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Reading is an Investment 1 st -2 nd Grade Lesson 2014-2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Reading is an Investment 1 st -2 nd Grade Lesson 2014-2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Reading is an Investment 1 st -2 nd Grade Lesson 2014-2015

2 BUDGET how use your money. A BUDGET is a plan for your money! It helps you keep track of how you want to use your money.


4 GOAL: GOAL: A sentence that describes how you want to use your money. INCOME: INCOME: How much money you have. In a money plan you match your spending to your income. SPENDING: SPENDING: When you actually commit your money to a specific use—whether buying something or saving your money. TRACKING: TRACKING: We keep track of whether we are spending our money on the things in our money plan.

5 I love candy, but I’d like to buy a bike. GOAL: I want to buy a new bike for $50. Katie’s Money Goal

6 Katie’s Income

7 What should Katie spend, save and give?

8 Katie’s Receives More Money

9 How will Katie budget the $15?

10 Katie’s Keeps Working Toward Her Money Goal

11 SPEND: SPEND: Using your money to buy something. SAVE: SAVE: Putting your money somewhere safe to use later. GIVE: GIVE: Using your money to help someone else. CHOICES What CHOICES will you make? How will you use your money?


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