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How to make a first impression

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1 How to make a first impression
Engaging Story Beginnings!

2 A review of the writing process
Who can remember the parts of a story that we learned about last week ? (The Jet Fighter Pilot Story)

3 A review of the writing process
Who can remember the parts of a story that we learned about last week ? (The Jet Fighter Pilot Story) 1 - Blast Off! Engaging Start 4- Problem or Mystery 6- Wrap Up 2 - Characters 5 – The Plot 7 – The End 3 - Setting

4 How to make a good first impression!
Now that we have reviewed the writing process, think about what makes you interested in a book. Which story would you want to read more? It was the night before Halloween in the small American town of Huntsville. Jenny was getting ready for the “Halloween Howler”, the costume ball of the town, when all of a sudden there was a knock at the door. “Hello” she said softly as she greeted the unknown man on her doorstep. He handed her an envelope and ran away. Confused, she slowly opened the envelope.

5 Story # 2 It was the night before Halloween in the small American town of Huntsville, Tennessee. The town was busy as everyone was getting ready for the annual “Halloween Howler”, the costume ball of the town. As Jenny Silvers and her family were getting their costumes ready in their living room, they heard a loud knock at their front door. “I’ll get it” Jenny said to her mom, as she gingerly skipped to the door. As she turned the corner from her living room to the front foyer, she saw a dark figure staring at her though the etched glass of the front door. Confused and slightly scared, she cracked the door open with care. “Hello” she said softly as she greeted the unknown man, his face and hands were hidden by a black robe. He didn’t reply, handed her a blank envelope, and ran away. Completely creped out, Jenny ran back to the living room to tell her parents what happened. Her mom took the letter from her daughter’s hands. It read “Don’t you dare come to the Halloween Howler, or else”. Jenny’s heart started to race as she was ridden with fear. She wondered who the mysterious man was, and why he delivered this threatening note to her family.

6 Which story was better? Which story had the more “engaging beginning?”
The second, since it used action, dialogue, and the main character’s thoughts to engage the reader. It used vivid description to get us longing for more! Good writers often have less than the first ten pages of a book to hook a reader! Let’s look at more examples.

7 A good story often starts with one of three elements
Dialogue “What a creepy day for a walk in a deserted town” I whispered to my best friend as a black cat crossed our path. A thought, question, or feelings. As I sat on my front porch, watching Mr. Bailey unpack his groceries and quickly dart into his house, I wondered, why is he so anti-social? Does he have a secret to hide? Action! “I dove into the ocean, kicked my feet in the cool water, stood up, and wiped the water from my face. I paused. Something strange near the rocks caught my eye.” Sound Effects “Boom, Crash, Bang! These were the sounds I heard moments after the plane crashed in our front yard”

8 Which element? E.B White, Charlotte’s Web
“Where’s Papa going with that ax?” said Fern to her mother as they were setting the table for breakfast. “Out to the hoghouse,” replied Mrs. Arable. “Some pigs were born last night”. The author began with DIALOGUE between the mother and daughter. This story starter grabs your attention and raises the questions: What will happen to the piglets? Why does Papa need an ax? You will read to find out more!

9 Which Element? Sid Fieschman, The Whipping Boy
Hold-Your-Nose-Billy popped a clove of garlic into his mouth, ground it between his yellow teeth and helped himself to a piece veal pie. Fleishman starts his book with a character doing something memorable, by using action. We are drawn to know why Billy is eating this gross pie!

10 Which Element? Blue Heron, Avi
What – Margaret Lavcheck asked herself, what was magic really for? The author introduces a character and uses a question to grab reader interest. I wonder what lay at the bottom of the rabbit hole. A thought from Alice, in Alice in Wonderland.

11 Which element? Bridge to Terabithia, Katherine Paterson
Ba-room, ba-room, baroom, baripity, baripity, baripity, barapity- Good. His dad had the pickup going. He could get up now. Instead of saying “the noisy truck”, the author uses sound effects to get the reader engaged.

12 Get your creativity flowing
Time for some SPPPOOOKKKYYYYY pictures to get your creativity flowing!

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