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1 Chapter 6 – 3 Struggles in Middle States Allies – different people or countries working together to help one another Alliance – agreement between two.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Chapter 6 – 3 Struggles in Middle States Allies – different people or countries working together to help one another Alliance – agreement between two."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Chapter 6 – 3 Struggles in Middle States Allies – different people or countries working together to help one another Alliance – agreement between two groups to help each other Cavalry – soldiers on horseback Martyr – someone who sacrifices themselves for a cause – usually becomes an example for others BATTLE OF LONG ISLAND  British General Howe arrives at Long Island New York with 34,000 soldiers & 10,000 sailors  General Washington had 20,000 poorly trained troops  Continental Army lost 1,400 men; retreated to Manhattan Island  Washington eventually retreats to New Jersey – British take New York NATHAN HALE  Patriot school teacher and spy  Captured by British with secret information hidden in his shoes  Sentenced to death by hanging  Famous statement: “I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country.”  Viewed as a martyr for the Patriots

2 2 Chapter 6 – 3 Struggles in Middle States Morale – the spirit of a people or army; how they’re feeling about things BATTLE OF TRENTON  December 1776 – Continental Army was failing – Patriot morale was at its lowest point  Washington was in Pennsylvania; decided to try sneak attack on British & Hessian troops in NJ  Crossed Delaware River on Christmas – took Hessians hostage  Fooled British General Cornwallis by leaving campfires burning and sneaking around behind to attack at Princeton

3 3 Chapter 6 – 3 Struggles in Middle States BURGOYNE’S PLAN  British General Burgoyne planned to crush rebels by cutting off New England states from the rest of country  Planned a three-pronged attack at Albany, NY to control Hudson River  Needed General Howe and St. Leger to help  Howe decided not to come -- stayed in winter quarters; St. Leger was beaten back by American Benedict Arnold

4 4 Chapter 6 – 3 Struggles in Middle States BURGOYNE’S PLAN  Retakes Ft. Ticonderoga Battle of Saratoga -- Burgoyne is surrounded by Continental Army and Green Mtn. Boys  Surrenders  Marks turning point in the war because the French see that Patriots could win  French king, Louis XVI agrees France and USA should be allies

5 5 Chapter 6 – 3 Struggles in Middle States HELP FROM EUROPE  France is first country to officially recognize the USA  France, Spain, and Holland declared war on England; all provided loans to USA  France provided weapons and training  Marquis de Lafayette – young French noble who helped Washington; one of his closest friends and allies; brought soldiers and trained Patriots

6 6 Chapter 6 – 3 Struggles in Middle States HELP FROM EUROPE… Prussia sent Friedrich von Steuben to train Washington’s troops – considered one of the best soldiers in Europe and leader of one of the best armies in Europe Poland sent Thaddeus Kosciusko to train Patriot cavalry and design forts & defenses

7 7 Chapter 6 – 3 Struggles in Middle States Bleak – desperate, dark, difficult, hopeless Make-shift – something that is often temporary and makes due with limited resources that are on-hand HARDSHIPS AT VALLEY FORGE 1777-1778  Continental Army’s winter camp was at Valley Forge, Pennsylvania – bleakest time for the army  It was a make-shift camp  Brutal conditions: worst winter on record; many slept on ground; many had no shoes and light uniforms; frostbite and disease were everywhere  Supplies poured in from throughout states; women, even Martha Washington, came to help the soldiers  Training began in spring under von Steuben’s direction

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