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Earth stations radio monitoring system of Ukraine Ukrainian State Centre of Radio Frequencies Space Radio Monitoring Station.

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Presentation on theme: "Earth stations radio monitoring system of Ukraine Ukrainian State Centre of Radio Frequencies Space Radio Monitoring Station."— Presentation transcript:

1 Earth stations radio monitoring system of Ukraine Ukrainian State Centre of Radio Frequencies Space Radio Monitoring Station

2 Space radio monitoring station (with geolocation function)

3 Designation of the station -Measuring parameters of satellite stations emissions in the frequency bands C (from 3,4 to 4,2 GHz) and Ku (from 10,7 to 12,75 GHz); - Earth stations location (geolocation) in the above mentioned frequency bands.

4 Station capabilities

5 Earth Stations in the UCRF affiliates Одеса Симферополь Миколаїв Дніпропетровськ Донецьк Харків Запоріжжя Кіровоград Луганськ Севастополь Луцьк Рівне Житомир Ужгород Ів.-Франківськ Чернівці Тернопіль Хмельницький Вінниця Полтава Черкаси Чернігів Суми Херсон Київ 296 82 66 99 91 38 67 270 12 3 31 87 26 112 121 86 141 274 19 6 74 107 131 170 214 49 Львів 63 82 Total number of earth stations in Ukraine – 3276 as of 01 July, 2013

6 Compass – used for diagnostics, control over GeoMon terrestrial equipment and antenna pointing to satellites. Monics – used for measuring the earth stations emission parameters, satellite stations carrier frequencies and for maintenance the Monics data base. Sat ID – used for geolocation of earth stations and calculation of satellite ephemerides. Radiofrequency facilities – satellite antennas and electronic facilities to receive satellite signals for further measurement. The System Structure

7 Аntenna 2 Secondary Antenna 1 Primary ParameterAntenna 1 (Primary)Antenna 2 (Secondary) Antenna typeCassegrain Antenna Antenna size, m  7,3 m Frequency bandC/Ku Коефіцієнт підсилення, дБ49,73/58,4149,50/58,84 PolarizationCircular/Linear Azimuth travel120° Elevation travel0-90° Rotation angle on polarization+ 90°

8 Hardware system frequency monitoring

9 Control System Compass

10 Program Interface Monics

11 ParameterUnitParameter variants Modulation type -BPSK, QPSK, 8PSK, OQPSK, 16QAM, 16APSK, 32APSK, CW, MSK Symbol rate KBS Central frequency MHz Effective isotropic radiated power (e.i.r.p.) dBW Bandwidth kHz Carrier-to-noise ratio (C/No) dB-Hz Energy per bit to noise power spectral density ratio (Eb/No) dB Energy per symbol per noise power spectral density (Es/No) dB Data rate KBS Bit error rate - Carrier standard -DVB-S, DVB-S2, IESS-308, IESS-309, IESS-310, IESS-315 Forward error correction - 1/2, 2/3, 2/5, 3/4, 3/5, 30, 4/5, 5/6, 7/8, 8/9, 9/10 Earth station main measuring parameters

12 Conditions for successful geolocation

13 Earth Stations System GeoMon N E S Different travel paths allow to measure differential time offset (DTO) Different velocities of satellites allow to measure differential frequency offset (DFO) W Geolocation principle Earth station geolocation scenario

14 Potential accuracy of earth station geolocation

15 Digital map and ellipse with the target earth transmitting station

16 Illustration of geolocation case

17 Possibilities for geolocation

18 Geolocation is possible when TDOA and FDOA lines intersect

19 Geolocation is impossible when TDOA and FDOA lines do not intersect

20 Conditions necessary for geolocation Required: angular distance < 10° (С band) and < 8° (Ku band); intersecting service arias (оn uplink); the same uplink frequency; the same polarization; downlink footprint shall cover receiving station; known reference station. Recommended: precise ephemerides (more accurate than Norad TLE); minimum 3 reference transmitting stations; usage of the best time for measurements.

21 Mobile radio monitoring stations operating in the frequency range from 3 GHz to 40 GHz are used for detection of interference sources.

22 Footprints of which have national administration communication to measure the radiation of space stations

23 Thank you for attention Contact details: Ukrainian State Centre of Radio Frequencies Pr. Peremogy, 15 km 03179 Kyiv Ukraine Fax: +38 044 422 81 81 E-mail:

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