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Workforce Investment Act Bidder’s Conference 2009 Welcome!

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Presentation on theme: "Workforce Investment Act Bidder’s Conference 2009 Welcome!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Workforce Investment Act Bidder’s Conference 2009 Welcome!

2 BIDDER’S CONFERENCE Presented by Dianne Duthie, State Director Division of Lifelong Learning Bureau of Workforce Transformation (BWT) Department of Energy, Labor & Economic Growth (DELEG)

3 The Transformation of Michigan’s Adult Learning Infrastructure based on the unanimously approved 8 recommendations of the Adult Learning Workgroup (AWLG) to the Council for Labor and Economic Growth (CLEG) in December 2008The Transformation of Michigan’s Adult Learning Infrastructure based on the unanimously approved 8 recommendations of the Adult Learning Workgroup (AWLG) to the Council for Labor and Economic Growth (CLEG) in December 2008 Why a Competitive Grant?

4 Recommendations Create a unified strategic approach Engage a range of partners in service delivery Build clear connections between learning and the promise of good jobs

5 Use accelerated and connected pathways Increase access to adult learning Make basic skills development a priority across funding Hold regional partnerships accountable for success Engage a broad coalition in communicating urgent need Recommendations Recommendations

6 Today’s Goal OAL Staff will guide your through the application process Write down your questions until we are through the power point presentations DELEG will address all your questions and provide with all the necessary guidance

7 Housekeeping Another Session at this same location at 9:00 am Successful applicants will be notified before June 30 th and will be published on our website Grants will be made available as soon as the feds make it available to the state Reminder: Application deadline must be met!

8 AN OVERVIEW Presented by Cliff Akujobi, Manager Office of Adult Learning

9 Eligibility of Applicants The Request For Proposal (RFP) lists who is eligible to apply The Workforce Investment Act (WIA), Title II of 1998 sub-recipients range from Literacy Councils, Libraries, to School districts

10 Eligible Applicants Local Educational Agency Community Based Organization Volunteer Literacy Organization Institution of Higher Education Public or Private Non-profit Agency Library Public Housing Authority Consortium of agencies, organizations, institutions, or libraries

11 Funding Sources Workforce Investment Act Title II of1998 Adult Education & Family Literacy Act (AEFLA) 5 Funding Sources: 1.Adult Basic Education (Instruction) 2.Institutional (Jail Programs) 3.English Language and Civics Education (EL Civics) 4.Instructional Initiatives 5.Special Projects

12 Funding Distribution 82.5% for ABE or EL Civics –90% (of 82.5% of ABE) Instruction –10% (of 82.5% of ABE) Institutional 12% Leadership Activities 5% Administration

13 Performance Based Funding Three performance based criteria 1.65% Pre and Post Test rate 2.Educational Functioning Level measures negotiated by DELEG 3.Goal attainment measures established by DELEG

14 Funding Formula 70% base funding for the cost of providing instructional services for an actual number of participants listed in your application

15 Funding Formula: Performance Based 10% to Programs that meet the 65% pre- and post- test rate –5% to programs with a pre- and post- test rate between 55% and 64% –10% to programs that meet or exceed the state negotiated performance measures for educational functioning levels

16 Pilot Project Grants – Instructional Initiative Must have statewide impact –Innovative –Research-based –Improve participants’ performance –Sustainable –Easy to replicate

17 Special Project Grants – For non-instructional pilot projects  Grant availability is published on the DELEG Office of Adult Learning website, with eligibility and notice of interest to apply, etc. specified

18 Application Process An application for each funding stream/source Must complete –Part 5: Total Adult Education Budget Summary page –Specific Budget Detail page –Other applicable budget detail pages Consortium members: include or complete a separate budget detailed page for each member

19 2009-2010 State Performance Measures ABE and Adult Secondary Education Beginning ABE Literacy38% Beginning Basic Education35% Low Intermediate Basic Education36% High Intermediate Basic Education31% Low Adult Secondary Education34% High Adult Secondary EducationN/A

20 2009-2010 State Performance Measures ESL ESL Beginning Literacy56% ESL Low Beginning67% ESL High Beginning65% ESL Low Intermediate54% ESL High Intermediate57% ESL Advanced60%

21 2009-2010 State Performance Measures Goal Attainment High School Diploma and GED55% Entered Employment60% Retained Employment55% Placement in Postsecondary Education or Training 60%

22 Final Reporting and Compliance Requirements Final Expenditure Report: Due within 60 days of grant ending date Final Narrative and Program Summary: Due November 30, 2010 Program Improvement Plans Program Monitoring and Compliance

23 APPLICATION NARRATIVE Presented By Nancy Rotarius Adult Education Programs Coordinator

24 Preparing to Write Read all information in the grant packet prior to entering any information. Information Gathering Resource Identification

25 MEIS Account Application With MEIS # use the MEGS No MEIS # Go to Adult Education Website – –Must include signed cover page –Assurances, Certifications, & General Provisions

26 Narrative Completion Focus on Key Words in the Guidance and Instructions Responses should be complete and concise, in the form requested, and within the stated character limitations

27 Regional Adult Education and Family Literacy Needs and Priorities Give detailed descriptions of the adult education needs of your community Identify supports for participants who face multiple barriers to achieve goals Explain why you choose to offer these programs and how you will meet needs not met by your programs Relationship with WDB and EAG

28 Program Design Curriculum and Instruction Consider the following: –Specific curriculum used –Alignment with opportunities for employment, postsecondary education and training –Various Instructional Methods and Service modes –Multi-level texts and contextualized learning –Alignment with state content standards –7 guiding principles for adult education: Collaboration, Accountability, Responsiveness, Agility, Contextualization, Entrepreneurship, and Alignment.

29 Program Intensity and Duration Consider the following: – Scheduling that accommodates adult learners’ various needs and allows for participants to achieve substantial learning gains –Allows for enrollment throughout the year Program Design

30 Describe how technology is used to enhance or deliver instruction include off site opportunities. Include the level of proficiency the instructor and adult learner are required to have to effectively use technology. Include how technology skills are assessed. Program Design Technology

31 Program Design Recruitment and Retention Recruitment – strategies and methods employed to bring adult learners into the program Retention – strategies and methods used to maintain the interest and attendance of the adult learner in the program until they achieve their goal(s) Program Design

32 Tuition and Fees May be charged but must be used to support the adult education program. Charges must be used for the purpose of the grant agreement and consistent with State/Federal guidelines. Cannot be used to meet Matching or Maintenance of Effort Requirements. Program Design

33 Alignment with State Performance Objectives Connections to employment or higher levels of education Aligned exit and entry requirements Accelerated programming for easy transitions to employment and postsecondary education

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