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Photo: David Speer National Drought Mitigation Center: Our drought products and services…“rock”! Michael Hayes National Drought Mitigation Center School.

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Presentation on theme: "Photo: David Speer National Drought Mitigation Center: Our drought products and services…“rock”! Michael Hayes National Drought Mitigation Center School."— Presentation transcript:

1 Photo: David Speer National Drought Mitigation Center: Our drought products and services…“rock”! Michael Hayes National Drought Mitigation Center School of Natural Resources University of Nebraska-Lincoln


3 National Drought Mitigation Center Mission: To lessen societal vulnerability to drought by promoting planning and the adoption of appropriate risk management techniques.

4 1995 Founder: Don Wilhite Program Areas: Monitoring, Planning and Social Science, GIScience Staff: 16 people, tremendous diversity Operational tools, research, outreach, training “Research to Operations to Applications to Education” Continuum National Drought Mitigation Center



7 Drought Impact Reporter


9 Agricultural Drought Planning Guide


11 International Drought Planning Guides


13 National Integrated Drought Information System Public Law 109-430 (The NIDIS Act 2006) “Enable the Nation to move from a reactive to a more proactive approach to managing drought risks and impacts” “better informed and more timely drought- related decisions leading to reduced impacts and costs”


15 Drought and Food Security FAO 2009



18 Transforming Climate Variability and Change Information for Cereal Crop Producers in the Midwest Linda Prokopy, PhD Purdue University Linda Prokopy, PhD Purdue University

19 State climatologists Crop modelers Agronomists Economists Social scientists RCC staff NOAA staff

20 Michael Hayes National Drought Mitigation Center

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