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Community Data Canada Données sur les communautés canadiennes Working Group Meeting January 12, 2011 Ottawa, Canada.

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Presentation on theme: "Community Data Canada Données sur les communautés canadiennes Working Group Meeting January 12, 2011 Ottawa, Canada."— Presentation transcript:

1 Community Data Canada Données sur les communautés canadiennes Working Group Meeting January 12, 2011 Ottawa, Canada

2 Agenda 1.Confirm notes of 15 Oct Working Group meeting ( 2.Review progress to-date and discussion of action to be taken, by objective: a. Communication: Website ( b. Data Supply: Community Data Inventory (https://communitydata- c. Data Supply: Preliminary TOR for a collaborative Report on Immigration in Canadian Cities d. Data Infrastructure: Demonstration of web-based data dissemination tools and data-sharing protocols (CCSD and FCM) (https://communitydata-; http://www.municipaldata- e. Communication: Strategy for engaging Provincial agencies 3. Next Meeting: Toronto (Week of March 7-11, 2011) 2

3 Item 1. Confirm notes of 15 Oct Working Group meeting 1.Discussion of Governance Structure 2.Working Group Membership 3.Review Mission of Working Group 4.Presentation and Discussion of Work Plan Year 1 5.Next steps 3

4 Why we are here: Guiding Concepts 4 of 29 Community Data Provide facts about social, health, economic, environmental and cultural trends and conditions occurring within sub- provincial boundaries, such as health regions, municipalities and neighbourhoods. Data Access for Better Decisions Enabling Canadian governments, organizations and individuals to access consistent and credible data to inform their long-term and day-to-day decisions. Canadian Collaboration Achieving community data access will involve collaboration between Canadian governments, organizations and individuals.

5 Community Data Canada: A Vision and Mission Vision: Canadian governments, organizations and Individuals enjoy access to administrative and survey data for small-area geographies across Canada and over time, corresponding to sub- provincial boundaries, such as regional health authorities, municipalities, and neighbourhoods. Mission: Community Data Access is to be achieved using a common infrastructure, enhanced supply of small area administrative and survey data, and open communication among data users and providers. Major Milestone: By March 2013 – or earlier - establishment of a permanent forum for collaboration among Canadian governments & community organisations in support of improved access to and use of small area data for decision making. 5

6 Item 2. Review progress to-date and discussion of action to be taken 6

7 OBJECTIVE 1 COMMUNICATION Encourage communication between local/small area data users and providers DeliverablesLeadMilestone 1.Governance structure and terms of reference defined Working Group Proposal in advance of Jan/11 WG meeting 2.A collaborative online workspace created ( CCSD/ FCM Beta-version ready in advance of Jan/11 WG meeting 3. Targeted outreach of government and community stakeholders to raise awareness of the collaborative initiative and identify other potential champions. CCSD/ FCM CMHC approached in advance of Jan/11 WG meeting Progress reported at Jan/11 WG meeting 4. Quarterly meetings, including a face-to-face meeting in March, coordinated with CCSD and FCM. Working Group Meeting schedule confirmed in advance of Jan/11 WG meeting 7

8 OBJECTIVE 2 DATA SUPPLY Expand the amount of data from multiple sources available to answer relevant questions 8 DeliverablesLeadMilestone 1.Terms of Reference for a Report on immigration and settlement tabled at March meeting Community data analysis team confirmed: Focus on the immigration & settlement project team. Including immigration & Settlement policy issue/question defined and supporting data confirmed/obtained. CIC, CCSD, FCM Report ToR proposed at Jan/11 WG meeting Preliminary Report by Mar/11 WG meeting 2. Inventory prepared of small area data available within government departments, building on work initiated by CCSD and FCM. CCSD, FCM Draft Report by Jan WG meeting 3. Evidence-based information compiled on how community data are used. CCSDReport presented at Jan/11 WG meeting

9 OBJECTIVE 3 DATA INFRASTRUCTURE Support a common infrastructure that makes data more accessible. 9 DeliverablesLeadMilestone 1.Move towards a common web-based data dissemination infrastructure. Explore the use of as a data dissemination tool and review the web- based dissemination tools already in place among other departments. CCSDProgress reported at Jan/11 WG meeting 2. Explore common data sharing agreements, licenses, templates explored/developed, beginning with a license agreement for data to be used in the project in immigration & settlement. NRCan/ CIC / CCSD Progress reported at Jan/11 WG meeting 3. Initiate a project to develop a common geographic framework for selected small area boundaries. NRCanProgress reported at Jan/11 WG meeting

10 Putting together the pieces of the Community Data Canada puzzle TypeDescription 1. Data Administrative or Survey data 2. Data infrastructure & services Web-based data dissemination Data-sharing licenses Mapping tools 3. Data Analysis Conceptual Frameworks Analytical Reports/Publications 4. Staff time Dedicated staff resources 5. Project Sponsorship Project funding 10

11 Item 3. Next Meeting Plan for a larger face-to-face roundtable meeting in Toronto Week of March 7-11, 2011 Extend an invitation to some provincial government departments. E.g. Quebec, NB, Ontario, Manitoba. 11

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