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Accelerator Vacuum Systems at DESY M.Seidel, DESY Workshop on Vacuum Systems of Synchrotron Light Sources Barcelona, 12.-13.9.2005.

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Presentation on theme: "Accelerator Vacuum Systems at DESY M.Seidel, DESY Workshop on Vacuum Systems of Synchrotron Light Sources Barcelona, 12.-13.9.2005."— Presentation transcript:

1 Accelerator Vacuum Systems at DESY M.Seidel, DESY Workshop on Vacuum Systems of Synchrotron Light Sources Barcelona, 12.-13.9.2005

2 Outline overview on operating accelerators DORIS II new light source project PETRA III XFEL DESY vacuum expertise

3 Overview DESY - Leptons LINAC II (linac) <0.65GeV, 50mS-Band Cu-structures, lumped pumps PIA0.45GeV, 29mSteel DESY II0.45-7GeV, 293mthin walled (0.3mm) steel chamber DORIS4.5GeV, 289mcopper, int. Ion-Getter-, NEG-Pumps, one NEG coated undulator chamb. PETRA II7-12GeV, 2.3kmaluminum, int. ion-getter pumps HERA-e12-27.5GeV, 6.3kmcopper, int. NEG pumps TTF (linac) 0.8GeV, 0.3kmsc. L-Band structures, particle free!

4 Overview DESY - Protons LINAC III (linac) 50MeV(kin), 34mAlvarez Structures DESY III0.05-7.5GeV/c, 293mstainless steel, lumped pumps PETRA II7.5-40GeV, 2.3kmaluminum, int. Ion-Getter pumps, p-specific bypass (RF) HERA-p40-920GeV, 6.3kmcold, sc. magnets (5T), lumped pumps, NEG in sophisticated IR


6 LINAC II e + /e - S_Band Accelerator Technology - copper structures, 2.998GHz, inductively brazed

7 DESY II (e +/- ), DESY III (p) DESY II chamber, d=0.3mm

8 PETRA II e +/- : 12GeV p: 40GeV ρ: 200m L: 2304m

9 HERA (e +/- 27.5GeV, p 920GeV) proton ring (sc) electron ring

10 TESLA TEST Facility – VUV FEL Overall system 360 m beam vacuum 60 m cold (2 K), 3 sections 300 m room temperature 50 m coupler vacuum 60 m isolation vacuum

11 DORIS – Synchrotron Radiation Source DORIS: 1974 established, e + /e - collisions since 1981 parasitic SR usage since 1993 exclusive SR usage 4,45 GeV, 289 m 9 insertion devices tot. 36 experimental stations copper vacuum chambers integrated ion getter pumps; Ti sublimation pumps typical beam lifetime 15-25 hours

12 DORIS storage ring dipole beamline wiggler NEG coated ss. beampipe

13 PETRA III – new SR Source Plan: rebuild existing PETRAII; completely new vacuum; partial use of old magnets E: 6GeV, I: 100mA C: 2.3km; ρ: 195m one new octant with 8 undulators; 13 high brilliance beamlines small emittance via damping wigglers

14 PETRA III Project - Arc rebuild starting 7/07; HERA stops(!) operation 09 one octant with DBA cells, undulators, steel chambers and copper absorbers 7 octants use old magnets with new coils, aluminum chambers optimized for minimum emittance, maximum stability new PETRA III profile, aperture 40x80mm 2, bend. radius 196m pumped via NEG strip

15 PETRA III – Experimental Octant BPM corrector magnet valve undulators one cell shown – 8 cells planned dipoles copper absorbers

16 PETRA III – Experimental Octant steel chamber w. NEG pump Al undulator chamber Cu absorber 2 outlets undulator ch. outside view

17 XFEL Project sc. TESLA accel. structures (1.3GHz), about 1000 cavities operation from 2012 1.5km cold vacuum, isolation vacuum, tot. 700m(!) undulator, >1km beam distribution, particle free preparation challenging: undulator vacuum – small gap, resistivity, roughness… collimator section – has to withstand mis-steered beam proposal of undulator beam tube p-profile w/o int. pump

18 DESY Vacuum Expertise cold vacuum systems (HERA-p, TTF) copper brazing technology (HERA-e,..) particle free preparation (TTF, XFEL..) S-Band Lin. Acc. → inductive brazing, precision machining of cups RF guns, Nb e-beam welding, custom sputtering, NEG pumped systems, operation of large systems etc…

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