which is the manufacturer listed operating voltage for Hamamatsu R7600 PMTs. We have measured the absolute gains at 600V, 650V, 700V, 750V, 800V, 850V, and 900V. All data is on database for further needs. The sorting philosophy is using low gain PMTs for EM (long fiber) and high gain PMTs for Hadronic (short fiber) sections. We also divided the HF module to 4 quandrants, and 3 rings; inner, middle, and outer, with respect to eta regions. Inner ring being the highest eta region, we chose to insert low gain PMTs to inner ring, and high gains to outer ring. The possible backups are listed under every group. Total 864 PMTs are used for distribution, and 36 PMTs are assigned as backups. Overall 2-3% gain variation within each group is satisfied. However at the far edges of the gain distribution the gain variation gets higher, we recommend locating these high and low gain extremes, to most inner and most outer towers (13, 14, 1). 8

9 Single HF wedge has 24 towers. 9

10 Four quadrands of HF module 10

11 An Example Q-1 Inner Ring EM Q-2 Inner Ring EM Q-3 Inner Ring EMQ-4 Inner Ring EM JA06251.6E+05JA06097.5E+05JA11458.9E+05JA06391.0E+06 JA12971.9E+05JA08847.6E+05JA09299.8E+05JA05571.0E+06 JA01812.6E+05JA08007.6E+05JA05458.9E+05JA02611.0E+06 JA09873.2E+05JA06537.6E+05JA06788.9E+05JA07471.1E+06 JA05903.2E+05JA10117.7E+05JA06778.9E+05JA05511.0E+06 JA08773.6E+05JA05167.7E+05JA02689.0E+05JA10651.0E+06 JA07354.1E+05JA06507.7E+05JA05539.0E+05JA02891.0E+06 JA05874.7E+05JA08337.7E+05JA02679.0E+05JA08121.0E+06 JA07385.0E+05JA09207.8E+05JA07689.1E+05JA10061.0E+06 JA06875.5E+05JA11417.8E+05JA08019.1E+05JA02551.0E+06 JA07775.6E+05JA01837.8E+05JA02269.1E+05JA02571.0E+06 JA02845.6E+05JA07737.9E+05JA01549.1E+05JA01561.0E+06 JA02855.7E+05JA10088.0E+05JA06669.1E+05JA04931.0E+06 JA05915.8E+05JA07538.0E+05JA10169.2E+05JA02461.0E+06 JA07516.1E+05JA02998.1E+05JA06309.2E+05JA05461.0E+06 JA06426.1E+05JA05108.1E+05 JA08919.3E+05 JA06461.1E+06 JA06456.2E+05JA06518.1E+05JA08089.4E+05JA09771.1E+06 JA07336.3E+05JA03128.2E+05 JA06339.4E+05 JA02961.1E+06 JA07486.4E+05JA08098.2E+05JA08069.4E+05JA12331.1E+06 JA06436.5E+05JA10439.5E+05JA04599.4E+05JA02531.1E+06 JA00566.5E+05JA09748.2E+05JA03059.5E+05JA05151.1E+06 JA06886.6E+05JA02288.2E+05JA09429.5E+05JA06401.1E+06 JA02866.6E+05JA10648.3E+05JA01539.5E+05JA08261.1E+06 JA20948.6E+05JA02668.4E+05JA08769.6E+05JA15221.1E+06 JA02546.8E+05JA09188.4E+05JA01599.6E+05JA05541.1E+06 JA08586.8E+05JA09358.4E+05JA06729.7E+05JA08031.1E+06 JA07376.9E+05JA02988.4E+05JA03909.7E+05JA00481.1E+06 JA09028.8E+05JA05898.5E+05JA02799.7E+05JA01911.1E+06 JA03097.1E+05JA02698.5E+05JA07769.8E+05JA03101.1E+06 JA09227.2E+05JA05888.6E+05JA11289.8E+05JA06341.1E+06 JA08307.2E+05JA02978.6E+05JA13989.8E+05JA03371.1E+06 JA02937.2E+05JA06868.6E+05JA07729.8E+05JA06821.1E+06 JA08607.3E+05JA08398.7E+05 JA06749.8E+05 JA00941.1E+06 JA13795.0E+05JA21799.8E+05JA10059.9E+05JA05281.1E+06 JA07587.4E+05JA08978.8E+05JA09919.9E+05JA08861.1E+06 JA09157.5E+05JA10098.9E+05JA08059.9E+05JA09161.1E+06 AVE5.8E+05 8.2E+05 9.4E+05 1.1E+06 STDEV1.7E+05 5.1E+04 3.5E+04 3.3E+04 %30.0 6.2 3.7 3.1 11

12 NEW CABLE SPECS HF Signal Cables – Manufacturer Winchester Electronics Suggested improvements (from Ianos Schmidt): – REQUIRED: Cable is stiff at the shrink tubing used to terminate the outer sheath. This could present some difficulties if too long as tightest bends are required near the ends of the cables. -- Need to determine an acceptable length. – REQUIRED or WOULD LIKE ??: Would prefer longer and knurled connector nuts so that they could be turned by hand without need of a screw driver. Over tightening of jack screws on the existing D‐sub connectors has been a persistent problem. – REQUIRED: Cable connectors should be identically keyed so that cables can be easily swapped. Very important for rapid trouble shooting and fast cable replacement if necessary. ‐Very important. – WOULD LIKE: Would like grips on cable connectors to ease connecting/disconnecting. Also noted – hoods on cable connectors would prevent damage seen from snagging exposed coax connector. – Adapter cable must be re‐defined to fanout to two 8w8DIN connectors (suggestion below) – Need to sign off on all lengths and materials used 12

13 Adaptor cable-fanout to 8w8DIN 13

14 14

15 15

16 16

17 17

18 HF Upgrade Staging Stage 1 (LS1) PMT replacement Upgrade cabling to allow transition to new FEE and 2-anode readout Use existing FE electronics. – Adapter boards in readout boxes will gang anodes – Cable Adapters at FEE crates will adapt new cabling to present electronics Stage 2 Upgrade FE electronics for 2-anode readout and TDC – RoBox adapter boards changed for two 2-anode – Racks will be reconfigured for new FEE Maintain the possibility to switch to four-anode readout in the future should that prove necessary. 18

19 Working on the planning for 2013-14 HF upgrade will happen in at least two phases: 1.PMT’s will be replaced (LS1) – Rebuild readout boxes (new PMT’s, PCB’s, and new cables). – Change HV power supplies in USC. 2. Front end electronics will be replaced (eYETS?) Prefer to do this – Reconfiguration of on detector racks – Additional LV [New backend electronics already commissioned] Before, or at same time as electronics replacement: Front end signal cables will need to be replaced Additional fibers will need to be pulled (3.) If not already done, double the channel count to fully exploit multi- anode PMT’s. in LS1 19

20 ROB work flow Work starts as soon as HF’s are in garages and boxes accessible. Refurbishment will happen in SX5, HCAL alcove Boxes will be processed in groups of “quadrants”, 9 boxes that make up 90 degrees in phi on HF. Boxes will be remounted and commissioned by quadrants (Smallest unit due to shared HV). Burn in and commissioning happens whenever services are available. – Off critical path. Have flexibility here Remove boxes from both HF’s RP screening Disassembly Refurbishment Testing Remount on HF’s Testing/burn-in, commissioning UXC USC Sourcing 20

21 HF Integration PMT Installation (Jun 2011-­‐ ‑ Apr 2014) --‐ ‑ QA tests at Iowa. --‐ ‑ QC tests at 904 and HCAL P5 Alcove with spare RBX and two/three additional “dark boxes” for components. --‐ ‑ Removal of RBXs from detector, re-­‐ ‑ assembly, initial tests (P5 Alcove) --‐ ‑ Installation, burn-­‐ ‑ in and commission on the detector. --‐ ‑ Cable installation for electronics upgrade (LS1). --‐ ‑ At this stage back-­‐ ‑ end fw/sw is already verified via slice test parallel reading. --‐ ‑ QC and burn-­‐ ‑ in (Jun 2013-­‐ ‑ Oct 2013) --‐ ‑ Installation and commissioning with old FE and CMS Trigger/cDAQ (Nov 2013 -­‐ ‑ Apr 2014). Back-­‐ ‑ End (Jun 2013 -­‐ ‑ Apr 2014) Front-­‐ ‑ End (Feb 2015 -­‐ ‑ Mar 2016) --‐ ‑ By using additional readout boxes and dark boxes built for new HF PMTs make a small unit with BE and FE electronics to perform QC and burn-­‐ ‑ in* at 904 and/or HCAL P5 Alcove. --‐ ‑ Sockets, adapter boards, connectors, cables will also be part of the test. --‐ ‑ 144 front-­‐ ‑ end cards (and ~12 calibration modules) will be tested --‐ ‑ Unlike HBHE RMs, QIE10, FPGA and GBT are on the cards inside crate. --‐ ‑ Also, beam test with finalized BE/FE electronics and HF mock-­‐ ‑ up in will be done in Summer 2015 to define/check pre-­‐ ‑ thresholds for TDC in QIE10 and FPGA. *QC/Burn--‐ ‑ in 1-­‐ ‑ LED and pedestal runs noise runs. 2-­‐ ‑ Charge injection with Pulser to (re)study QIE10 characteristics. 3-­‐ ‑ SPE, QIE noise, light tightness. 4-­‐ ‑ ADC performance, TDC and serial output functionalities. 21

22 Front end signal cables For multi-anode readout: Cable volume will double Existing cables must be replace due to insufficient connection density Cabling solution identified (Winchester electronics)that meets our requirements. – Connection density – Robustness – No degradation of detector performance -Consists of 3 parts: Cable for inside RoBoxes, 5m cables to FEE, and Adapters to connect to existing FEE 24 Coax connectorInside RoBox5m Cable to FEEAdapter for Existing FEE 22

23 HF QIE Card Very Similar To HB/HE QIE Card 23

24 TDC in HF Rising edge TDC data comes from the QIE10 – 5 or 6 bit - 390 to 780 ps bin size Falling edge comes from FPGA – Uses QIE10 discriminator output – 4 bits, one special code -1.56 ns-bin – Special code will indicate multiple pulses. 24

25 HF Card concept Dual QIE board unit 2x24 channels =48 / unit 6U crates with 1.2” module spacing. 25

26 New Advanced Schedule 26

27 PCB production 12x Jumper base board production/checking jumper board testing PCB production Board assembly/testing Testing and QC at Iowa First shipment of PCB's to CERN 50% board production done All done, tested and delivered to CERN 3/1/12 --- 4/15/12 4/15/12 ---5/15/12 5/15/12—6/15/12 6/15/12– 12/1/12 6/30/12 - 7/15/12 7/31/12 (Int. Milestone) 10/1/12 (Int. Milestone) 12/7/12 (Int. Milestone) SL SL, IS, AM SL MM, JC, DS, ZJ, GF, JK ZJ SL

28 PMT's Delivery dates at CERN Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5 Set 6 Set 7 Set 8 05/15/12 06/01/12 06/15/12 07/01/12 08/01/12 08/14/12 09/01/12 09/14/12

29 Test stand setup Test new box ( set-up new ROB) Produce and assemble test equip Establish Testing Procedures Produce Test stand equipment AM Tests new Box New ROBOX at 904- operating New ROBOX at SX5- operating Test Stands at SX5—operating 4/23/12 - 5/15/12 3/31/12 - 6/30/12 4/23/12 - 7/31/12 4/15-6/30 5/15 - 6/7/12 7/31/12 - 8/31/12 7/31/12 12/23/12 IS, AM IS, MF, PD, TK AM, IS, AP IS, MF, PD, TK AM, HB, EB AM, IS, AP, GA, YG AM, IS, AP, GA, YG, SD, YOz, FO, SS, SC, NB Adding two students Marcos and Thiago from Brazil. 29

30 ROB mechanics Finalize Shield dimensions & All materials ordered QN + Iowa students pre-assembly Ship to CERN CERN Setup HF+ mechanics pre-assembly/cable prep. ROB Completion Dates 25% completion 50% completion 75% completion 100% completion Production contingency 04/01/12 - 05/14/12 06/01/12 - 07/01/12 09/01/12 09/14/12 - 10/01/12 10/01/12 - 03/01/13 05/01/12 - 06/31/12 07/01/12 - 08/31/12 09/01/12 - 10/31/12 11/01/12 - 12/21/12 12/22/12 - 02/28/13 PB, MT, IS, PD, TK ZJ, ET, GF, JC, JK, DS Olga, TK, PD, (+2 crews x2) 30

31 31 Assembly and Testing Base board population learning/training Populate and test baseboards HF+ Q1 (27) HF+ Q2 (54) HF+ Q3 (81) HF+ Q4 (108) HF- Q1 (135) HF- Q2 (162) HF- Q3 (189) HF- Q4 (216) 07/31/12 - 08/21/12 08/22/12 - 09/07/12 09/07/12 - 09/22/12 09/22/12 - 10/07/12 10/07/12 - 10/22/12 10/22/12 - 11/07/12 11/07/12 - 11/22/12 11/22/12 - 12/07/12 12/07/12 - 12/22/12 AM, IS, DK, MK, OK AM, IS, DK, MK, OK, EE, OO, BU, MY, SD, YOz, HO, KD

32 Activities on HF (HF+ HF-) HF + HF+ ROB’s out Disassemble Reassemble + testing HF - HF- ROB’s out Disassemble Reassemble + testing 12/03/12 - 12/18/12 12/19/12- 02/03/13 02/04/13 - 04/08/13 12/19/12 - 01/15/13 01/16/13 - 03/19/13 03/20/13 - 06/25/13 32

33  PMT exposed to constant light intensity  Current from PMT anode integrated over time gives total charge

34  Gain vs. Coulombs Pulled from 2 PMTs: Talking to Hamamatsu-requested detailed data on their measurements. JA291 JA107

35 We are in this box until 1000 C !!!

36  Low intensity LED directed toward face of PMT  Intensity increased until PMT output linearity breaks  Linearity breaks at 8900 photoelectrons 8900 pe!!

37  Incident double pulse light is incremented until ratio of output double pulse amplitude deviates  Double pulse linearity breaks at 9000 photoelectrons

38  In our regular plan the lifetime was supposed to be after all the tests. However, we rushed it over the weekends since HCAL asked if any gain drop is observed. Over the 200 C, there is no gain drop. Now we have a dedicated box, it should go faster. We are hoping to reach 2000 C after new year. Our tasks is verify the Hamamatsu specs at 3000C.  Linearity has been tested with two different methods; single pulse and double pulse. On both of them we measure the PMTs to be within 1% linearity until ~9000 p.e.

39 Base-Board Testing

40 Conclusion We “optically” tested all the boards with all bases loaded. We got the signal from every socket. We measured the response uniformity. We also tested the bases for cross-talks with; 1 PMT lit the others covered 4 PMT lit the other 4 covered Alternated the lit-half In every case we did not observe any signal above pedestal on covered PMTs.

41 New Info From Turkish Manpower ITU GROUP –KEREM CANKOCAK WILL APPLY FOR SABBATICAL for 2013 HF preparation and installation Ferhat Ozok (presently at CERN, until the end of 2012) Ozlem Ozcelik (presently at CERN, until the end of 2012) Cemsinan Deliduman (presently at CERN, until September 2012) Onur Fikri Ozturpan (July & August) Other related work (online software, DPG analysis, calibration, etc.) Fuat Ilkehan Vardarli (presently at CERN, until the end of 2012) Huseyin Bahtiyar (September, November, December) Mete Yucel (from July until the end of 2012) Esra Barlas (from July until the end of 2012) For the 2013, ITU will apply to fund for 5 people regarding HF system tests. 41

42 CU + BU For 2013 The CU group asked from their funding agency for support at CERN for four PhD students (experienced) for 6 months each and one new PhD student for 10 months. They will be spending 50% of their time on LS1 work. The 7 young faculty members (Kenan Sogut, Numan Bakirci, Sertac Ozturk, Huseyin Topakli, Salim Cerci, Deniz Sunar Ceci, Bayram Tali) They submitted a new project proposal to their funding agency in which they are asking for 45 months of support both for 2013 and 2014. with 50% on the average time spent on LS1 activities. For 2013 the BU asked one more additional graduate student support during the LS1. 42

43 Back-up

44 44 IOWA Teams 1-4, HF CERN Team, HF Turkish Team Iowa Team #1 PMT characterization Akgun- Ph.D, Lead Engineers Neuhaus, Miller, Tyler Grad. Students K.Dilsiz,Harrington, Haytmuradov, Ogul, Tiras Undergrads Carso, Funk, Jia, Reed, Squires Iowa Team #2 PMT performance studies in pp collisions Bilki, Clarida, S.Durgut, Yetkin, Y.Oz. Iowa Team #3 Study light guide and sleeve performance Clarida, Ozok and Sen Iowa Team #4 Radiation & Scintillation test sleeves U.Akgun, Neuhaus, Funk, Jia with Mississippi and Fairfield POINT 5 SYSTEM TESTS HF CERN Team: Penzo (Trieste), Merlo, Sen, Ozok, Taylan, Ianos, Alexi (Iowa), M.Kaya, O.Kaya, B.Isildak (BU, Istanbul) HF Turkish Team –Kadir (METU, Ankara), B.Isildak ( BU, Istanbul) plus 6-8 grad.students from CU, Adana and in addition summer M.Kaya. O.Kaya ( BU, Istanbul), S.Cercin, Numan ( CU, Adana).

45 45 HF Turkish Team Pt 5 Test Operations ( From Turkey) Dr.Mithat Kaya (Faculty, Former Iowa) BU, Istanbul Dr.Murat Guler (Faculty) METU, Ankara Dr.Omer Mermerkaya (junior faculty) METU, Ankara Dr.Numan Bakirci (junior faculty) CU, Adana Dr.Salim Cerci (junior faculty) CU, Adana Bora Isildak BU, Istanbul PMT test station at CU, Adana Dr.Isa Dumanoglu (Faculty) Dr.Kenan Sogut (Junior Faculty)

46 46 New Turkish members Kerem Cankocak (Faculty, ITU, Istanbul-formerly Iowa) Gural Aydin and Yusuf Gunaydin (Both Junior Faculty, ITU formerly Iowa). Sertac Ozturk (Junior Faculty CU-formerly Iowa and FERMI LPC and Huseyin Topakli (Junior Faculty, CU formerly FERMI LPC). H. Bahtiyar, E.Barlas, E.Emirhan, O.Oztirpan, B.Untuc, M.Yucel (Graduate students-ITU). S.Durgut and Y.Oz (Bogazici University, Istanbul- Grad students of E.Gulmez).

47 47 New Iowa Students Iowa Graduate Students K.Dilsiz, T.Harrington, M. Haytmuradov, H.Ogul Iowa Undergraduate Students L.Adams, J.Corso, G.Funk,G.Jia, J.Kingyon, D.Squires, D.Southwick

48 Simulation Plans l Goal: study implications of HF upgrade scenarios è 2 vs 4-anode readout è Timing è Trigger l Examples: CMS physics channels è VBF Higgs – forward jet tagging è MET-based channels, SUSY,etc : HF provides coverage for Missing ET measurement l Who is working on this: è Iowa group è Ken Hatakeyama (Baylor) + student – MET noise studies è New collaborators from Brazil : Alberto Santo, Gilvan Alves, Jorge Molina è Rob Kroeger and Rahmat (Mississippi)– HFGFlash -- implement PMT windows + pipes, fiber bundles, etc. into the G4 geometry. è Kerem Cankocak and his students (ITU).

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