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How others do Automated Testing CA Plex Track - 3:15pm-4:00pm Wednesday, November 13, 2013 George Jeffcock.

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Presentation on theme: "How others do Automated Testing CA Plex Track - 3:15pm-4:00pm Wednesday, November 13, 2013 George Jeffcock."— Presentation transcript:

1 How others do Automated Testing CA Plex Track - 3:15pm-4:00pm Wednesday, November 13, 2013 George Jeffcock

2  Introducing –Black/Grey/White box automated testing –Free / Open source initiative / Register to down load group model –Don’t expect Bells and Whistles –Expect to control the execution of tests and the comparison of actual outcomes to predicted outcomes.  Go to –Model API –AutoTestBox –Tricks and Tips Agenda

3  Overview of Automated Testing  Overview of technical solution  Demo using \Documents\CA\Plex\X.X\Samples\Library Books  Limitations – Wish List  Q&A Outline

4 “Why Automate Testing?” could be written as “Why test?”   Anecdotal –Knowledge Transfer  “How do I test this function”  “What data do I need to pass this function”  “What is this function used for” –Documentation –File Changes –Improves Error Handling Overview of Automated Testing

5   Issue  How to support calling java, winc, winnt, rpg,.net (Dynamic fnc call)  Parameter Marshalling  Support Versions  Support multiple database connections  Solution  Power of CA Plex: ability of WinC to call all platforms and Dynamic Partitioning  WinC stub/wrapper or Runtime source  Dedicated database –Fnc Interface –Tests (4 hierarchical design: Suite / Case / Test / Step) –Input data –Record predicated outcome vs actual outcome Overview of technical solution

6  ATB Stub –StellaTools group model added as library or imported –WinC scoped to Test function  Register scoper function interface  Test Runtime: fetch input and record output  Test Runtime: Call scoper fnc Overview of technical solution

7  ATB Stub Wizard –4 Steps  Validate  G&B Stub  Register Interface  Set Default Data –No source editing –No manual steps –Invoked by Add-in –Some interesting stuff under the covers…  Overview of technical solution

8  ATB Application  Lets get to the DEMO already!  For post conference simply visit and YouTube clips are Overview of technical solution

9 DEMO Samples\Library Books

10  Limitations  CA Plex 6.1 Build35 and onwards. –Model API –  Structured Fields  Input Arrays  Future Goals  Life back!  CA Certified  User group, Open source initiative  Commitment Control  Bells and Whistles! Limitations – Wish List

11  Back up your AutoTestBox databases Tip

12 Q&A Thank You

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