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Welcome to Writing Workshop Please sign in. What will we be doing this year? The goal…  to write, reflect, and discuss topics that relate to our students.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Writing Workshop Please sign in. What will we be doing this year? The goal…  to write, reflect, and discuss topics that relate to our students."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Writing Workshop Please sign in

2 What will we be doing this year? The goal…  to write, reflect, and discuss topics that relate to our students  to be accomplished by linking Language Arts concepts to our writing tasks and writing in a variety of forms.

3 Our Class Schedule: Begin with a “Do Now” The Writing Workshop –Concept/theme based writing tasks –Mini-lessons on important elements for a particular type of writing. –Student-Teacher conferences. –Sharing-critiquing, reflecting, setting writing goals –Writer’s Notebooks

4 The Writing Workshop The Writing Process –Brainstorming/Prewriting –Drafting –Revising –Editing –Evaluating –Publishing

5 The 7 th Grade Portfolio Checklist Persuasive (ethics/change) Narrative (perspective) Expository Essay (awareness/power) Memoir (identity) Various Writer’s Notebook entries Peer evaluation and self- reflection is an essential component to end each major writing task

6 Meet All Deadlines!  All writing assignments begin in class.  Assignments not complete, after ample class time, must be completed at home.  Rubrics will come home for parent signatures after each major assignment.

7 Grading Policy Published, Final Writing Tasks– 50% Writer’s Notebooks/ Smaller Writing Tasks- 30% Class participation/Classwork (conferences, individual work and preparation of materials)- 20%

8 Due Dates and Contact Info Due dates can be checked by going to my teacher page and viewing the calendar. Email- (period 5)

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