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APAN-PH Denis F. Villorente Advanced Science and Technology Institute 16 th APAN Meetings, Busan, Korea (25-29 August 2003)

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Presentation on theme: "APAN-PH Denis F. Villorente Advanced Science and Technology Institute 16 th APAN Meetings, Busan, Korea (25-29 August 2003)"— Presentation transcript:

1 APAN-PH Denis F. Villorente Advanced Science and Technology Institute 16 th APAN Meetings, Busan, Korea (25-29 August 2003)

2 PREGINET Philippine Research, Education, and Government Information Network 19 access points nationwide Links 64 institutions in the Philippines (as of May 2003) Connected to AI3 (1.54Mbps + shared 6Mbps/512kbps) Connected to APAN Tokyo NOC (512kbps thru PHnet; will be upgraded to 6Mbps within this year in cooperation with MAFFIN)

3 Manila Cebu Cagayan de Oro PREGINET (as of August 2003) University of Southern Mindanao UP Open University University of San Carlos MSU-IIT Ateneo de Zamboanga Bicol University Leyte State University CLSU MMSU DMMMSU Benguet State University PSHS-CVC University of the Philippines ASTI PhilRice IRRI DOST Agencies Bureau of Agricultural Research PLDT-Mabuhay CVISNet DOTC-Telof WVCST CVPC PSHS-EVC PSHS-WVC PSHS-Main MPSC EARIST SLPC PSHS-Main Davao AI3 APAN Backbone: E1 Spur Links: E1 and 512kbps BPHRE PCC

4 Networking R&D over PREGINET IPv6 Network Measurements Multimedia over IP

5 IPv6 on PREGINET Native IPv6 connectivity via AI3 to Keio-SFC; native IPv6 connection to APAN Tokyo NOC with line upgrade by yearend Native and tunneled IPv6 currently to 5 other organizations in the Philippines IPv6 advocacy and training through talks, seminars and workshops (1 demonstration, 1 tutorial, 5 workshops; more being planned this year) Research areas: IPv6 measurements, multicast IPv6, mobile IPv6

6 M6Bone Tunnel MSU-IIT Tunnel CVISNET Tunnel BITSTOP Tunnel UPEEE–UPCC- -ASTI VLAN UPCC-ASTI VLAN M6Bone IPv6Multicast Router Renater, France MSU-IIT IPv6 Router Iligan City CVISNET IPv6 Router Cebu City Bitstop,Inc. IPv6 Tunnel Server UP EEE Router FreeBSD 4.2 IPv6-only Solaris 8 AI3 Japan ASTI- AI3 Satellite dish Switch UPCC Router FreeBSD 4.7 Server IPv6 Router using Zebra Switch Bridge PREGINET IPv6 Network Testbed Connected to M6Bone in France and Keio-SFC in Japan Aside from the testbed in ASTI, have also established IPv6 connections with UPEEE, UP Computer Center, Bitstop Inc., MSU- IIT, and CVISNET with services such as http, dns, smtp, proxy, and ssh IPv6

7 Network Measurements Philippine Internet Mapping Project Measurement and Monitoring tools Visualization tools Trouble ticketing system (trouble reporting via web, email and SMS) NOC email:

8 Multimedia over IP H.323 videoconferencing system (MCU and gatekeeper at ASTI; terminals in partner sites) Realvideo server for videostreaming VoIP deployment ongoing Access Grid node (by December 2003) Operators’ Workshop in Oct 2003

9 Applications Digital Library project – with the National Library of the Philippines, University of the Philippines Library, Science Libraries Network, DA Library Distance Education Open Academy for Philippine Agriculture Integrated Virtual Learning Environment (IVLE) System over PREGINET Videoconferencing/videostreaming services Mirror services: Biomirror, S* Alliance, Libweb., etc.

10 PREGINET is supported under the Grants-in-Aid Program of the Department of Science and Technology Email:

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