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Published byAngel Ariel Owens Modified over 9 years ago
Grassland Invasion by Non-native grasses: Ecological Issues of Multiple Species at Multiple Trophic Levels and Their Associated Restoration Concerns By: Mitch J. Greer
Grasslands Largest % of global land cover Perennial native grasslands
> 50% ice free terrestrial landscape Multi-continental range Perennial native grasslands Very IMPORTANT Ecologically Economically picgrassland.jpg
The Great Plains North American perennial grassland
3,200km North – South Southern Canada – Texas Rocky Mountains – 800km East ~1.3 million km2
The Great Plains Ecological services Human used products
Wildlife habitat CO2 sequestration Soil nutrient addition Aquifer recharge Human used products Food Fuel Fiber
Problems in the Plains Habitat loss Climate change Habitat degradation
Row crop agriculture Urbanization Climate change Alters ecosystem function Habitat degradation Ecological invasion Encroaching and Invading species One of most endangered ecosystems in NA
Ecological Invasion Process by which: 3 Stages
New species enters a community Native or Exotic species Accidental or on purpose 3 Stages Arrival Establishment Spread Lockwood et al. 2007 blog.tavelpod.comr
Biological Invasion ????? Research concentrations Belowground
Recruitment limitation Aboveground traits Belowground Little known Above- and belowground communities Intrinsically linked Regulate ecosystem-level processes ????? Propagule recruitment and traits.
Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF)
Belowground Players Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) Nematodes Bacteria Beneficial Mineral solubilization Fixing nitrogen Access to other soil resources Harmful Parasitic Pathogenic
AMF ~70% of all vascular plant species
Hyphae greatly increase the absorbing surface area 4-20% of plant photosynthate consumed by its AMF Hyphae Drawing by N. C. Johnson Arbuscules Photo by Joe Morton
AMF Importance Nutrient uptake Plant growth rate Soil nutrient pools
Drought tolerance Resistance to root pathogens
C4 C3 GROWTH RESPONSE (%) SPECIES - 25 % 0 % 25 % 50 % 75 % 100 %
50 % 75 % 100 % Andropogon gerardii Sorghastrum nutans Schizachyrium scoparium Panicum virgatum Bothriochloa bladhii Bouteloua curtipendula Buchloe dactyloides Elymus cinereus Bromus inermis Bouteloua gracilis Pascopyrum smithii Agrostis stolonifera C4 Koeleria macrantha C3 Poa pratensis Wilson and Hartnett 1998
AMF and the Great Plains
Van der Putten (2007) Majority of exotic species are non-mycorrhizal Functionally distinct from the native flora In the Great Plains the exotic species introduced resemble the dominant C4 native species in physiological and functional traits Need AMF to complete life cycle. Link numerous individuals together allowing them to transport nutrients between many individuals (Wilson et al. 2006).
Feedback Loops Bever, J. D. ,1997; 2003
Feedback Loops Negative Positive Slowed the rate of population growth
Increased or stabilized diversity Prominent in native systems Positive Increased rate of species growth Decreased species diversity Resulting in mono-specific stands Bever, J. D. ,1997 Bever, J. D. 1994; 1997; 2002; 2003
Invasion of the Great Plains
Invading native grasslands Reduce plant biodiversity Reduce or alter wildlife biodiversity Hickman et al. 2006 Restoration concerns Multiple trophic levels Multiple spatial scales
Invasion of the Great Plains
Old World Bluestem (OWB) Perennial warm – season grass Introduced in 1917 Europe, Asia, and Russia Erosion control Increase forage Central and Southern Great Plains Millions of acres Marginal farmlands Road side right – of – ways Harmoney and Hickman 2004
OWB Invasion Temporary benefit Escaped original plantings
Unpalatable after maturity Escaped original plantings Invading native prairies Rapid expansion “Creating moving fronts” OWB better competitors Greater biomass Schmidt et al. 2008 Hinder native seedlings Wilson et al. 2012 Seedlings not survive when planted to OWB soil.
Exotic: Old World Bluestem
Bothriochloa Results Non-Sterile + Mycorrhizal fungi Non-Sterile + Mycorrhizal fungi Sterile - Mycorrhizal fungi Sterile - Mycorrhizal fungi Native: Big Bluestem Andropogon gerardii Exotic: Old World Bluestem Bothriochloa sp.
Bothriochloa Results AM Root Colonization
W. KS E. KS W. OK E. OK NP = Soil Collected from Native Prairie OWB = Soil Collected from under Old World Bluestem
Bothriochloa Results AM Soil Hyphal Abundance
Determined by Fatty Acid Analyses W. KS E. KS W. OK E. OK NP = Soil Collected from Native Prairie OWB = Soil Collected from under Old World Bluestem
The Take Over of South Texas
Invasive/Encroaching C4 grasses in South Texas Pennisetum ciliare Buffelgrass Dichanthium annulatum Kleberg Bluestem Heteropogon contortus Tanglehead Photos from South Texas Natives
Study Sites Collaborative project with Texas A & M Kingsville and South Texas Natives
Objectives and Hypotheses
Determine if dominant native and invasive C4 grasses of S. Texas are mycorrhizal dependent. Determine if invasive C4 grasses alter plant-soil-microbial feedbacks and limit native grass establishment and growth. Determine if addition of native soil amendments improve establishment and growth of native grasses.
Methods 5 reps For each species x soil source x soil treatment
Native plant species: Hooded windmillgrass Chloris cucullata Arizona Cottontop Digitaria californica Pink Pappusgrass Pappophorum bicolor Plains Bristlegrass Setaria leucopila Invasive/encroaching species: Tanglehead Heteropogon contortus Buffelgrass Pennisetum ciliare Kleberg Bluestem Dichanthium anulatum Invasive’s not planted into other invasives as not a concern of ours.
Methods Soil source: Native Prairie Beneath Tanglehead (encroaching)
Beneath Buffelgrass (invasive) Beneath Kleberg Bluestem (invasive) Soil treatments: Field soil (soil left nonsterile) Field soil with native prairie soil inoculum added Steamed (steam-pasteurized) Steamed with native prairie soil inoculum added Addition of native inoculum to field soil shows potential for restoration Steamed removes AMF to allow testing of dependency Steamed plus native soil test if biomass decreases is all microbial driven if it matches native soil Harvested after 14 weeks: Quantified above- and belowground biomass
Results Pappophorum bicolor Pink Pappusgrass Pappusgrass needs AMF
Results AMF Dependent: Non-AMF Dependent: AMF Facultative:
Pappophorum bicolor Pink Pappusgrass Seteria vulpiseta Plains Bristlegrass Heteropogon contortus Tanglehead Dichanthium annulatum Kleberg Bluestem Non-AMF Dependent: Chloris cucullata Hooded Windmillgrass Pennisetum ciliare Buffelgrass AMF Facultative: Digitaria californica Arizona Cottontop
AMF Responsive Invasives
AMF Responsive Natives
Results Seteria vulpiseta Plains Bristlegrass
AMF obligate. Native invader shares similar evolutionary history and may have similar AMF species. Native show reduced biomass when grown in soil from non-native dominated sites
Results Chloris cucullata Hooded Windmillgrass
Non-AMF dependent but still reduced. Something else going on.
Results Pappophorum bicolor Pink Pappusgrass
Native soil inoculum addition increased biomass but killing “bad” microbes and adding back “good” returns to native prairie level Not so for the KB
Conclusions Invasive/encroaching exotic grasses
Have varied reliance on AMF As did the natives Exert differential effects on native grasses Alteration of AMF community Use of native soil amendments may hold potential But where do we get this soil for large projects? May be other mechanisms at work
Results Pappophorum bicolor Pink Pappusgrass
Chemical Warfare In Nature??
Objectives Assess effects of yellow bluestem (Bothriochloa ischaemum) extractions on germination, survival, and growth of native grasses. Big bluestem (Andropogon gerardii) Little bluestem (Schizachyrium scoparium) Assess effects of yellow bluestem leaf litter on survival and growth of native grasses.
Hypotheses Ha1: Yellow bluestem leachate will reduce germination of native grasses, with no conspecific effects. Ha2: Yellow bluestem leachate or litter will reduce biomass production of native grass seedlings, with no conspecific effects. Ha3: Yellow bluestem leachate or litter will reduce the survivorship of native grass species, with no conspecific effects. Ha4: Big bluestem leachate or litter will have no conspecific or heterospecific effects.
Methods Germination study: For each species (8 Reps):
50 seeds were placed into a petri dishes 5 ml added to each dish Yellow bluestem leachate (invasive) Big bluestem leachate (native) Deionized water (control) Percent germination was determined Every 3 days for 21 days
Methods Survivorship and growth study:
For each species (8 replicates): One seedling per pot Containing 1 kg native soil 60 mL added Initiation and every other week Yellow bluestem leachate (invasive) Big bluestem leachate (native) Deionized water (control) 20 mm of leaf litter Applied at initiation Yellow bluestem leaf litter (invasive) Big bluestem leaf litter (native) No litter application (control) Percent survival determined after 8 weeks Biomass dried and weighed at 8 weeks
Results - Germination
Results – Aboveground (Leachate)
Results – Aboveground (Litter)
Belowground biomass showed similar results.
Results – Survivorship (Leachate)
Results – Survivorship (Litter)
Conclusions Yellow bluestem leachate profoundly reduced the germination of native seeds, with no conspecific effects. Yellow bluestem leachate and leaf litter significantly reduced the survivorship of native seedlings.
Conclusions Big bluestem leachate had little effect on native or invasive species. Big bluestem litter reduced biomass production of all species compared to no litter controls; greater reductions were observed with yellow bluestem litter. Big bluestem litter did not reduce seedling survivorship of any species; yellow bluestem litter profoundly reduced native species survivorship.
Biochemical ID Soil treatments showed no differences
EC (soil salinity) or pH Leachates showed only one difference Native leachate had greater phenolic content Native systems = negative feedbacks Bever 2003
Big Picture Invasion may be driven by:
Alterations of AMF community Use of allelopathic biochemicals May be a synergistic effect Need for species by species management Future research Assess soil microbial community change Pyro-sequencing Biochemical identification
Restoration Implications
Restoration recommendations: Use of native soil addition Restore native soil community Again where do we get the soil? Negate allelopathic compounds Determine residency time of compounds Organic matter addition Aid in restoring soil chemistry Increase restoration success Restore ecosystem function
Bottom-Up Effects
OWB and Biodiversity OWB invasion Loss of plant biodiversity
Diverse grasslands vs. monospecific stands Loss of plant biodiversity Loss of wildlife biodiversity Alteration of: Habitat structure Habitat composition Available resources
Exotics & Small Mammals
Previous work: Cool – season exotics Schwartz and Whitson 1987 Hayslett and Danielson 1994 OWB monocultures in Texas Sammon and Wilkins 2005 Found lower small mammal: Diversity Richness Abundance / Relative abundance
Justification and Objective
Small mammals Vital to grassland ecosystems Seed dispersers AMF spore dispersers Primary consumers Objectives: To determine if grasslands invaded by OWB contain similar small mammal communities as native grasslands. Determine the vegetative characteristics causing any observed differences. OWB will have lower species richness Relative abundances will shift as a few species will become more abundant
Study Area
Methods: Trapping 2 treatments 4 Transects 2 years 20 traps/transect
Sherman live traps 20m spacing >200m between transects 2 years 4 seasons/year 4 days/season 2 checks/day Owb 40-60% invaded
Methods: Vegetation Visual obstruction Litter Depth
Robel pole Litter Depth Vegetative Composition 1m2 frame Modified Daubenmire class method Forb, grass, bare ground, etc Native vs. OWB Aerial cover Elevated Daubenmire 5cm, 10cm, 25cm, 50cm June and Sept each year
Vegetative Measurements
Native B. ischaemum +Native Species + Litter Depth + Native Species 5cm + B. ischaemum + Native Species 10cm + B. ischaemum 5cm + B. ischaemum 10cm + B. ischaemum 25cm 59
Species Actual Captures
Results 5120 total trap days 24 hrs in 1 day Species Actual Captures Species Native OWB Deer Mouse 101 36 Cotton Rat 74 237 Elliot's Short-tailed Shrew 3 10 Fulvous Harvest Mouse 4 1 Prairie Vole 7 Hispid Pocket Mouse Eastern Harvest Mouse White-footed Mouse 2 TOTAL 193 294
Species Richness
Relative Abundance All indicies show similar trends.
Habitat Models 63
Habitat Models 64
Model Summary Cotton rat Deer mice Increased aerial predator avoidance
Major source of mortality Deer mice Increased foraging efficiency Lower seed recovery in thick litter/vegetation Smaller body size 65
Conclusions Native grasslands OWB invaded grasslands
Higher species richness Higher relative abundances of deer mice OWB invaded grasslands Higher relative abundances of cotton rats Vegetative structure showed few differences May be due to 40-60% invasion vs. monoculture
Conclusions OWB invasion leads to: Promote early eradication of OWB
Fewer species Greater abundances of these species Promote early eradication of OWB 60% invasion saw only minor shifts Lag in small mammal community shift Increased fire frequency may maintain native habitat structure Greater ecological concerns
Summing it Up Invasive species = BIG PROBLEM
Economic Concerns $35 billion cost to control or in lost product This does not cover cost of restoration Restoration of invaded lands is complex Focus has been on above ground BUT… Current projects show belowground can be just as or even more important
Big Picture Invasion may be driven by: Tangled web!
Alterations of AMF community Use of allelopathic biochemicals May be a synergistic effect May be more complex Tangled web! Early control and restoration can limit impacts Need for more research
Acknowledgments Funding: OSU- Natural Resource Ecology and Management Texas A & M Kingsville: Tim Fulbright Caesar Kleberg Wildlife Research Institute South Texas Natives David Davidson Konza Prairie Biological Station NSF -LTER Fort Hays State University K-State Hays Ag Experiment Station: Keith Harmoney USDA Range Research Program Project Support: Stuart Wilson (OSU – PSS) Chris Stansberry (OSU – SRR) Dr. David Lalman – OSU – Animal Science TX A & M Kingsville Graduate Student: Eric Grahmann OSU Graduate Students: Shubha Shrestha, Morgan Noland, Eric Duell, Stephanie Grischkowsky, and many others Numerous undergraduate research assistants Numerous Volunteers (OSU – TWS)
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