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ECE-1021 Instructor’s Project SIRDS Single Image Random Dot Stereograms STATUS UPDATE #4 29 NOV 03.

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Presentation on theme: "ECE-1021 Instructor’s Project SIRDS Single Image Random Dot Stereograms STATUS UPDATE #4 29 NOV 03."— Presentation transcript:

1 ECE-1021 Instructor’s Project SIRDS Single Image Random Dot Stereograms STATUS UPDATE #4 29 NOV 03

2 Goals for Today’s Date (29 NOV 03) Project Kick-Off: 18 November 2003 Project Demo: 04 December 2003 (16 days) Skeleton Program (Dummy SIRDS Image)  20 Nov 03: Input Data File Format Defined  20 Nov 03: Output Data File Format Defined  22 Nov 03: User Interface Defined  25 Nov 03: Skeleton Program Tested SIRDS Image Generation Algorithm  20 Nov 03: Basic Approach Researched and Understood.  22 Nov 03: User Controllable Parameters Identified.  25 Nov 03: Image Generation Algorithm Finished  29 Nov 03: Algorithm Integrated into Skeleton Program  02 Dec 03: Final Product Testing

3 Integration went smoothly, largely due to simplifying assumptions. ä Initial Algorithm used many simplifications. ä Assumed image directly over same size data. ä Assumed eyes were centered over image. ä Assumed horizontal data and image rows matched. ä Only grayscale image produced. ä Walked across data extents only. ä Plan is to relax each assumption one at a time after the ability to produce a viable SIRDS is proven.

4 Original Z Data (lighter is higher)

5 Resulting SIRDS No discernable 3D pattern. Strange Artifact on right hand side.

6 Used simpler, more distinct data.

7 No change, so encoded image Alternated every three lines: row%3 = 0: SIRDS Data row%3 = 0: SIRDS Data row%3 = 1: Left Eye Data (w/green bias) row%3 = 1: Left Eye Data (w/green bias) row%3 = 2: Right Eye Data (w/green bias) row%3 = 2: Right Eye Data (w/green bias) Only one eye is apparent. Close examination shows both eyes are coincident (i.e., no separation). Error in code: left eye pixel stored into both the l_pix array and the r_pix array.

8 Corrected error, artifact remains No obvious association of artifact with any feature in image except possibly the size of the center hole.

9 Increased eye separation Increased the eye-separation because it seemed a bit small. Artifact on right side grew considerably.

10 Alternate encoding revealed error Forced SIRDS data to be GREEN for pixels where data is visible to left eye. Shows that the area at the right is supposedly visible by the left eye. Code examined and logic error discovered.

11 Another, similar error remained Everything to right of last entry in r_pix array is seed as being viewed by left eye unless an actual l_pix array entry is found. Modified loop to only identify the first r_pix entry. Subsequent entries therefore rely on subsequent l_pix passes - which actually makes more sense.

12 Image separation now working. Changed color bias to be less annoying. No SIRDS data is encoded in this image. This image is a viewable stereo pair!

13 Saturation reveals asymmetry Not all pixels in l_pix have an r_pix mate.

14 Only pair pixels that have a mate. Much more even image - and is a stereo pair! Some artifacts still present, but minor.

15 Added random dot back in. Is still a stereo pair. Only need to fill in rest with random dots.

16 Success! A full blown SIRDS!

17 After removing assumptions.

18 A color SIRDS

19 Product testing already accomplished. Final Focus is on Project Presentation and Demo. Project Kick-Off: 18 November 2003 Project Demo: 04 December 2003 (16 days) Skeleton Program (Dummy SIRDS Image)  20 Nov 03: Input Data File Format Defined  20 Nov 03: Output Data File Format Defined  22 Nov 03: User Interface Defined  25 Nov 03: Skeleton Program Tested SIRDS Image Generation Algorithm  20 Nov 03: Basic Approach Researched and Understood.  22 Nov 03: User Controllable Parameters Identified.  25 Nov 03: Image Generation Algorithm Finished  29 Nov 03: Algorithm Integrated into Skeleton Program  02 Dec 03: Final Product Testing and Deliverables Preparation

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