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1 PARCC Paper-Based Testing; Administration Training for Test Administrators.

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Presentation on theme: "1 PARCC Paper-Based Testing; Administration Training for Test Administrators."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 PARCC Paper-Based Testing; Administration Training for Test Administrators

2 Agenda 2 Introduction/Purpose Commonly Used PARCC Acronyms for Paper-Based Testing Test Administrations, Schedule, and Testing Times Tasks to Complete Before, During, and After Testing Resources Support

3 Introduction/Purpose 3 The purpose of this training module is to guide Test Administrators through the steps to prepare, implement, and complete the PARCC Assessment for Paper-Based Testing. By the end of this training module, users will better understand: PARCC’s common acronyms State-by-State appendix test schedule security policies and protocols tasks to complete before, during, and after testing available resources

4 Agenda 4 Introduction/Purpose Commonly Used PARCC Acronyms for Paper-Based Testing Test Administrations, Schedule, and Testing Times Tasks to Complete Before, During, and After Testing Resources Support

5 Commonly used PARCC Acronyms 5 Acronym NameAcronym Name CBT Computer-Based TestPARCC Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers CCR College and Career ReadyPBA Performance-Based Assessment CCSS Common Core State StandardsPBT Paper-Based Test ELA/L English Language Arts/LiteracySEA State Education Agency EOY End of YearSRI Student Registration Import LEA Local Education AgencySTC School Test Coordinator LP Large PrintTA Test Administrator LTC* LEA Test CoordinatorTAM Test Administrator Manual TCM Test Coordinator Manual *Note: District Test Coordinators will be referred to as LEA Test Coordinators throughout this presentation. Directory Interaction Click the Interaction button to edit this interaction

6 State-by-State Appendix 6 Test Administrator Manual (TAM) for Paper-Based Testing Appendix C: State Policy Addendum

7 Agenda 7 Introduction/Purpose Commonly Used PARCC Acronyms for Paper-Based Testing Test Administrations, Schedule, and Testing Times Tasks to Complete Before, During, and After Testing Resources Support

8 PBA Test Administration Flowchart 8

9 EOY Test Administration Flowchart 9

10 Test Schedule 10 2014 Fall Block Testing Windows Note: State schedules may differ. Your state may choose testing dates within the prescribed test administration windows. It is the Test Coordinator’s responsibility to understand the school testing schedule. ComponentAdministration Dates Performance-Based Assessment (PBA) December 1 to December 19, 2014 PBA: Braille December 15 to December 19, 2014 End-of-Year (EOY) December 15 to January 16, 2015 EOY: Braille January 12 to January 16, 2015

11 Guidelines for Total Test Administration Time 11 Guidelines for Total Test Administration Time Task Time to be Allotted for Test Administration Preparing for testing (includes reading instructions to students and answering questions) 10 Minutes Distributing test material 5 minutes Unit testing time 60–90 minutes* Completing end-of-unit activities, including closing units and collecting test materials 5–15 minutes *Depending on unit and subject—refer to Unit Guidelines and Schedule table in the Test Administrators Manual for each Unit Time.

12 Guidelines for Total Test Administration Time 12 Guidelines for Total Test Administration Time (continued) Once the Unit Testing Time has elapsed, the unit must end. A student may be allowed extended time accommodations only if listed in his or her IEP, 504 Plan, or EL Plan.

13 Guidelines for Breaks 13 Breaks Between test units, scheduled breaks should occur. During a test unit, stand-and-stretch breaks may be permitted at the discretion of the Test Administrator. Example EOY (ELA Administration): 8:00am – 10:00amUnit 1 10:00am – 10:15amScheduled Break 10:15am – 12:15pmUnit 2

14 Make-Up Testing 14 Make-Up Testing Students who are absent, become ill during original test units, or who are affected by classroom or school interruptions may utilize make-up testing. Students are not allowed to return to any portion of the test they have already completed. Test security and administration protocols apply. The School Test Coordinator will inform you of the make-up testing schedule. Units may be taken out of order.

15 Agenda 15 Introduction/Purpose Commonly Used PARCC Acronyms for Paper-Based Testing Test Administrations, Schedule, and Testing Times Tasks to Complete Before, During, and After Testing Resources Support

16 1.At least one week before Testing: – Attend training to review policies and instructions for test administration. – Sign a Security Agreement. – Prepare to administer accommodated tests. – Arrange for school supplied materials. 2.One Day before Testing: – Prepare the testing environment. 16 Tasks to Complete Before Testing Test Administrators and Proctors must prepare for a Test Administration

17 Tasks to Complete the Day of Testing 17 Test Administrators activities, the day of testing: 1.Receive test materials. 2.Read the appropriate script. 3.Distribute Test Materials to students. 4.Keep time. 5.Supervise and monitor test activity.

18 During Testing: Security Breaches 18 Monitoring and reporting security breaches and testing irregularities 1.All instances of security breaches and testing irregularities must be reported to the School Test Coordinator immediately. 2.The Form to Report a Testing Irregularity or Security Breach must be completed within two school days of the incident.

19 During Testing: Contaminated & Damaged Materials 19 Contaminated or damaged test materials must be replaced. 1.Stop testing, and record the time remaining, form number, item and page number. 2.Follow medical emergencies procedure. 3.Safely secure contaminated material in a re-sealable, plastic bag with security barcode labels visible from the exterior. 4.Resume testing and inform students of remaining time. 5.If ill student returns, provide student with same form of a new Test Booklet/Answer Document and ensure the name of the student is recorded on the cover of the replacement.

20 During Testing: Safety Threats and Severe Weather 20 Procedures for Safety Threats and Severe Weather: 1.Note the time of the disruption. 2.Lock the door to ensure security of test materials. 3.Report test irregularity or security breach. 4.Pass out test materials when everyone is settled. 5.Inform students of altered test schedule. 6.Document the situation in writing.

21 Tasks to Complete After Testing 21 After Testing the PARCC Assessment Collect materials and return to the School Test Coordinator. ‒Test Administrator Manual ‒Test Booklets ‒Answer Documents ‒Vendor-supplied mathematics reference sheets and calculators (if applicable) ‒Used and unused scratch paper

22 Test your knowledge: 22 Who is responsible for preparing the testing environment? a.School Test Coordinator b.Technology Coordinator c.Test Administrator d.Proctor When will the Test Administrator receive test materials from the Test Coordinator? a.A week before testing b.Two days before testing c.The day of testing Should all staff sign a Security Agreement prior to handling test material? a.Yes b.No Who is responsible for testing students with accommodations, including reading the test aloud or scribing responses, and understanding extended time accommodations? a.School Test Coordinator b.Technology Coordinator c.Test Administrator d.Proctor Should the Test Administrators receive the school's test administration schedule and security plan from the School Test Coordinator? a.Yes b.No Quiz Click the Quiz button to edit this quiz

23 Agenda 23 Introduction/Purpose Commonly Used PARCC Acronyms for Paper-Based Testing Test Administrations, Schedule, and Testing Times Tasks to Complete Before, During, and After Testing Resources Support

24 Resources – Support Page 24

25 Resources – TAM and TCM 25 Test Administrator Manual (TAM) for Paper-Based Testing (Under “Manuals and Documents”)

26 Resources – Accessibility Features and Accommodations Accessibility Features and Accommodations Manual accessibility-features-and- accommodations-manual Accessibility Features and Accommodations Training Module: 26

27 Support 27 Introduction/Purpose Commonly Used PARCC Acronyms for Paper-Based Testing Test Administrations, Schedule, and Testing Times Tasks to Complete Before, During, and After Testing Resources Support

28 Contact PARCC Support for assistance with: Support: PARCC Support  Accessing resources  Setting up proctor caching  Submitting additional orders  Inquiring about shipments  Navigating PearsonAccess Next  Navigating the Training Center  Managing Student Registration Data  Setting up test units  Managing user IDs and passwords Online Support and Resources: Call Toll Free: 1-888-493-9888 (5:00 am – 7:00 pm CT, Mon. –Fri.) Email: 28

29 Support: State or LEA Support  Testing schedule  Testing accommodations  Unusual circumstances on test days  Violations of test security  School emergencies that affect testing  Questions about general testing policies  Questions about state communications Contact your State or LEA Test Coordinator for assistance with: 29

30 30 Thank you

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