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VY_32_INOVACE_AJ1r01015. There is a wordsearch for you to find 21 reporting verbs in. The remaining letters will give you the answer for the brain teaser.

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Presentation on theme: "VY_32_INOVACE_AJ1r01015. There is a wordsearch for you to find 21 reporting verbs in. The remaining letters will give you the answer for the brain teaser."— Presentation transcript:

1 VY_32_INOVACE_AJ1r01015

2 There is a wordsearch for you to find 21 reporting verbs in. The remaining letters will give you the answer for the brain teaser called BIRTHDAY : The day before yesterday I was 25 and the next year I will be 28. This is true only one day in a year. What day is my birthday? He was born on __________ and spoke about it on __________ 1st.


4 1 announce 2 boast 3 claim 4 complain 5 confirm 6 order 7 enquire 8 mention 9 whisper 10 reveal 11 sob 12 beg 13 promise 14 apologize 15 explain 16 suggest 17 whine 18 scream 19 murmur 20 deny 21 admit The brain teaser: He was born on December 31st and spoke about it on January 1st.

5 Report it! Direct Reported Choose from the following verbs to report the sentences on the right. demand whisper yell beg think wonder argue plead admit deny 1/ You will never meet the boy again! (my mum) 2/ Is it really Lady Gaga in front of the shop? (my friend) 3/ Please let me explain this situation! (my girl/boyfriend) 4/ I am the best man ever! I will win! (a sprinter) 5/ You shouldn‘t wake up the baby or it will cry. (my wife/husband) 6/ Rock stars are not spoilt. They just use their opportunities. (my friend) 7/ I will do anything you want if you take me to Japan with you.(my colleague) 8/ I didn‘t tell the teacher about your cheat sheet. (my classmate) 9/ I told your boyfriend how you behaved last night.(Jane) 10/ The arbiters have to check the score once more. (That was not a fair decision!) (a sportsman)

6 1/ My mum yelled that I would never meet my boy again! 2/ My friend wondered if it really was Lady Gagain front of the shop? 3/ My boy/girlfriend begged/ pleaded to let her explain that situation. 4/ The sprinter thought that he was the best man ever and that he would win! 5/ My wife/ husband whispered that I shouldn‘t wake up the baby or it would cry. 6/ My friend argued that rock stars were not spoilt and that they just used their opportunities. 7/ My colleague begged/ pleaded that he would do anything I wanted if I took him/her to Japan with me. 8/ My classmate denied telling/that he had told the teacher about my cheat sheet. 9/ Jane admitted telling/ that she had told my boyfriend how I had behaved the previous night. 10/ The sportsman demanded that the arbiters had to check the score once more (and said that it had not been a fair decision!)


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