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UNIT 1: GOING GLOBAL Sessions 8 & 9: ON THE MOVE INVESTGATING INTERNATIONAL MIGRATION Session 9 Learning Objectives 1.To define key terms and types of.

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Presentation on theme: "UNIT 1: GOING GLOBAL Sessions 8 & 9: ON THE MOVE INVESTGATING INTERNATIONAL MIGRATION Session 9 Learning Objectives 1.To define key terms and types of."— Presentation transcript:

1 UNIT 1: GOING GLOBAL Sessions 8 & 9: ON THE MOVE INVESTGATING INTERNATIONAL MIGRATION Session 9 Learning Objectives 1.To define key terms and types of migrant 2.To explore post war migration, to explain the current UK ethnic mix Session 9 Friday 3: To explore current trends in migration

2 2 The UK population is around how many today? The Government forecasts it will hit 70 million in which year? What per cent of this growth do we predict will be due to immigration? Starter: Have a go at guessing the answers to following…

3 3 The UK population is around 62,600 million today. The Government forecasts it will hit 70 million in 2028. 70 per cent of this growth will be due to immigration. Starter: Answers

4 Current issues regarding migration in the UK face-limits.html MPs.html Each pair has been given a different source to analyse. Take a look at your data/news article/photograph and feedback to the class, explaining what it shows/says.

5 5 Immigrants by category Sources: Work Permits: Migration Advisory Committee, skilled, shortages, sensible : Table 2.3 Work Permits plus First Permissions plus an estimate of 50% for dependants. Asylum: Hansard 12 November 2008, Column 1214WA Spouses: Control of Immigration: Statistical Summary 1997 - 2007; Table 2.6 (EEA Spouses excluded) Immigrants to the UK Year Number of immigrants

6 Obj 1: To define key terms and types of migrant - p131 ON THE MOVE handout - p102-103 blue textbook -p94 Fish book Type of migrantDescription (1)Motive (1) Voluntary migrant Forced migrant Illegal migrant Temporary migrant Economic migrant Refugee Asylum seeker Displaced person Permanent migrant Write definitions for: Migration - Net migration - Demography – Native population – Fertility rate - Immigration - Emigration -

7 Type of migrantDefinitionMotive VoluntaryA choice made over decision to leave and destination Usually work or quality of life ForcedMoving without willingOften due to war/famine/disaster IllegalDo not have permission to stay in a country – may not have legal passport /visa. May be deported. Voluntary move for work / part of a criminal activity/human trafficking LegalMoving with permission – valid passport and visa Often for work or quality of life EconomicMoving for economic gainWork Refugee/Asylum seekerForced to move to another country to seek safety war/famine/disaster… Displaced personMay be refugees or asylum seekers. May be repatriated. Forced by war/famine/disaster TemporaryMay stay for weeks or years, ultimately returning to own country Eg. Usually work reasons PermanentPermanent move which results in citizenshipEg. Work or quality of life

8 2: To explore post war migration, to explain the current UK ethnic mix Read pages 132-133 (ON THE MOVE hand-out ), answering the following questions… 1.By 2005 what % of the global population were living outside their country of birth? 2.a)After WWII, why did economic migrants from Jamaica come to the UK? 3.What was the 1948 British Nationality Act? 4.How had this act changed by 1972? 5.Name one flow of economic migrants who have entered the UK since 1950 6.Name one flow of forced migrants who have entered the UK since 1950 7.Would you consider any particular UK city to be referred to as a ‘hub’ for migrants?

9 To explore post war migration, to explain the current UK ethnic mix 1.By 2005 what % of the global population were living outside their country of birth? 3 2.a)After WWII, why did economic migrants from Jamaica come to the UK? Fill labour shortages eg.Railways 3.What was the 1948 British Nationality Act? UK citizenship to people from the Commonwealth 4.How had this act changed by 1972? Allow only those with work permits or grandparents/parent born here to settle in the UK 5.Name one flow of economic migrants who have entered the UK since 1950 Black Caribbean 1948, Eastern Europeans 2005 6.Name one flow of forced migrants who have entered the UK since 1950 Croatians, bosnians, kosovans 1990s 7.Would you consider any particular UK city to be referred to as a ‘hub’ for migrants? London

10 Lee’s model of intervening obstacles Think back to week 2 (pushes and pulls for migration)… If a migrant is being pushed out of one place and pulled towards another, what could stop them from reaching their destination? - Explain the below model to a partner using UK & Australia as an example – what would push you from the UK, what would pull you towards Australia and what might prevent you from reaching Australia in the end? 3: To explore current trends in migration

11 To consider the factors affecting migration What might prevent someone migrating? In Lee’s model of migration, Intervening Obstacles are factors that have to be overcome in order for migration to take place. These could include: Social obstacles – family ties, illiteracy, lack of education Lack of information about the destination – eg. Where to stay, job opportunities… Economic obstacles – cost of setting up a new home/moving Intervening opportunities and places – migrants may move to intervening places, rather than their intended destination, due to obstacles such as costs, family pressure or due to new opportunities arising

12 Watch travelling with migrantsWatch travelling with migrants (20mins) or read Mali: Seeking Opportunity Abroad Mali: Seeking Opportunity Abroad Take notes as you watch/read about: -Specific PUSH factors in Mali -Specific PULL factors in Europe -Intervening obstacles along the route -Create a model of Lee’s model for Mali A closer look at migration flows and motives: Mali…

13 Exam -style Questions 2. Study fig 1 (a) (i) Name one source country of immigrants to the EU (1) (ii) Suggest reasons for this flow. (2) (b) (i) Name one EU destination for African emigration (1) (ii) Suggest reasons for this flow. (2) 1.Which of the following terms best describe Mali’s emigrants ? (1) -Displaced persons- Refugees - Internal migrants- EU citizens -Illegal migrants- Forced migrants 3. Describe the changes in the number of migrants arriving in the Canary Islands between January & May for 2006 and 2007 (2)

14 You have 10 minutes to answer the exam questions in exam conditions – no talking! Figure 1: Key migrant routes from Africa to Europe Figure 2: Migrants arriving in the Canary Islands 2006-2007

15 Homework In preparation for objective 1 next week: To assess the impact (source and host) of post-accession labour flows from Eastern Europe… Read pages 102-109 in Edexcel blue books, making notes under the following headings or find out what the terms mean: Net migration is… Where did most migrants to Europe settle in 2005? How can the colonial history of a European country have an impact on immigration? Make notes under each country heading on p105 to describe their history of immigration. Use the 2 headings on p106 to make notes. Create a push and pull table for Eastern Europe using p107

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