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Biomes. Biosphere- anywhere life is supported – This spans from several miles above the earth surface to deep down in the ocean. If microscopic organisms.

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Presentation on theme: "Biomes. Biosphere- anywhere life is supported – This spans from several miles above the earth surface to deep down in the ocean. If microscopic organisms."— Presentation transcript:

1 Biomes

2 Biosphere- anywhere life is supported – This spans from several miles above the earth surface to deep down in the ocean. If microscopic organisms can live there it is part of the biosphere! Climate-general weather over a long period of time. – Climate Includes seasonal changes

3 Biomes Biome- Large area of similar climate and life forms. – The climate of the are determines the plants which determine the animals

4 Terrestrial (Land) Biomes Tundra- cold, dry and treeless area around the northern artic – There is almost no Tundra in the Southern Hemisphere – Permafrost-soil that remains frozen to a depth of 1 meter – 8-20 inches of precipitation fall each year – Animals-Artic Hare, Artic Fox, Lemmings – Plants-saxifrage/ artic lychnis

5 Terrestrial Biomes-Forests Coniferous Forest – Has cool temperatures and evergreen conifers – Taiga- where most of the coniferous forests are found – Temperatures from -10 to 57 degrees – Plants-hemlock, spruce, fir – Animals-elk, porcupines, red squirrels

6 Terrestrial Biomes-Forests Deciduous Forest- has definite seasonal changes, lots of rain and moderate temperatures – Where I live – Long growing season – Animals-white tailed deer, black bear, coyotes – Plants-maple tree, oak tree, elm tree

7 Terrestrial Biome Tropical Rain Forest- hot and wet area located near the equator. – Approx. 60 inches of rain each year – Divided into 3 layers-ground/trees/canopy – Canopy-the uppermost layer of forest – Animals-sloth, gorilla, spider monkey – Plants-chocolate tree, coconut tree, orchid

8 Terrestrial Biome Grasslands- needs little rain but has rich soil Animals-bison, praire dog, praire hawk Plants-praire blazing star, sweet cone flower – Praire- North American Grasslands (no trees) – Savanna- grasslands with a few scattered trees

9 Terrestrial Biome Desert- dry environment with less than 25 cm of rain – Plants- cacti, mesquite bushes – Nocturnal- active mainly at night – Because of the weather conditions, most animals are active at night – Animals-kangaroo rats, gila monster

10 Aquatic (Water) Biomes Marine- salt water areas Largest biome on earth 70% of earth’s surface Intertidal Zone- covered by water at high tide and not at low tide Organisms-periwinkles, snails, crab Neritic Zone- extends from intertidal zone to 200 meters in depth Organisms- plankton, sea anemone Oceanic Zone- extends from 200 meter to the bottom of the ocean Organisms-blue whale, squid

11 Neritic Zone Oceanic Zone

12 Aquatic (Water) Biomes Freshwater Biome- lakes, streams and rivers – Animals- carp, dragon flies, frogs – Plants- cattails, reeds Estuaries- where freshwater flows into ocean water. – Very rich with nutrients

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