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ADRION Progamme Adiatic Ionian Programme 2014-2020 Managing Authority Core Team.

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1 ADRION Progamme Adiatic Ionian Programme 2014-2020 Managing Authority Core Team

2 ADRION Eligible geographical area 2 ELIGIBLE COUNTRIES: 4 EU Member States: Croatia (entire country) Greece (entire country) Italy (12 regions and two provinces) Slovenia (entire country) 4 IPA countries Montenegro (entire country) Serbia (entire country) Albania (entire country) Bosnia and Herzegovina (entire country) ADRION area coincides with EUSAIR geographical area

3 3 ADRION Programme finance in a nutshell EU available funds: 99,2 milion EUR out of which ERDF 83,5 milion EUR IPA II 15,7 milion EUR » EU co-financing rate: up to 85% » No “Common POT” (ERDF + IPA II) » Seat of the implementing bodies: (Managing & Certifying Authority, Joint Secretariat and Audit Authority) Bologna – Emilia-Romagna Region

4 Thematic Objectives & Priority Axis in ADRION 4 Selected Thematic Objective TO 1 - Research TO 6 – Environment TO 7 - Transport TO11 – Governance ADRION Priority Axis Innovative and smart region Sustainable region Connected region Towards a better governance of the EUSAIR To promote sustainable economic and social prosperity of the Adriatic and Ionian area through growth and jobs creation, by improving its attractiveness, competitiveness and connectivity while at the same time preserving the environment and ensuring healthy and balanced marine and coastal ecosystems

5 Priority Axis and Investments priorities (IP) 5 Priority Axis 1 – Innovative and smart Region (IP 1b) - Promoting business investment in R&I Priority Axis 2 – Sustainable Region (IP 6c) Conserving, protecting, promoting and developing natural and cultural heritage (IP 6d) - Protecting and restoring biodiversity and soil and promoting ecosystem services, including through Natura 2000, and green infrastructure Priority Axis 3 – Connected Region (IP 7c) Developing and improving environment- friendly transport system including multimodal links Priority Axis 4 – Towards a better governance of the EUSAIR (ETC Reg. art 7) Enhancing EUSAIR Governance Programme priorities, TOs and IPs are in line with the overall EUSAIR goals

6 ADRION Programme Specific Objectives 6 PA1: Smart & Innovative Region SO 1.1: Support the development of a regional Innovation system for the Adriatic-Ionian area PA2: Sustainable Region SO 2.1: Promote the sustainable valorisation of natural and cultural assets as growth assets in the Adriatic-Ionian area SO 2.2: Enhance the capacity in transnationally tacking environmental vulnerability, fragmentation and the safeguarding of ecosystem services in the Adriatic-Ionian area PA3: Connected region SO 3.1: Enhance capacity for integrated transport and mobility services and multimodality in the Adriatic-Ionian area PA4: Towards a better governance of the EUSAIR SO 4.1: Facilitate the coordination and implementation of the EUSAIR by enhancing institutional capacity of public administrations and key stakeholders and by assisting the progress of implementation of joint priorities. 19,8 45,6 17,8 9,9 Union support M Euro

7 Pillar 1: Blue Growth Greece & Montenegro 7 Pillar 1: Blue GrowthSO 1.1: Support the development of a regional Innovation system for the Adriatic-Ionian area Blue technologies Fisheries and Aquaculture Maritime and marine governance & services Establishment of transnational innovation networks in order to visualise possible options for cooperation in the ADRION area, identify relevant sectors of common interest, map existing research and innovation resources, and secure coordination with the EUSAIR, regional and national RIS3 strategies, innovation governance initiatives and competence networks. Development of actions for raising competencies/skills of the stakeholders specially focusing on the involvement of partners from candidate and potential candidate countries including education and training concepts for the uptake and diffusion of innovation and circular knowledge management promoting the mobility of Researchers and PhD candidates in the ADRION region. Development of transnational models for the design, testing, up-scaling, comparison and evaluation of innovations (policies, tools, processes, actors, organisations and interfaces).

8 Pillar 2: Connecting the Region Italy & Serbia Pillar 2: Connecting the Region SO 3.1: Enhance capacity for integrated transport and mobility services and multimodality in the Adriatic-Ionian area Maritime transport Intermodal connections to hinterland Development of joint approaches and instruments in the field of maritime transport, such as a modern ship reporting system in the Adriatic Sea (Common Adriatic-Ionian Vessel Traffic Monitoring and Information System ADRIREP), motorways of the sea, and related port infrastructures and ITS (Intelligent Transport System). Building up of networks and working groups for the standardisation of legal requirements, technical specifications and capacity building in the field of planning and environmental impact assessment of intermodal transport investments and related operation and logistics services along with related communication activities. Establishment of networks and working groups on issues related to the design, coordination and operation of integrated environmental- friendly and low carbon transport and mobility services and multimodality structures especially in metropolises, functional urban areas and in areas under land use pressure (e.g. coasts). Study, design and testing of operational, technological and funding models for the preparation of infrastructure investments for environmental-friendly and low carbon transport and mobility services and multimodality. 8

9 Pillar 3: Environmental quality Slovenia & Bosnia and Herzegovina Pillar 3: Environmental qualitySO 2.2: Enhance the capacity in transnationally tacking environmental vulnerability, fragmentation and the safeguarding of ecosystem services in the Adriatic-Ionian area Marine environment/threat to coastal and marine biodiversity Marine environment/pollution of the sea Transnational terrestrial habitats and biodiversity Enhancement and complement of transnational frameworks and platforms for the interoperability of existing databases, promotion of data availability, observatory functions and the integration of management approaches (hazard and risk assessment, planning methodologies, management plans, sustainability and adaptation assessments etc.) especially in coordination with the EU Civil Protection Mechanism and related IPA initiatives on civil protection, floods management, risk management etc.. Development of implementation strategies, models and testing of pilot activities and transnational, regional and intercommunity cooperation of risk management (risk assessment, risk communication, risk managing measures and hazard prevention) and climate change adaptation in terrestrial and aquatic environments. Implementation of research and evaluation activities through the development of a common monitoring and assessment reference framework and the deployment of advanced tools for mapping, diagnosing, protecting and managing terrestrial and maritime landscapes and habitats including awareness-raising and environmental education. 9

10 Pillar 4: Sustainable Tourism Croatia & Albania Pillar 4: Sustainable Tourism SO 2.1: Promote the sustainable valorisation of natural and cultural assets as growth assets in the Adriatic-Ionian area Diversified tourism offer (products & services); Sustainable & responsible tourism management (innovation & quality) Creation of transnational networks and working groups for the definition of the principles of ADRION’s sustainable cultural/natural and tourism valorisation as well as the development of an ADRION brand name. Support to the exchange of best practices for the identification of challenges and trends in the tourism sector including marketing, management of increased tourism flows, including joint analysis of tourism, trends and their potential impact, joint access to new tourism markets, business opportunities and dissemination of new technologies and know- how. Development of sustainable tourism models focusing on low carbon, on air quality improvement and decreasing PM and NO2 emissions, low ecological footprint, “slow food”, involvement of young people and volunteers and other alternative offerings in line with the natural and cultural heritage in line with the ADRION brand. Development of an integrated and coordinated approach to heritage and cultural tourism. Etc….. 10

11 First Call for Proposals 11 Launch January/February 2016 Axis 1,2,3 40% of Programme funds (33 Mil EU Contribution) In line with strategy (aditional points will be rewarded to the projects that are in alignment with strategy) Project implementation shall not be longer than 24 months 2 Call →Targeted Call

12 Partnership Only the bodies located in the EU Partner States shall be considered as eligible lead applicants. The minimum eligible partnership comprises financing partners (directly financing contributing to the project implementation) from: o At least 3 Partner States, out of which o At least one partner must be from an ERDF Partner State. The partnership can be composed up to 10 partners; however, larger partnership can also be possible if duly justified. The following legal entities are considered as eligible partners: o National, regional and local public bodies (including EGTCs in the meaning of Article 2(16) of Regulation (EU) No 1303/2013; o Body governed by public law, and associations formed by one or several bodies governed by public law, as defined in Article 2(4) of Directive 2014/24/EU on public procurement; o Private bodies, including private companies, having legal personality; o International organisations acting under the national law of any Partner State participating to the Programme.

13 Priority Axis 4 – Towards a better governance of the EUSAIR 13 A strategic project to provide operational support to key stakeholders of the Adriatic-Ionian strategy for better coordination and management of the Strategy Allocation: 9,915,662 euros (ERDF + IPA) + 1,749,823 euro national co-financing Target groups: Governing Board of the Strategy and Thematic Steering Groups as key executors of the Strategy and indirectly other stakeholders of the Strategy (civil society, regional and local authorities involved in the strategy, etc.) Implementation: Facility Point in Slovenia as the Lead partner of the project and the network of Liaison Points in partner countries Activities: providing support to the Governing Board and Thematic Steering Groups in everyday activities; support to the development and functioning of the stakeholder platforms; ensuring communication, dissemination of information and visibility; supporting debates, exchange of experiences and the development of the knowledge base; support to the thematic groups in preparation of the strategic macro-regional projects; facilitating dialogue with bodies in charge of the implementation of programmes/financial instruments regarding how to mobilise funding for actions under the different pillars in best possible way

14 14 State of Play Programme approved by European Commission on 20 October 2015 1st Monitoring Committee – 17 and 18 November 2015 – approval of application package for the 1st Call Programme Launch Event – 9 and 10 December 2015 in Bologna 1st Call for Proposals – January/February 2016

15 15 Tel (+39) 051 5278886 Viale Aldo Moro, 30 - Bologna

16 FOCUS PA 3 – CONNECTED REGION - (17,8 M€) Themac objective OT 7 – Promoting sustainable transport and removing bottlenecks in key network infrastructures by: Investment Priority PI 7c - Developing and improving environment-friendly (including low-noise) and low-carbon transport systems including inland waterways and maritime transport, ports, multimodal links and airport infrastructure, in order to promote sustainable regional and local mobility Specific Objective OS 3.1 – Enhance capacity for integrated transport and mobility services and multimodality in the Adriatic-Ionian area.

17 weaknesses - challanges Area characterised by the dominance of road transport on land bound routes and a large number of smaller and bigger ports at the coast line; poor connections to the hinterland with many bottlenecks on multimodal connections, inadequate coordination, consequent maritime traffic congestion at ports and the border waiting times, as the number of visitors and the volume of container transport are increasing in the area. Density of railway network lower than the EU average. the centre of the area is poorly served, especially in the East-West direction. Fragmentation and isolation of many areas, due to geography but also to spatial interactions and planning decisions of the past. Lack of efficient multimodal networks (road, rail air, water transport), low connectivity and mobility of peripheral areas. Shipping can be a major source of emissions, especially in ports, and may affect people's health, damage cultural heritage and deteriorate ecosystems

18 Expected results Common understanding among ADRION Partner States of the “status quo” and the potential in the ADRION area for multimodal, environmental-friendly and low carbon transport and mobility infrastructures and services; Enhancement of the competencies/skills of the stakeholders and involved parties; Increase in the implementation options for multimodal, environmental-friendly and low carbon transport and mobility infrastructures and services; Enhanced involvement of tourism actors, residents and economic operators for investment in multimodal, environmental-friendly and low carbon transport and mobility infrastructures and services; Harmonised and/or joint infrastructures, tools and management structures; Enhancement of the maturity and coordination of investments in multimodal, environmental-friendly and low carbon transport and mobility infrastructures and services.

19 Indicative actions to be supported (1/2) Set up of transnational frameworks, platforms and networks for the identification of existing potentials and obstacles in the fields of integrated transport, mobility services and multimodality (mapping of resources, studies, pilots and strategies, market demand e.g. for freight routes, prerequisites and “soft” factors for implementation and the monitoring of the outcomes of integrated transport and mobility services and multimodality nodes; Development of joint approaches and instruments in the field of maritime transport, such as a modern ship reporting system in the Adriatic Sea (Common Adriatic-Ionian Vessel Traffic Monitoring and Information System ADRIREP), motorways of the sea, and related port infrastructures and ITS (Intelligent Transport System); Building up of networks and working groups for the standardisation of legal requirements, technical specifications and capacity building in the field of planning and environmental impact assessment of intermodal transport investments and related operation and logistics services along with related communication activities;

20 Indicative actions to be supported (2/2) Establishment of networks and working groups on issues related to the design, coordination and operation of integrated environmental-friendly and low carbon transport and mobility services and multimodality structures especially in metropolises, functional urban areas and in areas under land use pressure (e.g. coasts); Support the transfer and uptake of existing local/regional solutions and instruments; capitalisation of on-going technological innovations for a more sustainable organisation of environmental-friendly - low carbon transport and mobility services and multimodality nodes, as well as new technologies applications; Study, design and testing of operational, technological and funding models for the preparation of infrastructure investments for environmental-friendly and low carbon transport and mobility services and multimodality; Development of transnational platforms for the coordination of environmental-friendly and low carbon transport and mobility services and infrastructures taking into account the possibilities offered by modern technologies, the environmental and seasonal constraints and the synergies of the demand by tourism, resident population and economic operators.

21 Target groups General public; Enterprises, including SME; Those groups listed under the caption “Indicative types of beneficiaries”. Indicative types of beneficiaries Local Authorities; Regional Authorities; National Authorities; Agencies; Infrastructure and (public) service providers; Research & Engineering Institutions; Higher education institutions; Business support organisations; Interest groups including NGOs and citizen associations.

22 Indicators Programme specific result indicator for specific objective: Output indicators (by investment priority) Performance framework of the priority axis 7c.1 Level of capacity of organisations in the field of transport and mobility to transnationally plan and implement sustainable and multimodal transport and mobility solutions OI_7c.1_1 Number of supported transnational cooperation networks in the field of environment-friendly and low-carbon transport systems 6 OI_7c.1_2 Number of strategies and action plans developed in the field of environment-friendly and low-carbon transport systems 12 OI_7c.1_2 Number of strategies and action plans developed in the field of environment-friendly and low-carbon transport systems 12

23 Direzione centrale finanze, patrimonio, coordinamento e programmazione politiche economiche e comunitarie area per il coordinamento e la programmazione delle politiche economiche, patrimoniali e comunitarie servizio per la cooperazione territoriale europea, aiuti di stato e affari generali

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